View Full Version : Show off your cuts, scars bruises and other sick injuries :)

10-12-2001, 07:39 PM
i'm a messed up person :)

I have this wound that has been on my left toe for over a month now and still bleeds everday, dosn't seem to be healing at all. Maybe i should not wear socks an shoes for a few weeks. Eh, it'll recover over the summer ;).

Tonight biking home, when i jumped a ledge the chain came loose and i fell and scraped my knee pritty badly. It's still hurting. I put some hydrogen proxcide on it to clean it out a bit but dosn't seem to be progessing... Should i put a few bandaids on? I'm going to paint some ballls tomorrow so i'm not sure what to do.

I'll get some pics up :)

10-12-2001, 09:15 PM
....so I'll give a little history of the damage to my body.

+Road Rash from my ankle all the way up to my butt. My lower leg was down to the bone.

+The chain fell off my bike while I was doing a pogo on a bench, I go to land and the sprocket shoves up my ankle.

+My stomach was cut open about an inch deep and an inch wide.

+Gash across my forehead.

+Compound fracture of my knee.

+Broken ankle

+Half of my pinkey toe is missing, since two nights ago.

+My knuckle has been broken for 2 and 1/2 years.

There are some more, but these are some of the serious ones.

10-13-2001, 12:53 AM
I also have a few good injuries-

-Broke 2 smaller knuckles on right hand after punching cement gym wall last school year
-my large right toe is completely messed up, teh toenail is warped, all from having an economy 5 lb. can of skipp p-butter land on it form atop my cupboard liek 3 years back
-broke my pinky toe on the left foot 2 weeks ago
-have many scars on my body, the main one are two almost identical ones running up my shins due to my skateboard hitting it
-i staple my hand on a regular basis, its me trick (i actually slam on the stapler), but i tried it again about a week or two ago and the stable kinda crimped a little in the top of my hand so I had to pull it out with ym teeth
-large scar on right thigh where I was stabbed with a halibit spear in the local store out on base, my friend didn't mean to do it, I just moved when werw were palying around, it went in almost and inch
-large scar on back a little below the neck where I got stabbed last eya rwith a pair of scissors
-large piece of lead in right hand

those are msot of em, Im not the safest kid.lol. Later.

10-13-2001, 09:03 AM
Ive never broken anything. I drank my milk when i was young. I rule.

Although once I did a 360 on my skis, but one foot only did a 270. That hurt.

10-13-2001, 09:18 AM
my only scar is the one on the back of my head, and it says somthin like "insert brain here..".. cant figure out what its for. somday i will. lol ..

well, I thaught that I'd show off and went down a gravel hill that was about a half mile long and really steep.. I decided to start skidding on my bike and ended up sliding 40 feet on my left leg leaving nothing but hamburged leg.

ended up with a scar from my ankle to half way up my thigh about 3 inches wide....

10-13-2001, 09:21 AM
I've hurt myself a lot too. scars are cool...

I'll just talk about my hand though. I was partying this one time, and me and my friend tried to punch through the cieling of this cabin that we were in. He tried and looked like a wuss, so I hit it as hard as I could. I snapped the bone that went from my pinkey knuckle to my wrist in half. I was on codine at the time so it didn't really bother me, now it does though.

10-13-2001, 01:07 PM
These are some funny things lol. Well here are some things that happened to me.
-I tore a 3 inch gash about 2cm deep in my leg cause someone pushed my and i cut myself on a rusty roof, drain pipe thingy,
-I had a detached tendon that also pulled some bone off with the tendon, had surgury and they put a button on the top of my nail with a wire that held the the tendon on my bone. And now my nail is deformed from havinga wire going through it and a button on it. And a huge scar going all the way down my left ring finger.
-I fell off my skatebord and scraped up my nose, luckily no scar.
-Got hit alot on the nose. Now i can push my nose all the way to either side of my face, and it feels all lose.

Well nothing too serious. But still sucked for me.

