View Full Version : how do I change goggle lenses?

06-13-2004, 05:01 PM
Help me! :(

They need it by now.

06-13-2004, 05:03 PM
You should start first by telling us what kind of goggles you have.

06-13-2004, 05:03 PM
...you are dumb... :tard:

...what goggle system?...

the larch
06-13-2004, 05:09 PM
well, if they are dye invisions, you'll need a jackhammer........ No, really, assuming you don't want to keep the old lenses, I stick my dyes in REALLY HOT water. that makes it easier to get the old lenses out. and the new ones in (don't immerse the new lenses in hot water). don't sut me if your mask melts. ;)

06-13-2004, 05:10 PM
I kept reminding myslef to tell you guys what type of goggle what type of goggle while I was searching. Stupid low attention span.


06-13-2004, 06:26 PM
take the goggle part off of the mask part...

then the rubber edge comes off the lenses....

just mess with them untill they come out... you cant ruin a proflex :tard:

06-13-2004, 09:17 PM
1st time on my proflex was a butt but ( :) ) after that it got slightly easier. But you do pretty much need a jackhammer.

06-13-2004, 09:28 PM
well, if they are dye invisions, you'll need a jackhammer........ No, really, assuming you don't want to keep the old lenses, I stick my dyes in REALLY HOT water. that makes it easier to get the old lenses out. and the new ones in (don't immerse the new lenses in hot water). don't sut me if your mask melts. ;)
gotta love the vforce system, and now the JT mask copying them like... well you know.

06-13-2004, 09:30 PM
u guys arnt helping....

06-13-2004, 10:20 PM
Seperate the mask from the goggle frame.
The mask connects to the bottom of the frame.
Take off the visor, if you have, it pulls away from the top of the frame.
Peal the frame away from the google lens.
You'll see three notches on top and four on the bottom where the lens attaches to the frame.
No trick here, just pull, if this is the first time, it will be very hard.
After its out, put the new lens in by reversing the process.
Push the lens into the frame first around the nose area, where you'll see two notchs.
After their in, slide the other two bottom notchs in.
Then work the lens into the top, start at the sides first then the center notch.
YES IT WILL BE VERY HARD, there's no way around it.
Be patient and keep working the lens in.
It'll eventually go in.
Yes, it'll take 15 minutes and your fingers will hurt.
If its tough, your not doing anything wrong, just keep working at it.

06-13-2004, 10:29 PM
couldnt you heat up the goggle with a hair dryer or a heat gun?

06-13-2004, 10:56 PM
yeah with a JT, it's crazy mad hard. When you take the lense out of the holding place, work from one side of the mask, i.e. put the lense in the right side or left side FIRST, then work your way from the bottom of the mask to the other side. as soon as you snap in all the parts where the lenses go in on the bottom portion, the rest should be a snap. MAKE SURE YOU SNAP IN THE NOSE PART OF THE LENSE it is really difficult but it just takes time.

06-14-2004, 12:59 AM
ok easiest way to do this is follow the directions two posts above me...to remove it is just pull on the top of the mask as hard as you can then the lense.. getting it back it is just as hard the way i found works the best is to on the notches start bye pushing one side in the slide your finger firmly accross to force the other side over.. dont be surprised if your first time takes a while but the notches will wear a little so it will be easier in the future... thats about it.

06-14-2004, 01:15 AM
if its an invision I suggest starting out with 3 or 4 hefty painkillers cause 20 minutes into pulling that damn thing apart your hands are going to need it!

or just toss it and get a profiler... hands down that system that V-Force uses is the best evar!

pull the clips, pop the lens, peel the plastic(hardest part of it!) then clip it in... done and done

Head knight of Ni
06-14-2004, 01:52 AM
hands down that system that V-Force uses is the best evar!
:hail: :hail: :hail: I agree :dance:

06-14-2004, 03:51 PM
The more you do it (with the JT lenses), the easier it gets. I, personally, follow the instructions in my owner's manual and remove the lenses after every day of play, rinse them, make sure there's no paint left in the channel the lenses fit into (it says paint left in there may deteriorate and weaken the lenses over time), let everything dry and reassemble them. After 4 or 5 days of play following this strategy (again, not mine - JT's), they're pretty easy to remove/replace.

Yes, seating the pins that secure the nose of the goggles into the mask are indeed the hardest part.

06-14-2004, 06:29 PM
With Proflex getting the lens out there isn't a hard and fast way..whatever works is the way but to replace the lens, which is best done at home not at the field ;)
I always run the frame under hot water and then replace them. I start with the nose piece as the plastic will start to get stiff real quick so whilst it is still supple do the hardest part first ;)
I realise how this post sounds just so wrong on more than one levels...but we are talking about lens replacement :eek: If you try and do it at the field then have a bluntish flatbladed screwdriver handy to push the frame under the lens lugs as the plastic will be pretty resistant to the pressure you are trying to use.

06-14-2004, 06:33 PM
smash the old lenses with a hammer... :headbang: