View Full Version : Tippmann Pneumatics, Inc. sold for $75 million

paint magnet
06-17-2004, 01:45 PM
I saw this link on the Tinker's Guild forum earlier today. http://www.68caliber.com/news/industry/story04136.php

Anyone have more info on it? And is it just me, or is everyone being bought out (WGP, ViewLoader, JT, Tippmann, etc)?

06-17-2004, 02:25 PM
maybe this is a good think. ppl being bought out will bring a lot more sponsorships to tourneys...not just paint companies. so now there can be a paint limit w/o upsetting the sponsors. good thing? possibly.

ps no new info from me, sorry to be useless. but someone's gotta do it..be useless right? plz say yes :cry: :( say im useful for being useless. please i need it.

06-17-2004, 02:33 PM
HOLY CRAP!!!! The past 12 months has seen so much change in the paintball industry... think about it, just under a year ago was when the whole Smart Parts patent thing started, and since then K2 and others have gone on some buyout rampages... now this is just another example!! I'm kind of shocked that Tippmann went, I've always expected them to be steady as a rock. Like their products. :)

**edit** Here's the article, for all those of you too lazy to let your fingers do the walking... err, clicking:

<b>Tippmann bought by $5.5 billion company</b>
By Dale Ford
Jun 8, 2004, 14:13

A confidential informant very close to the Tippmanns has come forward to report that Tippmann has been bought by Summit Partners, a $5.5 Billion dollar corporation. As part of the acquisition, the Tippmann family will be kept on as minority partners to assist running the company. Leading salespeople have been asked to remain on as well.

The deal will consumate this Friday. More information as it becomes available.


An independant source with close ties to the industry has come forward to report that Summit Partners paid $75 Million for Tippmann.

© Copyright 2004, 68Caliber.Com

06-17-2004, 02:36 PM
I am trying to figure out if $75 mil was the right price, seems like Tippman would be worth more then that with its big name in the paintball industry. I wonder if we will see new products from them. I can see it now, they Tippman Autococker! Everyone else is making them....

06-17-2004, 03:01 PM
^ I think they are still small partners in it just not owners etc.

06-17-2004, 04:46 PM
I don't think that is bad. Sounds like Tippman made out like bandits. How much could Tippman's annual sales have been? $75million sounds like they pulled one over on SUmmit!

06-18-2004, 09:23 AM
Any more news on this? Or does anybody know anything about "Summit"?

06-18-2004, 11:57 AM
Was it JUST Tippmann Pneumatics that was sold? Or did they sell Tippmann industrial as well?
Is Tippmann Ordinance a related company?

Tipp A5 >> 300$ retail.
75 million spent.
Sell 250,000 A5s to make 75 mil in retail sales.
Or perhaps a half million markers or more to actually recoup the investment in sales profits.

There has GOT to be more included in the deal.

paint magnet
06-18-2004, 12:07 PM
Tippmann Ordinance isn't associated with Tippmann Pneumatics, they just make lots of accessories for Tippmann markers. I don't know if Tippmann Industrial was sold as well, but my guess is they just sold the paintball part of the business because it was getting too big to keep up with, got 75 million out of the deal, and still have the Industrial Products to make money on the side. Just a guess though.