View Full Version : I think I may be burning out, yet I'm strangely accepting of it.

06-13-2004, 12:13 AM
I've really been playing a lot lately... 10+ weekends in a row. All speedball, etc. Starting to realize that I've stopped playing for fun like I used to, now I play to win and compete. I'm thinking about getting myself a VSC Phantom and seeing what I can do on the airball field and maybe heading back into the woods. Even thinking about getting an AEG and trying out airsoft.

Damnit. Anybody else ever go through this?

06-13-2004, 12:18 AM
I a little bit... I took a 9 month break :eek:

But now I'm back into it playing/going to the field every weekend...

I'd keep at it and just play for fun, do crazy stuff, try new things, like that phantom :bounce:

06-13-2004, 12:19 AM
leave the speedball behind for a bit and go out into the woods again

06-13-2004, 12:26 AM
I wish I could play enough to get burnt out...I get to play 1-2 times a month tops.

Loud Tim
06-13-2004, 12:27 AM
not yet but i think thats where im headed im playing three days a week right now and i know
that its gonna come but im havin so much fun right now that i dont even want to think about that.
i thought about playin pump for awhile but then i went over to one of my e guns and puled the triggerwith my index finger and then a fraction of a second later i did it with my middle finger. and a fraction of a second after that a did it with the index finger again and all those thoughts of pump magically disappeared from my head

06-13-2004, 12:29 AM
Just as an addition, it's got nothing to do with the 'BS' surrounding the tourney scene... it's got nothing to do with cheating, crappy refs, sponsorship crap, etc... just like paintball is becoming a job. Yuck.

Anybody know stuff about Airsoft?

06-13-2004, 01:02 AM
I almost got burned out. I played almost every weekend from about June through November of last year (quite a few times I played both sat. and sun.); ducked out when it got cold December-February, started firing back up in March. I'm 100% recball. I had a few experiences which almost soured it for me, but I made my choices and worked through it.

The airsoft guys play at the same field I used to play at.

The guns are neat; they'll usually go from 300 to 400 fps.

The problem is the airsoft guys want you to wear BDU's for that stuff and play all army and stuff. That's fine, I have no problem with them wanting to do that, but I prefer to wear what I want to wear, and what I feel is suitable for the job.

The last bunch of airsoft kids that I saw unfortunately were not very mature. I think the kids are mixing in with the airsoft crowd. It might start going the way of paintball, but unlike paintball, you don't have paint evidence.

nuclear zombie
06-13-2004, 01:26 AM
I'm getting that way as of lately , I've been playing regularly since 2000 , it' s slowly become the same thing every weekend no matter what field I play at no matter who I play against . The only thing that is different is how much people overshoot , and how little field owners care about it .

06-13-2004, 08:33 AM
Lucky you for taking off winter... we go indoors. I'm thinking about taking a hiatus from my team... they've got someone who could play in my spot, although it might not help them out much. Meh, I guess they could move a front or mid into the back and then stick someone else in the front, as more people around here can play front than back.

I wonder if I could find some people around here who are into Airsoft but not 100% milsim. If not, I could play a little woods... lol.

06-13-2004, 08:42 AM
I was into airsoft for a while, its a great game. Much cheaper than paintball, and there are many plany you can play it. When I played we would play at night in my friends 1 or 2 acre yard, hiding around cars, bushes, trees, sheds, etc. We didn't have to worry about making a mess, since we used bio-degradable balls. Its definately worth trying. The hardest part is picking out what gun you want, that can go on for months.

I have also owned a phantom. If I still played at all, I would have kept it. I never had the chance to play with it, but just messing around with it in my back yard was fun enough.

06-13-2004, 10:08 AM
take a vacation dude! And do NOTHING paintball. You'll be fine :D

06-13-2004, 11:18 AM
I know the feeling.. when me and my friend first got our mags we were going nearly every weekend at the end of last year. Money isn't the problem or anything but not I don't think we have gone since like January. I think it's just such a big deal when you are going.. it's not like you can just say "hey lets go pb" you have to plan and then bring all your stuff and make sure you have paint and then air (we have scubas) it's just alot of work going to pb vs going mountain biking just grab your bikes and some water and go.

06-13-2004, 11:29 AM
I'm about 4-5 months into my self-imposed paintball sabbatical...and I'm a lot happier...I miss it a lot...and I've actually ordered a custom VSC phantom and I'm going to play a little scenario and there's supposed to be a little pump group my way that plays a lot I may try hooking up with...it's still cool...

06-13-2004, 11:54 AM
Re-enlist. Then you'll have something else to be burned out on. Ooh Rah!!!! :rofl:

06-13-2004, 12:42 PM
yeah im burned out recently because i am basically done with doing stuff to my gun and i dont have time to go to other fields so im a little used to tearing it up at my local field, although i think i just need to get my butt out there and play because im always having fun when i do but i doesnt seem like it used to be and it doesnt feel like its worth the money

06-13-2004, 12:48 PM
Yeah, I'm definitely burning myself out on paintball, trying to keep a team together, scheduling all the practices, paying for tournies, it just isn't worth it. I want to find a very dedicated team, but I don't have the money to play on one, I need a job badly.

06-13-2004, 01:18 PM
I dont no about burning myself out, i just have other people do it for me. I allways have to plan all these shindigs and stuff cause everyone else that i play with arent dedicated. They havnt played more than 20 times max. and thats just backyard. Ive played tons with different people which is fun. Once i get a job and can drive, im 14, ill go up to my local field probably every weekend and play with whoever shows. But i could paintball the rest of my life if i could afford it.

06-13-2004, 02:22 PM
leave the speedball behind for a bit and go out into the woods again

I kind wanna do this as well.. To come back to a neew sport .. new markers.. new faces. new teams and new everything.. I would take a hiatus from the sport, but I feel anything too long, and you just are outta the loop..


06-13-2004, 05:02 PM
I have played every day since august and im finaly getting a little tired of it. I like to use a pump to spice the game up. You really have to re adjust everything. You cant use almost any startagies you did before. Or, ask your field owner to ref. Its really fun. You see what people do wrong and can use that to your advantage next time you play. :headbang:

06-13-2004, 07:23 PM
Re-enlist. Then you'll have something else to be burned out on. Ooh Rah!!!! :rofl:

Heh, have yet to serve. Doing ROTC. :)

But yeah, I think I'm going to go through with getting a Phantom and I'm gonna play some scenarios and such.

06-13-2004, 08:32 PM
Play like once a month. You'll never burn out, and you'll always want to play more. Plus, it'll save you some money. :D

06-13-2004, 08:45 PM
Play like once a month. You'll never burn out, and you'll always want to play more. Plus, it'll save you some money. :D

06-13-2004, 08:48 PM
Yea, I'm still goin strong b/c I never really get to play.

06-13-2004, 09:43 PM
I got the opposite... no fields around here and no1 ever plays... but on the other hand im pretty burnt... :sleeping:

can'tthink of1
06-13-2004, 11:53 PM
Don't say play.... I haven't for sooooooooooo lomg, I'm going nuts, I haven't had a working marker for so long, I should have my mephisto back this week and should ball this weekend hopefully. I too am going to get a VSC phantom, just so if I am poor and can only buy like 300 balls I can still go. I just really want to go play, but this whole no-working marker is killing me...

06-14-2004, 12:00 AM
Should talk to that guy at Pev's paintball, he has 22ci/3000psi tanks that have no reg (for 45) so you could have a nice little nitro tank for your phantom :D

Save even more money