View Full Version : Are DRAGONSLAYER and Xzion gonna have a battle!?

10-12-2001, 06:25 PM
I was just wondering if the Dragon was gonna fight the DragonSlayer! LET IS BE SO IN THE COURT OF KING MAJORDAMAGE! Ni_cD the CourtJester will dance in our presence! LET IT BE SO!


Ni cD
10-12-2001, 06:48 PM
This is me dancing.

Yes...I'm a super saiyen.

10-12-2001, 11:06 PM
Haha, you guys crack me up...and now that i look at it again..im not really sure why. Either way it made me smile, and today sucked...so thanks. And if they do fight to the death, i get to watch.

10-13-2001, 12:17 AM
*walks by, minding his own business, probably off to go clean his 'mag when a -SQUISH- is heard, he looks around curiously for a moment before looking at the sole of one of his feet and eeping, finding a house to hide behind and nonchalantly scrapes dragonslayer off his foot before returning to his usual routine* "what are you looking at.... I didnt do anything.... HONEST! ...... just um... dont look behind that house..." *Grins innocently* :D

10-13-2001, 12:48 AM
Hehe. Hey Ni_cD! You are copying my version of an entire episode of that "Dragon Balls Like to go Pee" show! Its just this picture of this guy's face, then an explosion in a continual loop! Just like that show! I don't know where the picture is at(I think YOU have it Ni_cD!) but thats the jist of it! !A!


10-13-2001, 08:48 AM
:p HA! You just walked on my evil twin brother! You cannot kill me. I will live for eternity! HA!:D

Ni cD
10-13-2001, 04:09 PM
Yep!! :)

10-14-2001, 01:26 AM
*smirks* if that was your evil twin, then I dont have much to worry about :D *he looks quizzically at the nuclear explosion and snuffs it out with little trouble and grins "what, it was a fire hazard!" :D

10-14-2001, 09:39 PM
Xzion...Xzion...Xzion... Better cool your jets, man. You keep parading around here like your Puff The Magic Dragon or something, don't you know you are gonna get you FIRE put out. The only thing your stepin' on is what I had for breakfast. Go back and get in your cave, fire hazard...:D


10-14-2001, 10:54 PM
Wow, you really know how to start a fight!



10-14-2001, 11:17 PM
Hehe, thanx T-Bone! I am the man! !A! Now let us all go out and shave our kittens and lick up the pungent residue that remains! <B>ONWARD!</B>


10-14-2001, 11:29 PM
*looks at the silly hooman that goes by the name 'dragonslayer' curiously, then himself* "I have jets??? I dont know what sorts of dragons you've met, but I havnt met any dragons with jets" *shrugs* "and puff the magic dragon was a panty waist compared to myself... Ive got more magick up my um... scales? than carters got pills *wonders how many will actually understand the 'carters got pills' bit* "and for the record, ive never started any fires that werent intended.... so there :p...... anyhow now that ive got the mud slinging out of my system, I might as well state that im a frienedly dragon.... and like ANY dragon, you don't hurt them, they won't hurt you.... its part of the dragon code... so, dont try to hurt dragons, and you'll live longer, and make some cute dragon friends :D

10-14-2001, 11:35 PM
You know that Puff the Magic Dragon was just a big doobie that Peter Paul and Mary all Bogarted! Its the Carnie Code! Shibby!


10-15-2001, 10:29 PM
I get the "Carter's got pills", and I understand the dragon "code" all to well. So with the upmost respect I will ask "Mr. Xzion, do you propose a truce?" The DRAGONSLAYER will be open for all suggestions, sir.:)

10-15-2001, 10:49 PM
How about a game of Death? Death is a good game for solving problems. Just a suggestion...


10-16-2001, 02:10 PM
*smiles and and holds out a large talon to Dragonslayer, offering a friendly shake, and the beginning of a truce. "a truce would be preferable... as I do not wish to be forced to chew in self defence.. though, if you know of the dragon code, why do you wish to slay us?" *he looks up to MajorDamage and growls lightly before looking back to Dragonslayer "it would appear we both have a common enemy... one who seems to take pleasure in plotting our demise... perhaps we should do something about this 'threat'" *he grins to dragonslayer and gives a mischevious wink* :D

Ni cD
10-16-2001, 02:38 PM
You'll have to get through me first!!!

