View Full Version : x-vavle problems

06-12-2004, 04:56 PM
i am kinda new to mags, ok i will tell you what is happening, you tell me how to fix plz

it is making a wierd sound, kinda like it is out of air(when i have full 68/4500) basically what it does is recocks, you know the sound the valve makes when you first add air, then it cocks, well it does this randomly while i have air to it, and if i fire when it does it, it have masive shoot down, and sometimes does not even shoot at all. i hae shot about 5 cases of paint threw it,

any ideas plz help :(

06-13-2004, 08:57 AM
new u say? oiled it well took tho on/off out and oiled that? lvlX set correctly what spring u using? velocity high enough?