View Full Version : Has Paintball slowed down alot where yall are from

06-12-2004, 05:59 AM
It seems that in the past month or two that the fields have slowed down. Around here no one is showing up at the fields, forums, or anything. Is it happening everywhere? Or is it because of the heat. I wonder because it really sucks.

06-12-2004, 06:09 AM
Heck no it is more crowded everytime I go. Even with Tick season in full gear! :wow:

I hate :cuss: Ticks!

06-12-2004, 06:19 AM
Nope, not slowing down here…. In fact it seems to be picking up. Paintball is also more wide spread than ever with the general public and their perceptions of the game have changed for the better.

Paintball is good…..

As for tick season… grrrr don’t get me started. I worked on my field yesterday afternoon and came back with 6 ticks on me. Needless to say we will be spraying it all down with tick spray. :mad:

06-12-2004, 06:26 AM
well ill go ahead and rant...
i wish i was back in cali...there are not really places to go here unless i try to go to another state or a couple of hours drive(good fields)

and the reason i want to go back..not just because of pb...but because a specific field in cali where its located.. Santa Clara Fairgrounds paintball...smack dab in the middle of San Jose CA. that is like an outdoor field in the middle of a very populated city...no more off roading to the mountains or valley to play...paved driveways...ahhh

06-12-2004, 07:59 AM
it has slowed down way much in the past month. but thats just because it gotten over 100 recently and not too many people like to play in the middle of summer here

06-12-2004, 08:32 AM
here in the northwwest it has picked up extremely, but my team hasn't been playing very much for some weird reason whick really sucks!!! :sleeping:

06-12-2004, 09:20 AM
Jon ,
I know what you mean. Its not uncommon to drive to the field and find betwen 3-5 players instead of the 20+ that would normally be there.
I think a lot of it has to do with the good ole Ga heat that is coming on in full swing. About a month from now and only the fanatics will even be thinking about playing.
Up north I doubt people have that problem cause in so many places they can't play outdoors in winter. They have to take advantage of their good weather.

06-12-2004, 09:21 AM
Where I live, there are 2 fields... Mikes paintball, Karma. Both are being shut down because of zoning issues. Soon I will have to drive down to Miami every weekend to play.

dark assasin
06-12-2004, 09:34 AM
Where I am from there ha been a big boom in paintball. there is always a ton of people playing and if you don't want to go to a field you can probilly find some one playing in there back yeild that would be happy to let you join. I swear there are more paintbal fields in my town then basketball hoops in indiana

06-12-2004, 11:37 AM
Yeah, it is slowin a little bit around here. Not an INCREDIBLE amount, but it is slowing. I think it has to do with the extreme heat around here. I hate hot weather :(

06-12-2004, 12:43 PM
it has slowed down way much in the past month. but thats just because it gotten over 100 recently and not too many people like to play in the middle of summer here

Same where I play here. Tho I found it fun to play all day with juyst 6 people....

06-12-2004, 12:46 PM
well ill go ahead and rant...
i wish i was back in cali...there are not really places to go here unless i try to go to another state or a couple of hours drive(good fields)

and the reason i want to go back..not just because of pb...but because a specific field in cali where its located.. Santa Clara Fairgrounds paintball...smack dab in the middle of San Jose CA. that is like an outdoor field in the middle of a very populated city...no more off roading to the mountains or valley to play...paved driveways...ahhh

LOL, a bunch of are going there this weekend. You can live vicariously through us :D

Dante's Inferno
06-12-2004, 12:46 PM
It's slowed down a bit here, but that's mostly because this month is pretty much all tournaments and most people are only in one. There is still about 100 people there minimum for any Open Play. The minimum number of teams in a tournament is 21 so it's not really bad at all.