View Full Version : any good fields in the salt lake city area??

06-16-2004, 06:13 PM
taking a trip down to salt lake in a few weeks, and my parents dont really know anything to do down there, so i just figured i would play some while i was there. i currently know nothing about where i am staying, but if it matters, i will go and look for that info. im sorta looking for something that isnt out in the middle of the desert, but just let me know about whatever feilds are there. also, we are stumped about what to do in the city of salt lakes, so any tourist info would be greatly appreciated also :D . thanks!

06-17-2004, 08:52 PM
aww come on. theres gotta be atleast one person who can give me some info!

The Action Figure
06-17-2004, 09:06 PM
why would you leve the beutiful south

06-17-2004, 09:55 PM
faja has a business trip, just felt like goin with them. they also already have my plane ticket :) .

06-17-2004, 10:20 PM
SLC sucks paintball wise. DO NOT go to Paintball Planet, their field is messy and their service sucks. Also, don't go to Extreme Sports, that field is DANGEROUS (ever been to a place where chronoing is optional? Yeah, it's not cool). There is a place called Adrenaland that has excellent prices and the people working there are really helpful and friendly.

Mister Sinister
06-17-2004, 11:58 PM
Well I have only played at two fields in Salt Lake. One is Paintball Planet the other was JR's extreme paintball. JR's has since closed so thats no longer an option. My take on Planet was it was not really worth it. Its a bi-level indoor field. The upstairs field did have carpet on the floor which has turned to a slick slimy surface thats hard to run on. They make you chrono before every game to 220fps. Not kidding my IR3 wouldnt run right that low. But dont worry about that as most people that play there just take a wrench with them and turn up the velocity once they are on the field then crank it back down before they come off. Its a field paint only field when I was there it was 89 dollars a case for rec paint you can get online for 40. Dont get me wrong it wasnt all bad the people that run it are good people. Sorry for the long rant. Beyond that I know there are some new fields outside of SLC that are suppose to be good but I have no personal expierence with them. Thats the little I know of the scene.

06-18-2004, 12:15 AM
JR's was a kickin place before it closed.

06-18-2004, 12:32 AM
Adreneland in Sandy is real good compared to Paintball Planet. Only drawback is it's kind of small. (unless they've expanded) I heard of a new field which during the 4th of July I'm thinking of checking out. Can't remember the name at the moment but I seen it mentioned on PBR. New field (http://www.pb-addicts.com) There is the web site. I plan on being in town from July 1st (evening) -5th (evening).

06-18-2004, 08:05 AM
wow, thanks for all of the recommendations! it seems that adreneland place is where i may be going, does anyone happen to know their website? also, what kind of drive am i looking at from downtown salt lake.

06-20-2004, 01:46 PM
I live here and paintball addicts is the best

06-20-2004, 02:42 PM
You can get more info here (http://www.utahpaintball.com).