View Full Version : So, is paint usage getting excessive

06-15-2004, 07:25 PM
So, the team I am playing wiht is going to Chicago open. We are not kidding ourselves, we expect to play the 8 prelim games and have a great party.

I was just curious, for a five man team, who else thinks 30 cases of paint is excessive that I have sitting at the proshop waiting for us?

06-15-2004, 07:30 PM
that sounds about right

06-15-2004, 07:31 PM
thats about right if you can't hit the ground when you spit. :shooting: :rofl:

"Accuracy by volume can be done by any monkey" - Glenn Palmer.

06-15-2004, 07:33 PM
thats about right if you can't hit the ground when you spit. :shooting: :rofl:

Oh, you must have seen me play.

My general game plan is to make luck overcome my lack of skill, and spray the field with paint... now you understand why I play front, no one wants me playing back behind them :) :dance:

06-15-2004, 07:38 PM
you might want to pick up another 10 cases. just in case. :cheers:

06-15-2004, 07:39 PM
Eh... my friend's, CDR they played division 3 x-ball and shot 70 cases...


06-15-2004, 07:43 PM
I don't see how someone could actually do that... The paint usage and ROF is starting to get insane and out of control.

Major Jam
06-15-2004, 07:53 PM
I don't see how someone could actually do that... The paint usage and ROF is starting to get insane and out of control.

Hehe, same thing they said when 40 round hoppers came out, then when auto fire pumps came out, then when constant air came out, then again when semi-autos came out, then again when electro guns came out, then again with force feed hoppers. It's been said for the last 15 years. :)

barrel break
06-15-2004, 08:59 PM
Hehe, same thing they said when 40 round hoppers came out, then when auto fire pumps came out, then when constant air came out, then again when semi-autos came out, then again when electro guns came out, then again with force feed hoppers. It's been said for the last 15 years. :)
and everytime its been true

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
06-15-2004, 09:06 PM
What i dont understand is, how do they shoot so much paint but not run out of air, even if the tank is full when they start... ( i know the amount of paint also determines on how many players are on the team and thier tank size) but still

06-15-2004, 09:08 PM
I was going to play with OTB Factory in div 3 xball in chitown and they were going to get 50 cases. I wish we shot less, so I could AFFORD it dammit!

06-15-2004, 09:17 PM
I remember a tournament at THE MILL in Bloomington In. (long since closed) long time ago that when you walked on the speedball field they handed you a zip lock bag with 100 paintballs and that was it :eek: They gave you balls to chrono too.

06-15-2004, 09:39 PM
Hehe, same thing they said when 40 round hoppers came out, then when auto fire pumps came out, then when constant air came out, then again when semi-autos came out, then again when electro guns came out, then again with force feed hoppers. It's been said for the last 15 years. :)

Well, I haven't been playing that long, but I can still definitely agree.

Starting out with my 98c I used a 45 rd hopper just because I was so poor (still kinda am). Then I moved down to a VSC pump. I'm kinda going in the backwards direction :) than what most people are doing today.

Except for the fact that the ULE Automags are FAR too cool to pass up at the great price. So I'll end up with one of those.

Either way, I couldn't see myself shooting over 500 in a game. I've never even shot over that in a day!

06-15-2004, 10:00 PM
Oh, you must have seen me play.

My general game plan is to make luck overcome my lack of skill, and spray the field with paint... now you understand why I play front, no one wants me playing back behind them :) :dance:

A man after my own heart :cheers:

trains are bad
06-15-2004, 10:12 PM
Solution is simple-paint limiting in tournaments.

Paintball is getting unbalanced.

Imagine baseball with an unlimited amount of balls (bad pitches) allowed. Tedius.

06-15-2004, 11:07 PM
What i dont understand is, how do they shoot so much paint but not run out of air, even if the tank is full when they start... ( i know the amount of paint also determines on how many players are on the team and thier tank size) but still

Magic Elves. :dance: :dance: :dance:

I'm so sorry, but everyone else is. :dance: :dance:

God, please help me, It's taking over my life :dance: :dance: :dance:

I am so alone with only :dance: to comfort me.

I'm turning into an addict..........

06-16-2004, 07:22 AM
8 prelim games with a 5-man team equals 40 man-games of paintball. If each player shoots 1000 rounds a game then you will need 20 cases of paint. Some players (especially back players) will shoot more, some (front players) will shoot less. I doubt you will go through more than 20 cases in the prelims.

"G off"
06-16-2004, 10:41 AM
We are playing 5-man Novice and are bringing 15 cases of paint. We think we will most likely have extra

06-16-2004, 11:25 AM
8 prelim games with a 5-man team equals 40 man-games of paintball. If each player shoots 1000 rounds a game then you will need 20 cases of paint. Some players (especially back players) will shoot more, some (front players) will shoot less. I doubt you will go through more than 20 cases in the prelims.

I think things are going to change. Look at Infamous, their fronts are carrying 8 pods and shooting them all as well.

06-16-2004, 12:16 PM
THe most I have ever shot in a tourney is about 900 balls ... thats 5 pods and a hopper full. The amount of paint being thrown at tourneys is outrageous but fn to watch. Soon the game will change, just stick around and see. :cool:

06-16-2004, 12:25 PM
See, what I dont get, is how some of these young tourney players finance shooting so much paint. Sponsorship, yes, but not ALL teams are sponsored. I work a full time job and make bank, and I still can't afford to shoot that much paint. It does seem like tourney ball is coming down to the haves and the have nots. How can a low budget team compete with a team that can dump 3/4 a case per person per game? Is tourney ball becoming an elitist rich persons game?

06-16-2004, 12:59 PM
I was just curious, for a five man team, who else thinks 30 cases of paint is excessive that I have sitting at the proshop waiting for us?