10-16-2001, 03:22 PM
LOL I AM NOT A COMMON ENEMY! I am here to see if the so called DRAGONSLAYER was gonna slay the dragon! I think thats what we all came here to see!!! So why don't you just play a nice game of death and get it over with!? Its fun that is funny!!!


10-16-2001, 08:22 PM
You apparently know little of the dragons code MajorDamage... dragons never harm a living creature, unless they are trying to harm the dragon, or its imperitive to the dragons survival (ie, killing animals for food etc) but even that is done in moderation, this goes for dragon slayers or otherwise. Sorry to ruin your fun, but I doubt there will be any battling between myself and DragonSlayer. :P

10-16-2001, 08:49 PM
His name clearly says that he kills dragons! YOU! ARE! A! DRAGON! So therefore there must be a game of death!!!


10-17-2001, 07:14 PM
Indeed, though he has never botherd any of my kin, and as far as I know, he could be just all talk... until then, I have no need, nor reason to turn him into my next meal.... though, your beginning to have great potential. :D

10-17-2001, 09:03 PM
Hehe, but I mean HIS NAME IS DRAGONSLAYER! Thats like if someone came on here claming to be MajorDamageKiller! or somin! Then Id have to play a game of death, of coarse.


10-17-2001, 09:55 PM
Perhaps if someone came around with a name of "xzionkiller" i'd have to do so, but there isnt.... his name is a more general threat to my species... and as long as he doesnt bother me, or others close to me, I have no quams with him... :p

10-17-2001, 11:12 PM
Geese, well than I will sue him for false advertisement! IM NOT SEEING ANY SLAIN DRAGONS AROUND HERE!!!


10-17-2001, 11:23 PM
well, seeing as im what, the only dragon of AO, that might pose a problem, and the fact that I actually follow the dragons code doesnt make things much easier for ya... though you seem to have great intrest in seeing members of my species slain.... quite disheartening... :(

10-17-2001, 11:25 PM
What is this code you speak of? Is it like the Carnie Code???


10-18-2001, 12:14 AM
Its sort of like, rules each dragon lives by... though, not -all- dragons do, but 99.99 percent of them do hehe... never hurting another living creature unless for survival (take only what you need applies to this one) and only if retaliation is neccicary, in other words, if your attacked, or someone intends to harm you, you have all the right to harm them back, its only fair after the ignorant hoomans turned their backs on dragonkind, after all the dragons did for them *humph*

10-18-2001, 12:16 AM
But what about that lizard thing(I think it was a komodo dragon, not 100% on that) that scratched and pooped on the crocodile hunter! Whats up with that!?


10-18-2001, 06:56 PM
PAH! That dumbass Crocodile Hunter deserved it.... Id have to shred him if he even came near me... being poked and prodded by some moron is enough for me lol :D and that Komodo Dragon episode was proof lots of proof of his incompotence... as for teh Komodo Dragons themselves, theyre just dragon wanna bes... they dont count hehe... not ot mention they wouldnt even understand the dragon code if you told it to them :D

10-18-2001, 07:11 PM
Awww... I was hoping to see a crispy DragonSlayer...

10-18-2001, 07:25 PM
ram his wifes finger up my butt! in one of the episodes she atually puts her finger up a crock butt! while he watched and commentated.l Not a pretty job but shees gotta do it!

10-18-2001, 07:31 PM
Firefighters have a saying when they fight a fire they are "slaying the dragon" or "fighting the dragon". DRAGONSLAYER is a capitan in a volunteer fire dept. He also drives a semi truck (18 wheeler). Truck drivers use CB radios to communicate while on the road. Instead of using there real name on the radio , they go by a cb "handle" (a name of there chosing that somewhat describes them or there personality). Therefore he means no harm to Xion or any other dragon, just fire.

DRAGONSLAYER is his "handle" just as if major damage drove a BIG TRUCK his "handle" could be MAJOR DAMAGE.

Our team name is DRAGONSLAYERS because almost everone on the team at one point has been a firefighter.:cool:

10-18-2001, 11:36 PM
But Dragons don't like waterhoses...


10-19-2001, 08:44 AM
Thank you t2m6c1, great analogy. Mr. Xzion, I agree totally with the truce. I am not looking for war, there is plenty of that across the pond.

As far as seeing a crispy DRAGONSLAYER, you will have to look elsewhwere, because now, Xzion t2m6c1, and I are a force that cannot be defeated!