10-13-2001, 02:40 PM
well... not a whole lot, i feared i mightve gone sterile once when i got hit in the nuts by a paintball, laid there for the remaining 10 min of the game. also when i was racing my gokart i hit a bump and the left front axle snapped flew up and hit me in the knee, i still got a scar from that. also when racing my gokart the chain decided to fly off and ripped up my shoulder pretty bad when it was still spinning and decided to hit me. cracked my tailbone trying to do a mistyflip on my inlines once. broke my pinky snowmobiling. broke the same pinky inlining. thats about all i can think of, oh i got hit in the eye by a golf ball, no damage done, good thing i was wearing my plycarbonite lens glasses i had from when i played hockey. and hit 3 other times by golf balls, maybe i should stop golfing!? in the thigh, back of spine, and ankle

10-13-2001, 07:47 PM
:D :D :D I have a cut on my hand (took three stiches).:D :D :D

10-13-2001, 10:31 PM
3 Stitches? Haha I am here working the mouse with 8 in my fingers! Man I hate these friggin blue strings! I got really mad and punched a hole in my french door glass pane. I didn't think it was going to break, but it did and I gashed up my hand :mad:. Damn glass!


-Broke my arm (Twice)
-Broke middle finger
-Broke pointer finger
-Fell down 16 stairs and had to get 24 x rays and stay at the hospital for a week...man that hurt

And my alltime worst:

A head on collision on atvs going full speed. I was on a 125 Honda and my friend was on like a big 350. We collided and I got flinged into the woods. I ended up with teeth up to my nose and a really badly bruised leg. I was at his cabin so we had to go the nearest hospital, and they couldn't do any dental. Do we had to drive 2 hours to the next hospital. Going like 160 at that. There was a dentist on call so we were in luck.

He did about 3-4 hours on my teeth...which looked pretty damn good afterward. The only thing that saved my teeth from being flinged into the woods was my damn braces...man I love those things now (Besides the fact that they are eating my gums!). It was pretty scary.

I was supposed to get pictures of the teeth but I still hvaven't got them yet. If I get them anytime soon they are definately getting posted :D.

10-14-2001, 01:53 AM
My worst..I grew up in a agriculture area and once while inside a steel grain bin, I fell and slid downward toward a spinning auger - thinking fast on the slide down I pushed one leg out to the side and onto a piece of half inch rebarb which went up into my calf muscle about 4inches effectivley halting my slide. It didnt really hurt at first, put pulling out tore muscle from the bone, and I lost so much blood that I nearly fainted just trying to get out of the bin.
Ive also broken 3-4 fingers, in a drunken stupor fell backwards and cut a 1 inch gash in the back of my head, have had my nose broken twice, and once stabbed an ice pick all the way through my thumb.

In regards to the post above, I had a friend in highschool who I played Basketball with who thought he would be cool and slam dunk in the final seconds of a game. To this day I dont know how it happened, but he was pushed in midair, and his front teeth got hooked on the net, and they were torn from his mouth and sent flying. It was quite gruesome. A dentist was able to put them back in with the aid of some steel rods though...

10-14-2001, 10:05 AM
-when I was three my brother pushed me into a steel book case. 5 stiches on my forehead and 11 years later I still have a scar.
-about three years ago at youth group a senior ran me into a steel window, two lasrge gashed on my left shoulder, looks like a snake got me.
-large scars on both left and right knees from my soccer days.
-Behind my right ear from my surgery, eight stiches.. painfull..headache.
-from falling off a 10 foot bunker in the woods, a minor cunussion and a broken rib
- two weeks after the pervious injurie at the same stupid field, tripped over a large log while going after my science teacher, and flipped and tumbled and skidded down some lasge and pointy rocks, landing at his feet. many scard all the way up my forearm
-scars from novicane IV on my left hand
-and my newewst welt, from a backbend i did on friday night, me elbrows gave way and i slammed my head iunto the pavement.

-Lizza I'm such a dainty little girl

10-14-2001, 10:23 AM
2 Hernias, broken both bones in my right arm in half and the same time, knocked unconscious twice from ATV accidents (My dad bought me a Quadracer 250 when I was 13 years old! The thing was a monster and just insanely powerful for a kid to have), knocked unconscious from a paintball shot square in the back of the head, scars on my forehead from a motorcycle accident. Thats the worst ones so far....:)

10-15-2001, 07:27 PM
Nobody here wants to READ about this stuff, this is definitley a pix thread. I think I'll leave it at that for risk of sounding like a sicko.

10-15-2001, 07:50 PM
i stubbed my toe on the desk today? does that count? lol
proud to say ive never broke, torn, or have had stitches in my life.

10-15-2001, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Zo
i stubbed my toe on the desk today? does that count? lol
proud to say ive never broke, torn, or have had stitches in my life.

And here come the AO police to shoot down your sig image...

