View Full Version : Hot sauce..

06-13-2004, 08:20 PM
Who here has an undying love for hot sauce?? I know I do.. Pizza tastes gross to me now with out loads of chilli peppers, especially the fresh ones you crush in your finger those are actually hot compared to the others..

And then hot sauce.. hah it goes with everything, chicken, steak.. Everything.. Damn I love hot sauce..

06-13-2004, 08:23 PM
Hmm I once ate 2 packets of fire sauce from taco bell for a dime..
And then after I ate it I never got the dime :cry:

06-13-2004, 08:27 PM
Those bastards!..

I wasn't a big fan of the firehot there.. It was good when mixed in with a normal hot.. But it had a funky taste..

I used to always just eat the packets of hot though haha I would go there and take like 30 packet.. But they don't leave them out anymore :(

06-13-2004, 08:42 PM
Hehehe, thats all i do anymore at Taco Bell.

I only use the mediums tho, the hots have 'chunks' that make it less chugable :D Man.. and now they got that 10 tacos for 8.00 deal...MMMMmmmmmm Hot sauce and taco soup! :)

06-13-2004, 08:43 PM
Yeah the fire tastes like crap.. I think its synthetic or something..
Darn this thread, now I have to go get some chips and salsa!

Archangel Kid
06-13-2004, 08:48 PM
hehe... anyone that goes to Long Beach Island should go to the Cheg( Chicken or The Egg)
in Beach Haven. Every Wendsday(sp?Ihatethatword) is wing night. 10 bucks for all you can eat wings. They're not small wings either they're decent sized. You can get the breaded or unbreaded. One of their sauces is called Ludacris, and every time you go to order it they tell you not to :wow: , needless to say I should have listened. The smallest amount and my mouth felt like it had one GIANT blister in it, I also couldn't eat anything because it would bring back the original burn :(.

The Action Figure
06-13-2004, 09:51 PM
I got a nickle for eating a slice of jalapeno

Will Wood
06-13-2004, 10:22 PM
I do. I have a whole fridge door row dedicated to hot sauses. I rarely touch them now, it's more of a collection. I used to be a bigger hot sause fan than I was now, I would actually get a magazine that was all just hot sause and salsa. Would order all the time, get hot sauses and try em out.

Now I just stick to my favorite.. and use it on EVERYTHING. I go through so much of this stuff it's not even funny. Cholula (http://www.cholula.com)

06-13-2004, 10:30 PM
I do. I have a whole fridge door row dedicated to hot sauses. I rarely touch them now, it's more of a collection. I used to be a bigger hot sause fan than I was now, I would actually get a magazine that was all just hot sause and salsa. Would order all the time, get hot sauses and try em out.

Now I just stick to my favorite.. and use it on EVERYTHING. I go through so much of this stuff it's not even funny. Cholula (http://www.cholula.com)

But have you ever tryed dave insanitey sauce? :dance:

06-13-2004, 10:59 PM
But have you ever tryed dave insanitey sauce? :dance:

insanity sauce is for children

try eating 2 ripe brown habenaro peppers

I did i was in fetal position for about 4 hours

300,000 SHU

thats about as potent as pepper spray.

No i know better i cook with them :D and feel the pain slowly

06-13-2004, 11:21 PM
insanity sauce is for children

try eating 2 ripe brown habenaro peppers

I did i was in fetal position for about 4 hours

300,000 SHU

thats about as potent as pepper spray.

No i know better i cook with them :D and feel the pain slowly

I have. Wwe were cooking and someone got the idea to fry them. Well to make a long story short the fire department came to the apartment and was giving oxygen to us and the neighbors from up stairs. As well as breating tratments for severe lung irritation.

I knew it had gone beyond my power to fix it wen the neighbor came down stairs yelling " your choking my kids to death with your nerve gas!"

Ahh what a great day that was... :cuss:

06-13-2004, 11:34 PM
Davs insanity sauce is insane, it burned through one of those heavy duty Chinet plates :wow:

06-13-2004, 11:45 PM
ohhh man daves insanity sauce is freaking awesome. I got the cheap crap because i was broke when i finally found a place with some. I made chilli for my friends and one person dared try it she put two drops in and ran gaging into the dorm kitchen where she promptly downed half a thing of salt to ease the brun.

my persoanl favorite is Irish Scream. Has red wine and whiskey in it adds a touch of flavour that you dont expect.

Im also growing a ton of Carribean Red Habbaneros in my backyard.

fun fun

06-13-2004, 11:51 PM
to give you an idea of the potency of Daves insanity...the girl i mentioned that sampled daves insanity in the chilli and ran to the kitchen and ate salt...well during the entire dinner she was downing Cholou(sp?) like it was nothing.

weee hot sauce is so much fun. All thoguh i lost haf my collection because i unplugged my fridge while i was away from the dorm for a week and my pickled habaneros went bad :tard:

06-14-2004, 10:13 AM
yup Daves sauce is crazy! Made me cry for a few hours. Wowzers!!!!