MajorDamage, you will have to find some other people to pawns in game of death.

10-19-2001, 09:35 AM
t2m6c1; you know, that never occured to me.... and my uncle is a deputy firefighter.... shame on me :D and before you even say it MajorDamage, us dragons have fire problems too so we do need a firefighter from time to time.... and this dragon, doesnt have any problem with water, or water hoses :p. and DragonSlayer, no need to be so formal, were all friends here, right?? and does anyone else find it hard to believe this thread actually made it to two pages long?? :D

10-19-2001, 01:24 PM
You know whats fun? Putting your thumb over the nozzel of the waterhose and spraying your brother. Can I join this unstoppable force? I can bring the pork!!


10-20-2001, 12:22 PM
Pah, thats childs play.... using home pressure washers to spray your sister is MUCH better... :D As for joining this 'unstopable force' You'll have to talk to DragonSlayer about that... he seems to be the head unstopable force member?? I wonder how I even became a member? :D

10-20-2001, 01:07 PM
MajorDamage, its cool with me as long as t2m6c1 is ok with it. But you said you would bring the pork, right? We will have to talk Xzion into "flame broiling" it, whatcha think 'bout that? :D

10-20-2001, 03:30 PM
Oh sure, look to the dragon for all the cooking... how typical of you hoomans :rolleyes: no wonder you see us dragons as beasts of burden :(

10-20-2001, 05:35 PM
YEAH! Ive made a plan for a sandwich one time went to the grocery store recently!!! Take a porkchop, put cheese on it like a cheeseburger, and put it on a hamburgeler bun!!!! PORKCHOPBURGER! OOH YEAH!


10-20-2001, 06:01 PM
*looks at MajorDamage curiously and scratches his head as he ponders* "ok.... I'm not even going to ask...." :D

10-21-2001, 06:24 PM
Wouldnt that taste good!?


10-21-2001, 06:47 PM
Um..... No comment? lol :D

10-23-2001, 03:42 PM
Ok, MajorDamage, leave the pork-whatevers at home, we aint eatin none of that. You are kidding,....right?

10-23-2001, 03:44 PM
No, it sounds good! Whats wrong with pork and cheese?


10-23-2001, 03:49 PM
You can pork and mac & cheese, but, not on no sandwhich!:D

10-23-2001, 03:54 PM
Pork and Velveeta Shells and Cheese! Mmmmmmmm
Ribs and Velveeta Shells and Cheese! Mmmmmmmm
Steak and Velveeta Shells and Cheese! Mmmmmmm
Velveeta Shells and Cheese and Tobasco Sauce! Mmmmmm

Hey, I think I see a pattern here… :D

10-23-2001, 03:57 PM
I'm hungry, ...wish my wife was here to cook!:p

10-23-2001, 04:50 PM
Want me to make you a Porkchopburger with cheese!?


10-23-2001, 06:26 PM
How about some macaroni and cheese with tuna fish in it. Got some leftover in the fridge. Anybody want some? Its YUMMY!:p

10-23-2001, 06:30 PM
Can't we just get some normal food! lol.... nothing fancy, or... strange? :D

10-23-2001, 06:37 PM
Mac and tuna...That sounds good...Seriously, I think im gonna make me some!!!! I am not kidding!


10-23-2001, 07:04 PM
Try this for desert. Get you some Chips ahoy chocolate chip cookies (the hard ones in the blue bag) and dip them in orange juice instead of milk. I rocks,its like sweet and sour cookies. MMMMMM!

10-23-2001, 07:17 PM
ok, this post is on the brink of making one queasy dragon *erps* :D

10-23-2001, 08:20 PM
The orange juice dosnt sound that good to me though. But that tuna and macaroni sounds good!


10-23-2001, 08:23 PM
*smirks* MajorDamage, t2m6c1, you 2 have lost your minds.:rolleyes:

10-23-2001, 08:24 PM
When did I have one to lose???


10-23-2001, 08:30 PM
OK! you got me there. Now, that "stuff" t2m6c1 calls mac & tuna, that is just wrong.:p Come on, Xzion, lets go find some real food, maybe steak & baked potato?:)

I can't believe this thread is still going, its like that little bunny.:eek:

10-23-2001, 08:33 PM
Just think of it as like some kind of tuna cassarole!