It sounds way over the top.

A 7-man team playing the prelim rounds at a Millennium averages between 16-24 cases. The excessive ones shoot more, but they are rare.

If you do that much with a 5-man team playing 8 games, then something is very strange, or you need to stop shooting the target range, judges, bunkers, grass, each other.... :rofl:

06-16-2004, 01:48 PM
It is almost literally "one case, one kill".

Sound reasonable?

06-16-2004, 04:14 PM
"one case one kill" are you kidding me? that means they will only play four games top. and i highly doubt that.

06-16-2004, 05:02 PM
We shot 26 cases w/ 2500 paintballs in each case and we made it to the sunday club at Max masters. Seriously if you can dump more paint at the opionent then your most likely to win.

06-16-2004, 05:05 PM
No, if you have better players, you're more likely to win.

I see hopper-ball 3/5 man teams tear apart guys shooting 15bps with 5-7 pod packs on them.

Paint isn't everything, and it's sad to see this sport become that, only the teams shooting the most paint win, they should limit it, a certain amount of paint per team.

06-16-2004, 05:18 PM
If you wanna win a big national tourny shooting a **** load of paint will help you win. Its sad but its true. Ever tourny player knows it true, keepin paint in the air is pretty important. Not some newbie local ball tourny bull ****. Its late and I had a few I'm going to bed.

06-16-2004, 05:22 PM
Well when playing tournys, having paint tons of paint is key. When I practice, I use 1-2 cases at max. Tournys 5 cases.

06-16-2004, 05:39 PM
in the first EXL tournament in Paris, the TonTons shot 94 cases of paint and still didn't manage 1st or 2nd.

94 cases :eek:

06-16-2004, 05:50 PM
if they'd have shot 100 they would have won...spend-thrifts.

06-16-2004, 06:04 PM
I dont see how not having a paint limit makes any tourney a fair shot for any good team. They should give each team a certain number of cases a game, period. You could also break down the amount of paint by division. Technically, if you are the best team on the face of the planet, shouldnt you be able to win with the same ammount of paint as your opponent? Seems only fair. The way it is now, the team with the biggest paint sponsorship/budget would have a fairly large advantage... Yet another reason I dont like tourny ball...

06-16-2004, 06:15 PM
if they'd have shot 100 they would have won...spend-thrifts.

ahhahahaha.. aint that the truth.

06-16-2004, 06:31 PM
The limited paint thing has been discussed before, and it's a rather unpopular idea, even with me.

Instead of trying to kill it, I prefer to let the problem kill itself.

I say:

1. Allow full auto.
2. Remove all bunkers from the start area and force a 3-4 second full sprint before you even get to a bunker; large enough bunker in the middle (a la big X) to prevent straight shooting across the field at start of the game.
3. Reduce back bunker size.
4. Keep statistics on in-game paint expenditure to cross reference against actual game outcome. Make these statistics available for all to see.

I personally would also like to see paint sponsorships end, but that's really unlikely.

06-16-2004, 07:18 PM
I could see the 70 cases in X-Ball easily, you play so many games so fast that you gotta shoot and be able to kill. 30 cases for 5-man..maybe a bit too much, but definately not way overkill. I guess we shot about 20 some cases in Tampa, which was actually good in terms of usage, but you have to learn not to care. Players today will move if you are trying to oneball them, they move, they get to the 50 faster, you die.

Try shooting hopperball with Dynasty, see if Ollie will stay in his bunker because your one shot went to the left side and scared him to death, now try shooting 20 balls at all angles to lock it, and maybe he will attempt a snap shot, maybe. That goes for any team nowadays, any good team knows you move whenever you can, less paint you get shot with, more you move. I think keeping the guns semi and letting things fold out will work, eventually im sure max speeds will be reached, but markers will be even faster for snap shooting etc. All in all, its not as bad as you think, and if its too costly you need some more connections or something.

06-16-2004, 07:43 PM
...if it is excessive i wouldn't mind taking one off your hands :)...

Won Hunglo
06-16-2004, 09:01 PM
One case one kill. Yea baby!

06-16-2004, 09:20 PM
well I was playing some games when it was this kid and me, and we both had markers and hoppers that would only allow us to shoot under 3bps. Well we took teams larger that us that had firepower. If you know how to move you dont need as much paint. By the way that day I played 7 games on 2 hoppers.

06-16-2004, 09:49 PM
Look at Infamous, their fronts are carrying 8 pods and shooting them all as well.

A front guy with 8 pods!?! Thats ridiculous, i play front and take 2-3 pods with me tops. I dont usually shoot but 1-2 per game. I cant see a front guy shooting 8 pods in one game. I know i couldnt do it even if you gave me a uber fast gat with loads of bounce. Eight 140rd pods is 1120 paintballs per game, purely insane. PLUS the 140 in their hopper to start out with. Thats 1260 balls per game. As a front player, that is way to much, and it says a lot for their skill level..

I think the paint limitation is a good idea. But instead of limiting how many cases a team can buy/shoot they should limit how many cases a position can buy/shoot. Like a back guy can buy/shoot more then the mids, and the mids more than the fronts.

06-17-2004, 12:12 AM
they should just give each team X amount of boxes of paint. then the teams can decide themselves how to split the paint. This will cause them to be cautious with the paint, because they know this is all they have for the tournament. if they waste too much on the first few rounds, they'll be in trouble when they run low later on.

06-17-2004, 11:36 AM
There are a few circuits that limit paint, mostly local, but they don't have as many teams. It would be nice to have more like that so some of us poor college kids could play more.

06-17-2004, 01:01 PM
"one case one kill" are you kidding me? that means they will only play four games top. and i highly doubt that.

No, it means they will only WIN four-to-six games. Which is about right, since they don't expect to move on past the prelims.