06-14-2004, 11:19 AM
Who here has an undying love for hot sauce?? I know I do.. Pizza tastes gross to me now with out loads of chilli peppers, especially the fresh ones you crush in your finger those are actually hot compared to the others..

And then hot sauce.. hah it goes with everything, chicken, steak.. Everything.. Damn I love hot sauce..

Oh dear god no. Not unless I'm going to replace my anus and rectum with a steel tube. I like it mild please.

06-14-2004, 12:14 PM
I don't have an "undying love" but I like the stuff. Probably has something to do with growing up eating "Soul Food" or something. Anyway, I would put either hot sauce or honey on just about eveything except cereal.

06-14-2004, 12:15 PM
yup Daves sauce is crazy! Made me cry for a few hours. Wowzers!!!!

As I recall one of the ingredients in Dave's sauce is Pepper Spray (or at least the pepper extract that gives pepper spray it's kick).

a scoville rating in the millions as I recall (not sure how much ends up in the actual sauce though)

06-14-2004, 12:26 PM
As I recall one of the ingredients in Dave's sauce is Pepper Spray (or at least the pepper extract that gives pepper spray it's kick).

a scoville rating in the millions as I recall (not sure how much ends up in the actual sauce though)

The ingredient that makes hot sauce "hot" is prevalent in just about all peppers and assocaited veggies "jalapenos, habanerros and the like.

It's called capcasin(not sure on the spelling) and this is the primary ingredient in pepper spray.

The Scoville rating works like this, I believe.

As many times as the sauce is diluted in a sugar water mix until the "heat" is no longer felt is the rating when tested amoung a panel of five tastes. As such a sweet bell pepper would have a rating of zero because it has no capsaicin where as pure capsaicin has a rating of almost 16 million because one part of the stuff would have to be cut into 16 million equal amount of sugar water to get rid of the heat.

Police grtade pepper spray has a scoville rating of 5.3 mill while "The Source" sauce from Original Juan Speciality Foods has a rating of 7+ million.

Nice to know that some people are actually eating foods that are hotter than police grade spray. :cry:

06-14-2004, 12:45 PM
Theres this endorphin rush sauce that this local hot dog place uses on the endorphin rush hot dog. if you eat the whole thing you get it free. Daves insanity sauce is tolerable, i've eaten the stuff off my finger in a liberal amount as my brother has too and he could barely finish this hot dog and he was sweatin like a pig and dizzy when he did. but now he has his picture up but he musta been hatin everything later that night.

But the best hot sauce hands down is Tapatio.

06-14-2004, 01:47 PM
she promptly downed half a thing of salt to ease the brun.

fun fun

Salt? I never heard of that to kill the burn...edit - I heard baking powder is good too

Milk or yogurt is what I use if I get in over my head.

"..it burns burn burns, like a burning ring of fire. The flames go down and the fire goes higher." I have no idea if these are the right words to the song.

06-14-2004, 01:53 PM
go check out
Dave's Pepper Palace (http://www.davespepperpalace.com/)
The new owners are redoing the site but when it comes back up, they will have tons of hot sauce. To walk into this place makes your eyes water. They literally burn...

Get some of the Red Lightening. Stuff rocks. It's not super hot but the flavor is awesome.

06-14-2004, 11:10 PM
Theres this endorphin rush sauce that this local hot dog place uses on the endorphin rush hot dog. if you eat the whole thing you get it free. Daves insanity sauce is tolerable, i've eaten the stuff off my finger in a liberal amount as my brother has too and he could barely finish this hot dog and he was sweatin like a pig and dizzy when he did. but now he has his picture up but he musta been hatin everything later that night.

But the best hot sauce hands down is Tapatio.

Tapatio is the best!

Major Ho
06-15-2004, 06:55 PM
i LOVE spicy foods.
Daves Insanity sauce is only the breaking the threshold. The have a whole series, Daves Ultimate Insanity sauce and Daves Private Reserve which comes in a case resembling a coffin and is labeled with a number kinda like small barrel whiskey/bourbons and such :)

Currently it takes me about 5 months to finish a bottle of the Private reserve.
If someone can recommend something that can top that I will gladly take it, Im always up for a new kick my butt sauce.

Add on: Oh yeah, Ive eaten some of that personal defense pepper spray stuff as a bet. Funny stuff, tasted awful but not spicey, but it made my eyes begin to tear up a bit.

06-15-2004, 07:09 PM
why not just chew on some glowing embers or something. :mad: :eek: :cry:

06-15-2004, 08:29 PM
Hot sauce rules all!!!

I put it on most everything! Real good in spaghetti sauce! :cool:

06-15-2004, 09:39 PM
Mmmm hot Pad Thai.

Nothing like burning lips and a slow sweat building on your nose.