10-23-2001, 08:35 PM
*bbblllaaahhh*tuna is crap. :rolleyes:

10-23-2001, 11:36 PM
*scratches his head and tries to figure out the weird eating tastes of some people and looks to DragonSlayer "I never thought I'd ever say this.... but DragonSlayer... I think your the most sane one here... and that sounds like an excellent plan... know any places with good food?.. hopefully somewhere some other people, who remain nameless wont find us? and Major Damage, I dont think you lost your mind, it was something you gave away a LOOOOOOONG time ago...." :D

I couldn't believe it hit 30 posts let alone 60. Though I have a feeling its not going to end any time soon.... arent we lucky!? :rolleyes: :p

10-24-2001, 01:40 PM
I already said "When did I have a mind to be lost?" so I never gave it away. Like Homer Simpson, I have a little I.O.U. from God in my head :).


10-24-2001, 01:48 PM
Tuna and Mac.... hmmm I like that. I also have some left over Mac-n-Cheese...... Sounds like dinner! :D

(added: Oh, and I had Grilled Tuna and Cheese sandwiches and Chilli last night. LOL)

10-24-2001, 01:53 PM
SEE! Shartley knows the score! LOL! And I almost made that mac and tuna last night, but didnt to eat CHILI! Looks like we both had chili! Im planning on making mac and tuna like tonight or tommorow. Tuna rocks! I don't even make it into TunaSalad, just the tuna is gooooda!


10-24-2001, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by MajorDamage
YEAH! Ive made a plan for a sandwich one time went to the grocery store recently!!! Take a porkchop, put cheese on it like a cheeseburger, and put it on a hamburgeler bun!!!! PORKCHOPBURGER! OOH YEAH!


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm pork hey wanna start our own unstopable force?one where u can only get in if u like porkchopburgers..........i gotta buy some more cheese

(added: only bumblebee tuna is good:D )

10-24-2001, 01:57 PM
Making note..... Fire security guys. Make sure all shades are pulled at night. Fire security guys. Sweep house for bugs. Fire security guys. Make sure the Beretta has extra clips loaded. Fire security guys.


10-24-2001, 02:00 PM
LOL, im not gonna even ATTEMPT to understand what SHartley was saying!
MJS1214 YES! THE NEW UNSTOPPABLE FORCE! The "Porkchopburger with cheese unstopable force, and if you try to unstop us we will win!" Unstoppable FORCE! Thats our name!


10-24-2001, 02:03 PM
k ill anounce it in the off-topic forum:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

10-24-2001, 02:06 PM
BWANABAM! Still looking for that box of feces!? hehe, im waiting for that dude with the uzi!


10-24-2001, 02:08 PM
eh forget that he wants 20 buks a bullet.....

10-24-2001, 02:10 PM
Hehe! I will need lots of bullets! Because I eat bullets like candy! AND EAT TIRES LIKE LICORISH! MANAMANABAMANBANAMA*thats my eating tires noise!*


10-24-2001, 02:14 PM
o yea?well as janitor-type-guy i sweep up trash...so there!

*SWEEPSWEEPSWEEP*my trash-sepping-type-noise-thing

10-24-2001, 02:16 PM
"Master of the Costodial Arts" it means the same thing as a janitor...but makes you sound special!


10-24-2001, 04:51 PM
I knew it.... I'm surrounded by idiots! :D But, theyre 'Mag fans, so, I guess I'll have to put up with all your insanity! :D

10-24-2001, 04:55 PM
Hehe, OH YEAH! Put up with us OLD SCHOOL!


10-24-2001, 10:38 PM
I ATE MAC AND CHEESE AND TUNA! It was pretty good! Then I went back for seconds, EXCEPT I just put a bunch of WOW potato chips in the bowl, then put the mac and tuna on top of it, and crunched it all together! I think it was better without the chips though, BUT IT WAS PRETTY GOOD SCHTUFF'! Bunabu!


10-25-2001, 08:24 PM
Hey Xzion, now that all them other guys are on gilligans island, maybe they will leave us alone. Now we can eat normal food, not that tuna and whatever crap!:D

10-25-2001, 09:00 PM
Im not on Giliigan's Island!!


10-25-2001, 09:09 PM
I think that DRAGONSLAYER sould cut Damage to nice steak size pieces and Xzion should cook them and then they should both gather at the table of friendship and eat.

