View Full Version : Filming a Game

06-12-2004, 10:37 AM
How do you protect your camera when its on the field? Give it a mask? Some of the guys I play with just set up tripods off field but that doesn't get the angles i'm really wanting. I want to do something like Tyger's videos, but i don't want to put such an expensive piece of equipment at risk, they're not really built to be shot at...

06-12-2004, 11:56 AM
I do 2 things.

1- wrap it up in a blanket (all but the lens and the mic)

2- let everyone know that you are filming and where you are at the start of the game. Sometimes I will go up to the team I am next to and ask if anyone is going to run near where I am so I can plan for it..

Empyreal Rogue
06-12-2004, 12:49 PM
You could just move along the netting (If it's speedball). That's what I would do. Make a few moves into the middle every once in a while but nothing drastic. *shrugs*

06-12-2004, 12:51 PM
thats good also...
i have seen a couple of things

1: the ref shields with a hole in them.
2:wrapped in saran-wrap.
3:just take the risk and let the teams know like Z-Man said.

06-12-2004, 01:31 PM
A few ways you can go.

RabidWolf built a lexan "box" to put his camerain, wihth a hole in the bottom so he could hold it. Woreked really well for Roadtrip.

Or whatI do, take your chances. I sometimes hold a ref shield, but I film like I play, watch around, don't get in someone's line, and don't get shot. Doesn't always work, BUT....


06-12-2004, 01:44 PM
putting a mask on it does work also...
usually just wrap it in a towel then put the mask over it....

on the other hand it seems like when people see the masked cam they think it's a player and shoot at it more :)

ah well

06-12-2004, 01:47 PM
I've always thought of a plastic box (like the lexan box

barrel break
06-12-2004, 01:49 PM
Yeah, I'm planning on doing that (filming game) but The thing that the towel leaves to be desired is no lens protection, i was going to make a lexan/plastic/something clear case, but then i had no money....

06-12-2004, 01:51 PM
that's why you put a mask over the towel
figure if you trust your eyes :tard: with the mask, you should be able to trust it with the cam

06-12-2004, 02:22 PM
You could make a box like others suggested out of plexiglass.. at home depot you can get pretty cheap sheets of it and just epoxy it togetther or something..

06-12-2004, 02:46 PM
I just hold it =)


The ones with LQ at the end are low quality, the ones with just the name are high quality, while the higher qualites are a longer wait they are worth it.


for a few gun shooting ones

06-12-2004, 03:02 PM
...and don't get shot. Doesn't always work, BUT...
Rule 4! Rule 4!

Sorry, I just had to do it!

06-12-2004, 03:30 PM
I bet scuba equipment will work good for this.

06-13-2004, 12:49 AM
I've been pondering this as well; in fact I was assembling my wireless equipment that I had laying around the house the other day and looking things over.

Standing behind netting doesn't always work that well; paint still splatters through sometimes, plus the auto-focus can get confused.

For my camcorder, I think I'm going to stop by the local plastics shop and get clear plastic to build a box out of. I'm probably going to completely enclose the unit and then put an external handle on it so no paint can get in. Maybe drill a matrix of holes in the front for audio and cover it with cloth to prevent a shot from getting in that way. To control the camera, I'll just have my infrared remote in my other hand. No need to touch the thing when the remote gives me all the controls I need.

06-13-2004, 12:58 AM
Waste of Time and Money imo.

I just get out there like I'm reffing and film, if I get shot, well whatever. I always get shot :D

If my camera get shot... I'll kill someone =)

But no really, if you stay out of the lanes and just don't be stupid about it, (get bunker moves from farther away, use zoom + tripod)

06-13-2004, 01:13 AM
Waste of Time and Money imo.

I just get out there like I'm reffing and film, if I get shot, well whatever. I always get shot :D

If my camera get shot... I'll kill someone =)

But no really, if you stay out of the lanes and just don't be stupid about it, (get bunker moves from farther away, use zoom + tripod)


Eh, building a simple box with some holes and a handle... or trying to clean paint and dirt off a camcorder? Which one's a bigger waste of time and money? Even if you're trying not to be stupid about it, you can't control the stupidity of other people on the field. Idiots + paintball guns == trouble. Take it from me: I'm the all-time leader in friendly fire receptions.

The other idea I'm playing around with is simply getting a weatherproof bullet camera and using the analog input of the camcorder... perhaps even wirelessly, so the MiniDV recorder's nowhere near anything. Could even mount it on a gun...

The Spanish Inquisition
06-13-2004, 01:56 AM
not to change the thread subject, but mabey you should try getting a ladder (or a skylift). If you know the guys who run the field they will have one to put up and fix nets. My biggest complaint about most paintball vids is that they don't show enough of what is going on on the field.

Major Jam
06-13-2004, 09:29 AM
Rule 4! :)