View Full Version : Barrel sieze

06-12-2004, 10:48 PM
dyebitzh: did u ever use a 10 or 8 inch barrel?
I nY GENE I: nope
I nY GENE I: thats way too small
dyebitzh: dude try it, its still just as accurate
I nY GENE I: nooo
dyebitzh: i used a 3.5 inh barrel once
I nY GENE I: i play back
I nY GENE I: i use the 16 in to push against the bunker
dyebitzh: all back guys hate small barrels lol
I nY GENE I: yea lol
dyebitzh: oh so it help u perform,
I nY GENE I: front guys have long barrels too

I dunno about this, I love short barrels, when people have long barrel that can't play fo shizzel because they cant poke there guns when I'm like 10 feet from them. What do yous guys think? Am I just an idiot, are long 16 inch barrels the way to go when 10 inch barrels are just as accurate if not more? :confused:

06-12-2004, 11:00 PM
Am I just an idiot,

well your thread title says barrel sieze....i think you meant size. just checking. and i like mine mid-long so as to get a little bunker pokage and so i can have less gun out of my bunker and more barrel. its hard to hit my barrel...just a thought. poke ;)

06-13-2004, 12:36 AM
I plan on getting a 16" because... well... not because it's more accurate, it's easier to aim with (if you site down the barrel) and it helps balance out not having a tank and being back-heavy.

18" is too much, 14" is ok, 12" is too little, 16" is perfect :D

The Spanish Inquisition
06-13-2004, 01:32 AM
I play with a 7" barrel about 90% of the time. The longer barrel to push air bunkers out of the way is valid but the shorter barrel (in combo with a compact setup) makes it easier to change hands. When I hit the end of the snake and I have to switch the marker to my left hand it's just easier. As far as accuracy, after reading Tom's tips on barrels I'm convinced that im not suffering much.

edit: also don't forget the difference between effective length and total barrel length. The 7" one i use is a solid 7" of barrel. no ports.