10-25-2001, 09:12 PM
Hey slateman, lucky your opinion dosnt count! hehe lol. Just messin' with ya. BUT IM IN THEIR FORCE NOW! So maybe we will eat <B>YOU!</B> Yeah Buddy!


10-25-2001, 09:14 PM
OOOH! I just saw the thing about Bumblebee Tuna! I used to always yell Bumblebee tuna! <B>BUMBLEBEE TUNA!</B>


10-25-2001, 09:17 PM
*walks on this thread and says "WTH? this is so confusing!" then runs off looking for tin foil to wrap around his head because the MLB is spying on him and the voices have returned*:D hahahaha I crack me up!

10-25-2001, 09:19 PM
You crack you up? That cracked me up to when i heard it on the Simpsons :) hehe.


10-25-2001, 09:23 PM
i need food i want a porkchop burger! i think i will attempt to make one! any tips for the newbie? LOL jk

10-25-2001, 09:25 PM
Nope, I havnt had a chance to make one yet :(. Surry!


10-25-2001, 09:35 PM
HOLY CRAP! THIS TASTES SO GOOD!!! ok this is what I did, I went to the fridge, then I took a leftover pork chop and a 3 day old burger from mcdonalds which was plain with bacon (mmmmmm frozen grease...). I then shoved the pork chop in there and added some baking soda (don't ask :confused: ) then I put it in the microwave for 45 secs. When it came out I took some icing that they put on the cinnimon buns and I lathered the whole thing up and then put a slice of banana bread on top. IT TASTES SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!:D

10-25-2001, 09:39 PM
...are u serious? 3 day old burger bun? Thats not ripe yet!


10-25-2001, 09:43 PM
I know I forgot there was a 7 month old big mac under my bed that has a happy face of mold all over it. I swear the thing was talking to me one night, the damn thing is always stoned! he told me of this one time when he was stoned he threw himself into a vat of burger grease and told a guy to flip him and shove him in a bun and get someone to eat him!


10-25-2001, 10:10 PM
CESF_Specter needs more help than all of us put together.LOL

10-25-2001, 10:47 PM
OOH! Happy faces are good, but not as good as purple yoyos, and green baloons! And feces is better than sunglasses and twice as fragrent! AND its fun that is funny! Try telling that to the man in the yellow hat! He got nobody's business!


10-25-2001, 11:23 PM
I agree with you DragonSlayer... this thread is just giving me a headache lol lets leave them to their pokchopburgers and general craziness.... though, Im sure the major damage BBQ would taste too weird to be considerd a good meal lol :D :p

10-26-2001, 12:46 AM
HEHE LOL! Did you realize this thread made 4 pages!? I bet this is the longest thread in friendly corner!


10-26-2001, 05:12 PM

10-26-2001, 06:15 PM
RIIIIGHT...u missing ur pickles?look under your bed:)

XZION whats ur aol instant messanger screen name???

10-27-2001, 07:09 AM
Holy Crap!:D This thread is HUGE! Anyway, is there a shrink in the house? I think some people need group therepy.:D :cool:

10-27-2001, 07:18 AM
i can double as 1....soon as this group is done

:) <-psyco
:( <-regretful
:mad: <-wants to blow up his bed
:confused: <-psyciatrist
:D <-pyromaniac

10-27-2001, 07:21 AM
Cool, set us up an appt. But please don't allow anyone to eat anything!:) :p

10-27-2001, 03:25 PM
that means im:

:) :D :mad: who needs a :confused: and isn't :( !!! AHAHA

oh yeah and i saw the most wonderful thing today! i looked in the water and HOLY CRAP! THOSE FISH ARE SWIMMING!!! I COULDN'T BELIVE MY EYES!!! IT WAS AMAZING!

10-27-2001, 04:59 PM
k wraping it up now....remember who everyone is and:
:cool: <-man in white coat


:( :why did i make her go???oh its my fault!
:confused: :no it isnt...it was fate and it would have happened anyway
:mad: :i hate my bed so damn much!
:D :i can burn it!
:confused: : ok thats it!<flips a switch>
:cool: army: come in and take all remaining people away to rooms with padding on all sides wink wink excpet psycyatrist who happily takes his money

ps i woulda writen more but i cant post any more smilies!

10-28-2001, 02:40 AM
MJS1214; my AIM is: Project Phantasm

Its also listed in my profile :P :D

10-28-2001, 06:17 AM
youll neer guess mine!its...its...

MJS1214 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!