View Full Version : Just shot a ULE Rt Pro!

06-14-2004, 05:14 PM
GOOD HEAVENS! It's so light! It just about felt as light as my phantom if not the same. Perhaps I was to giddy to even notice :) .

I went to fox paintball's store today to get some info about some other guns (timmy/shocker) even though I probably won't get one anyways (used if ever). They finally got an RT Pro in after me bugging them every other week about mags.

They let me gas it up and dry fire it around to get a good feel.

My impressions...
1- SOO light... The 45/30 steel tank was pretty much the only thing I could feel on the gun. It's also extremely comfortable to hold (aside from the tank balance issues) with the front grip.

2- ULT trigger makes the pull pretty light, more so than any other mech gun I've been around.

3- I CAN'T fire this thing fast. I don't know what it is, but I just couldn't really rip on it. I thought I was short stroking it or something when I tried to go fast.

Question- Anyone else have trouble ripping with these on their first time? I pretty much LOVE the gun other than the fact I sucked with it. If I can find a way to hit 10-12 bps on it I might just have to buy it and then wait for the hAir trigger from Nicad/AGD.

Over all though, it's a pretty sweet gun...

Target Practice
06-14-2004, 05:20 PM
Yeah, I'm still having a little trouble learning to use the ult evectively...meh, I'll learn.

06-14-2004, 05:26 PM
My guess is that the shop hasn't really taken the time to get the ULT and Level 10 setups done correctly so the trigger probably isn't as light as it could be and the Level 10 might be causing the bolt to stop occaisionally when you shoot faster (or maybe you are short stroking it ;) )? Anyway. If you've got the money I would highly recommend picking it up, I'm sure once you get it properly setup you won't regret it. ;)

06-14-2004, 05:26 PM
the first time i had this gun i walked it! it was really sweet. wasn't able to hold it for very long at all but i did it. Also, you can vibrate your finger on it and it'll rip! just a diff pull you gotta get used to. but the deadlywind will be sick too.

06-14-2004, 10:06 PM
Hah, lucky for you. I didn't really think I could walk it, but I dunno. I'm going back tommorrow to have them remove the reg from my HPA tank and get some piece of metal out of the inside of it.

I'm going to get one of the guys workin tommorrow to help me out with some timmy advice (i'm lookin at one to buy right now). Perhaps I'll shoot it again and see if I wasn't just being a numbnut.

06-15-2004, 01:40 AM
Before my ULT/ULE/Y-Gripped Mag, I used to play with an E-Mag on Hybrid mode. I started playing straight E-Mode, so I could shoot faster.

But still, the ULE Mag makes me feel like a freaking superstar. I'm a big guy (6'2", 230lbs), so the E-Mag with the 68/4500 Flatline doesn't bother me. I play the snake (which I have no business doing) cause the gun makes me think I'm superman. The ULE Mag (with a screw in 68/4500 Crossfire) makes me feel like I'm invicible.

I originally bought the ULE Mag as a backup and a loaner gun, cause I take a lot of first timers out to play. These are very good friends of mine, so I'm not gonna let em play with crappy guns (my VSC Phantom and Tippy 98 are not crappy guns, but for a newbie they are bad). I usually give them a choice between the E-Mag and the ULE Mag, and they usually choose the ULE-Mag (cause it's lighter, I have to explain later they can shoot faster on the E-Mag). Now it's all I can do to prevent myself from playing with the mechanical ULE Mag, cause it's so fun.

Last time I played, I almost over-shot some poor gal with my ULE Mag cause I was so amped. Excellent gun, especially since I spent maybe $150 more buying the E-Mag itself.