View Full Version : Feedback on ronn stern paintball camp

06-15-2004, 07:01 PM
Well, me and my friend are thinking about going. I want to know what/ if any AOers have gone to this and what they thought of it. I also want to know, if i should brign extra paint, what goes on(daily schedule) If they have pro shops on site, what they're prices are.
It's $700 and i want to make sure it's worth it(i'll be paying half)

06-15-2004, 07:08 PM
I tell you, I want to go. Just because I'm older then most of the instructors. There's nothing more fun then being the only person ona camp that can drink a beer or rent a car. Sitting around and night telling stories about when GI Joe was on weekday mornings before school while all the kids look at you blankly

06-15-2004, 07:46 PM
There's nothing more fun then being the only person ona camp that can drink a beer or rent a car.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

The Action Figure
06-15-2004, 08:17 PM
im going this summer Ive heard good things

06-15-2004, 08:21 PM
Sitting around and night telling stories about when GI Joe was on weekday mornings before school while all the kids look at you blankly

I watched that show every morning when I was a kid.

06-15-2004, 08:48 PM
I have only ever heard and read great things about it.

06-15-2004, 10:54 PM
Sorry off topic but I loved GI Joe. I have a video tapes of all the episodes somewhere. I think the pro school thing has more promise. I wish I had none about the one at cousins sooner cause I would have went.

barrel break
06-15-2004, 11:15 PM
Hey! I'm going too! Which one are you thinking of going too? I'm going to the one in PA one! end of July....

you cant bring your own paint, you get two cases of draaxus stuff, and can buy more..

06-15-2004, 11:18 PM
now i wanna go

-andrew :headbang:

06-15-2004, 11:22 PM
a little off topic again, but gi joe wasn't on THAT long ago, i'm only 18 and i can still remember the show pretty well.

Smoking Nun
06-15-2004, 11:32 PM
I went last year just to help out at the first camp they ever held. I basically got assigned as Rocky's personal field b|^@h/lackey. My job was to help with various parts of the drills they ran and to ref when they held scrimmages.

The kids had a blast - enough said.

Days go like this...
Monday - intros and drills for most of the day. Rotating between 4 different on-field instructors. Some scrimmage time toward the end of the day
Tuesday - drills all day for most of the day. Rotating between 4 different on-field instructors. Some scrimmages toward the end of the day.
Wednesday - Drills like 1/2 of the day - scrimmages and other stuff in the afternoon.
Thursday - Drills 1/2 of the day and then some tech classes in teh afternoon
Friday - Tournament held, pics w/ the stars, autographs, etc.

They all stay in the same hotel. At night, activities and fun stuff. Lunch is provided at the field.

All of the pro instructors they pick are absolutely awesome, very much so. They are very knowledgeable. Very little to absolutely no trash talk from them or any of the players for that matter. They do not talk down to people. They all do a great job teaching real tournament paintball.

You won't need that much more than the 2 cases for the days of drills and scrimmages. The way they do drills, you won't use that much paint. You may need an extra case or so for the tournament. Tournament was 3 on 3 on a tight field. So, pretty quick games.

Most of each day consists of drills on specific skills and then situational scrimmages using those skills. Things like snap shooting, laning, playing front, mid, or back, sliding, bunker moves, communication, walking fields, shooting speed, shooting accuracy, moving, moving and firing, body positioning, playing styles for every imaginable shape of air bunker, etc.

There is so much we all pick up by watching other players. Now imagine being coached by people who have played at the professional level. They point out so many little things and give up so many tricks. Ever seen the bunker butt bump - learned that one from John Call (a legal move, just a way to snap shoot by moving the bunker 1/2" with your ***, and keeping your gun completely still - if you know, you know - but you gotta do it just right - have someone show you - or you will get mowed). That is just one.

Lots of paintball, lots of hanging out and talking paintball. Pro-shop on site with discounts for campers. There were 10 year olds and 40 year olds at the camp. Age was not an issue. Everyone had fun. Hella hot out there all day from like 9 am til 4 or so every day in the summer sun.

Anyway, if you have the time and can afford it - go. Unless you are a coached player on a top am or pro team - you will learn. You will have a bunch of fun.

Camp Rox

And no, they do not pay me a dime. They did not pay me a dime for my services last year. I just volunteered so I could be part of it, hang out, and learn while helping.


06-16-2004, 02:33 AM
where do you get info on this ?sounds pretty fun to me

06-16-2004, 06:02 AM
Thanks alot smoking nun, just what i was lookign for.
And for everybody going, i am, if i go(not sure yet) I am going to the PA one at the end of July, so barrel break, i guess I'll seeya there.

How much does paint cost that, i am wonderign how much cash i should bring.

Smoking Nun
06-16-2004, 09:09 AM
For paint cost, call the specific field. I'm sure you can find a number for them. Remember, 2 cases come with your camp fee.

You can probably call the field and ask them all sorts of specifics about their camp. They will change them slightly for each field, depending on what the field has to offer. So, calling them and asking them a few questions will give you the specific information for their camp.


06-16-2004, 03:14 PM
alright, thanks a ton smoking nun :)

06-16-2004, 03:37 PM
for official camp info:


now, Ronn Stern is a good friend of mine and is perhaps one of the best most careing people i have ever met. Last year was the first year for the camps and they were all held in Virginia at splatbrothers (www.splatbrotherspaintball.com). I personally did not attend the camps, but did go to the tech night when Tom came down and did the infamous O-ring speach among other things. Tom and Ronn are good friends.

Ronn is also real good friends with Josh Silverman of Paintball 2 Xtremes and i know he did an article or two on the camps last year, and i imagine he might again this year. If that is the case, you might get your pic in a magazine!!! (i got a pic of me sitting next to Tom at the tech class in APG :))

several guys from team Aftermath a local VA Div3 Xball team went to the winter camps back in January in Ohio. They came back and all i have to say is they deffinatly learned a ton. And these guys already knew how to play ball very well (including a former member of Ground Zero now known as NYX).
this is Aftermath's home page:http://www.aftermath-paintball.com

you can go to aftermaths forums and ask what they thought of the camps in order to get a bunch of peoples views on how it went and how they benefited from it.