View Full Version : Electronic Trigger Frame

Backyard Bandit
06-14-2004, 06:26 PM
I'm just wondering what types of e-frames there are for automags that are in the $150 range. I saw the Centerflag one. I also like the e-mag frame and would like to know if I can buy one of them anywhere. Any good, reliable frames would be nice. I wanna still have the ability to :shooting: without laying down the $$$. I'm going totally mag style and selling my eblade cocker because it is unreliable and breaks down without warning. I mean mysterious leaks that occur from the solonoid valve between uses when I did nothing to it. But anyway... that's how it all works out.

I may consider the mech. hair trigger, but I'm unsure of how nice it will be for mantanince. A mech with a pull that small seems suspicious. Lots of small parts=easy to lose=patent on part, therefore rip-off for a small ball bearing or spring because they know ppl will lose it and need another one.

Please include info like price, location, avaliability, reliability, ARF (average rip factor), pictures, and anything else I should know about it.

06-14-2004, 08:00 PM
Hyperframes (Centerflag)
E-mag Frames (AGD)
BooYaa Frames (not sure)

Those are your three options.

BooYaa frames are no longer being produced and as such can only be found second hand. E-mag frames are not sold seperately, but can sometimes be found in the classifieds section, they retail about $300. Hyperframes are aftermarket mag frames. I have heard mixed reviews of them. They are your best bet if you are trying to keep cost down.

Backyard Bandit
06-15-2004, 10:00 PM
I'm not going to spend as much as it would take for the devil mag upgrades. However, if you know anyone who would be willing to set me up with a nice E-Mag frame for around 150 I would be greatfull. Also, where the heck can I find a Hyperframe anyway? I can't seem to find it. That's what I'm most looking at right now.

06-16-2004, 05:02 AM
emag frames go for around 400$ I believe

06-16-2004, 09:31 AM
u can buy an e-spyder frame and mod it to fit :p that would fit your budget..theres a thread here and on pbn

06-16-2004, 10:11 AM
Since you are looking to spend 150 or so, the emag is way over budget. the guts on that run 400+, with new grips going for 550 or so, if i recall correctly. Booyah is hard to find, but I haven't heard much about that one. And sadly, last I knew on the hyperframe, production is on hiatus due to the smart parts law suits going around. You can find them at www.centerflagproducts.com. Those are also expensive, new goes for ~300. You last hope for a quick eframe would be the spyder frames that people are now doctoring to their mag. A new spyder grip and a new board will get you going at 36bps and gives you a set of eyes (I haven't done this yet, so I don't know how accurate this is). You can find relevant info here http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=5851975#post5851975

[edit] grip + new board is 150, so if you want a little work, there you go.

06-16-2004, 02:10 PM
Dig around for a used Centerflag frame. I know quite a few people that were not very happy with theirs. Personally, I had pretty good luck with mine and Tom tells me the bloody thing should perform much nicer now that the UL triggers are out. I have a new Xvalve and ULE trigger set sitting here to install in my old Retro-Mag so as soon as a bad knee heals up, I'll give it a rip...