10-16-2001, 08:48 AM
Cool stuff, glad to know I'm not the only one with some scars and stuff. I have had stitches in my lower lip(5) a few on my rt pointer finger(4) broke 2 toes, messed all the cartlidge up in my rt knee, blown out my rt ringfinger knuckle, and the newest, I was playing softball and slid to get under a tag, and dislocated my left elbow. I got to go through physical therepy for 3 1/2 weeks, I'm finally going back to work tonight after 6 weeks off. I drive a flatbed tractor-trailer, and couldn't pick up the tarp.:) :eek:

10-16-2001, 01:17 PM
hey LizzaRTgirl14:

Did you get your science teacher?
:D :D

10-16-2001, 04:43 PM
About 2 years ago I was cutting grade stakes to set up a concrete slab, the worm drive saw slipped off the stake and the wood locked the bale open and the saw dropped into my right leg, needless to say I had 50 stich's in the muscle and 15 staples closing the cut.... OUCH

10-16-2001, 08:14 PM
i went over the handlebars on my bike, shredded my knee, elbow, with road rash from ankle to neck. that hurt for weeks. never gotten stitches though...

10-17-2001, 08:05 PM

10-18-2001, 11:18 AM
:( Jeez, what a bunch of klutzes you all are.

10-27-2001, 08:24 AM
I was clotheslined by an unmarked wire that was left up by a negligent field owner once. Left a nasty gash on my neck that made it look as if I tried to hang myself.

10-27-2001, 02:23 PM
alright here we go! lol

1. dislocated my right middle finger while cracking my knuckles (don't ask lol)

2. broken numerous toes doing various things

3. i was doing a downhill bike course at a ski hill this summer and after the 14 foot drop the rear wheel blew out and i slipped to the slide and began to roll (was going about 40 km/h at the time) and i hit the protective abrriers but the spikes on my pedals tore through my shoe and took the big nail right off my right foot

4. i was riding a balance beam on my bike at the ski again (1 week after) and my front tire slipped off and i broke 3 fingers on my left hand when the handel bar hit the beam and while falling the 6 feet to the ground my head hit a branch and i pulled one of my neck muscles

5. while playing paintbal in the winter (about - 20*C) i took my gloves off for a game and i got hit in my second middle finger on my right hand (the one before the pinky) and i broke the finger and took most of the skin off (thnx god i was all numbed up!)

6. got into a fight with a newbie after i shot him a few times and he put a hole thru the plastic of my mask (it was a BE mask anyways so no worries) but my face got cut up b/c the plastic cut it

7. this is a wierd one!
i cracked 4 teeth (not all at once) while chewing on NIBS! THOSE DAMN NIBS ARE EVIL!!!

8. did a 17 stair gap last summer and broke the stanctions on the shocks of my bike on landing and went face first into the cement. i was wearing a DH fullface at the time and i got a concussion not to mention broke the visor and the lower face guard of the helmet

9. i was helping my dad cut a big sheet of ply wood on a table saw and it hit a knot and kicked both of us back, i broke my nose my dad broke his arm and we had to get a new garage door b/c the wood went thru it

10. when i was 6 i was running away from my friends mom and i ran across the street looking back and i went face first into the spoiler of a sports car and i cracked the skull just above my left eye and now i have a small stainless steel plate which had to be replaced with a bigger one 3 years after the crash i also had 52 stiches

and thats all i cant think of right now, but there is A LOT more lol

10-27-2001, 06:32 PM
i fell off one of those comerical trucks when some tard put a heavy box on my head..... fell out of the cargo dorr and got stitches on my chin......... good thing the box didn't land on me.... and this was like when i was 5 or 4 still remeber crying in the van...lol!

10-28-2001, 01:10 PM
Well Lets see

when I was like 10, my uncle bought me a swiss army knife made for officers in the Military which had blades made from surgical stainless, well like a week later I sliced my thumb and middle finger, nearly cutting off a good part of my thumb, got 15 stitches for that one,

One day I was riding my bike and the front wheel fell off and I was going really fast, and I slid on my left side for like 200 yards on the asphalt, that left some nasty scars.

Have broken both of my wrists

Football injuries
Several broken ribs
a few broken fingers
messed up ankle for a season
torn my quad
strained several muscles in my shoulders and such

I haven't really hurt myself in paintball though.

I was once swimming in the chesapeake bay and I kicked a pier support, which is very bad b/c u have those very very sharp lil things called barnacles, I had a 4 inch slash on my left foot.

got some ones front teeth stuck in my fore head playin back yard football

Thats about it I know in five minutes that I will think about some thing else well

10-28-2001, 03:39 PM
lets see some pics