View Full Version : Emag's inconsistent velocities ?? RobAGD, Tom help ??

10-12-2001, 08:45 PM
I've put about 1200-1500 shots through my Emag and it's worked great !!! Today I went out to chrono and I'm getting velocities anywhere from 270-300. Do you think this is due to not oiling the gun yet ? I just oiled it but my tank is empty so I can't go back to re-chrono it. Or are the inconsistencies operator error ? I chrono'd it just like the video says : in manual mode, pull the trigger and hold it, let go and as fast as possible pull the trigger again (and hold it). I had a string of 4 shots that were great - 284, 284, 284, 287. Otherwise it would be like 280, 295, 278, 290. That doesn't seem real good. I'm using a preset Centerflag 68ci 4500 tank that had about 1100psi left in it when I chrono'd.

10-12-2001, 11:33 PM
..I do have an E-Mag, and have few "educated guess'"

1. The gun is still new, it may need some breaking in.

2. What's the output of the Crossfire? I've read that the higher the input pressure to the gun, the more inconsistent the velocity.

Your worst spread is +/- 7.5fps. The type of paint your using can make a lot of difference over the chrono. Inconsistent paint = fluctuating velocities. What type of chronograph are you using? I'm sure there could be a little variation there, too. Also make sure the barrel is clean & free of oil.

I have a Chrony brand chronograph. I chrono a lot. I find that +/- 2fps is real good, no matter what gun your shooting. BTW, I fire my E-Mag in E Mode when I chrono.

Sorry if this sounds like late-night rambling (it is) Good Luck with that E-Mag :cool:

10-13-2001, 10:44 AM
well I have a RetRo valve and I may say that when shooting slowly and single shots the fluctuation gets up to +/-20. That chronicing procedure is to simulate rapid fire but it doesn't work all that well. It helps though. In rapid fire I usually get about 281,282,282,. Sometimes it gradually get's higher velocity but Tom already explained why that happens. Just deal with it and try your rapid fire simulation procedures.

10-13-2001, 01:02 PM
sound like you need to grease your reg piston.

10-13-2001, 01:57 PM
What type of grease do you use ?

10-13-2001, 02:21 PM
i use dow 33 (socker grease)or white lithium grease will work

10-13-2001, 02:54 PM
How often are you greasing it ?

10-13-2001, 03:31 PM
depends on how often you play. aleast every other time you play