View Full Version : New Atomix Intimidator! (real Pics)

06-17-2004, 09:15 PM

...enjoy...cause i will...

http://www.cnc-machining.com/prototype/atomix/PIC1.JPG :D

06-17-2004, 09:16 PM
i think i just jismed myself

06-17-2004, 09:17 PM
it looks like doo doo...not that it looks bad...it actually looks like a doo doo...

06-17-2004, 09:20 PM
it looks like doo doo...not that it looks bad...it actually looks like a doo doo...
...i think you need to get a check-up if your "doo doo" looks like that...

Ripper machinist
06-17-2004, 09:23 PM
it looks like doo doo...not that it looks bad...it actually looks like a doo doo...

to much chili for this guy if his poo is a abomb explosion ! :ninja:

06-17-2004, 09:25 PM
how much are these things? are they available to the public yet?

06-17-2004, 09:26 PM
how much are these things? are they available to the public yet?

...no not just yet...they will be in a few weeks....maybe even months...it depends...

to much chili for this guy if his poo is a abomb explosion ! :ninja:

...or too much plutonium 256
06-17-2004, 09:33 PM
Bah. Timmies.
Different milling, same internals. :rolleyes:

06-17-2004, 09:38 PM
I bet that is extrememly light it has so much milling. Do you know the weight.

dark assasin
06-17-2004, 09:39 PM
omg, I live like 5 miles away from atomix and there is alot of talk around town about the atomix timmy but I never saw the pix!! damn that is enough for me to blow an atomix eload! lol. But really the atomix impulse is awsome but that timmy is the shizznat

06-17-2004, 09:47 PM
Wow... I heard they were getting their own Timmy, but didn't really believe it. They did have their own 'pulse...

Best indoor field in the area, too bad it isn't bigger...

Looks good IMO, the mushroom cloud is nice. Way better than the Russian Legion timmy... Simon, you do this one too?

Edit added: just noticed the A-Bomb shaped Eye cover... GREAT detail!


06-17-2004, 09:57 PM
Eh, it looks ok I guess...Im not a huge fan of really intricate milling though, I like the looks of the regular/dark alias better.

edit: I think it would look much better if they had milled off the lil "beak" sticking off the back of the explosion. It makes it look as though a vulture head was milled onto the gun at first glance.

06-17-2004, 09:58 PM
is it just me, or do the new lpr knob and vert asa's look out of proportion to the rest of the gun.

06-17-2004, 09:59 PM
Don't like it. All the detail from the hand drawn pic is lost.Maybe it looks better up close but it kinda looks like the top tube melted.:)

Won't be putting the Alias up for sale any time soon. ;)

06-17-2004, 10:05 PM

Disgusting, IMO the Classic Timmy and GZ were the best looking models... these models are disgusting... :cry:

06-17-2004, 10:08 PM

06-17-2004, 10:12 PM
I think it looks like a Naughty Dog Rip off, but thats just me.

06-17-2004, 10:14 PM
I like it. Then again, I think most of the 2K4 style Timmy's look excellent (aside from the Dark and the ND).

06-17-2004, 10:15 PM
timmys are coming up with some real plain designs....

i think they have just ran out of ideas for timmy bodys. next thing you know it ll be just a :) happy face....

BOOOO the empire, the naughty dogs, the atomix, they all look too plain to me

06-17-2004, 10:16 PM
^^^I agree...thats why I bought the greatest one (ALIAS)...cheaper and lighter...

06-17-2004, 10:19 PM

Disgusting, IMO the Classic Timmy and GZ were the best looking models... these models are disgusting... :cry:

heres the perfect example of why kids should not smoke crack. the classic was the by far ugliest thing ever made

06-17-2004, 10:20 PM
MMMM.......Mushroom cloud on marker.... and bom eye covers... :eek:

I like. :bounce:

06-17-2004, 10:53 PM
Timmys need a new body style, also they need to get rid of the barbs, I hate breaking them, then they are 4 bucks to replace. :mad:

06-17-2004, 10:58 PM
Dear engineers,

please stop designing intimidator bodies until you graduate from product design school.

sincerely, Money cant buy you taste.

06-17-2004, 11:00 PM
The classic was simple and looked good.

Classic, Ripper, GZ > Everything else.

06-17-2004, 11:07 PM
The classic was simple and looked good.

Classic, Ripper, GZ > Everything else.

Exactly, i cant stand any of these new timmy's. The alias is OK, but the rest are overpriced turds.

06-17-2004, 11:24 PM
Don't like the looks :argh:

06-17-2004, 11:29 PM
ACK :tard: , i'll just stick with my plain tube thank you very much :headbang:

oh and :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

06-17-2004, 11:30 PM
hey i like the stock classic setups, real shiny stuff, chrome dualies, really nice 2 color fades. seriously nothing wrong with them at all

i like the 2k2's and alias, nothing else really

06-17-2004, 11:43 PM
Ripper Machinist that is some incredible work, I think that will have to be my next new gun pickup!

06-17-2004, 11:52 PM
w0wz0r, i will be so AGG pimpin this fresh new timmy yo. it goes 38 bps and i will be cappin muppets in the face. word sucka.

06-17-2004, 11:54 PM
looks like every other single timmy that has come out lately..i dont see anything special..

06-17-2004, 11:55 PM
Someone needs to slap Bob's design team, seriosly. Every time I look at it, it gets uglier.

06-18-2004, 12:01 AM
I think its dope, it actually incorporates the team name very well.. Pure pimp

06-18-2004, 12:05 AM
Someone needs to slap Bob's design team, seriosly. Every time I look at it, it gets uglier.

Well...you just told the guy yourself, but I personly think its one of the nicest ones yet, you can never have too many choices

06-18-2004, 12:19 AM
next will be the LION KING!

06-18-2004, 12:21 AM
Hard to tell if its a mushroom cloud at first... but if you keep looking at it then you'll see it (at least for me). Don't think its that bad. Wouldn't mind having one..

06-18-2004, 12:58 AM
dude that is SO cool. I want one bad.
-Ryan :headbang:

06-18-2004, 01:52 AM
that looks nice but they all starting to follow one body design...id buuy it if it wasnt a timmy

06-18-2004, 01:56 AM
w0wz0r, i will be so AGG pimpin this fresh new timmy yo. it goes 38 bps and i will be cappin muppets in the face. word sucka.

wow...atomix is my local field, and you'd be amazed how close that is to how all of the regulars there sound. hopefully thi will take away slightly from the new shocker craze going on there right now. walkon a week ago, i counted more than 10 new style shockers...

06-18-2004, 03:04 AM
The best part that I see is that it has the atomic explosion milling! That's just my opinion :D

06-18-2004, 03:30 AM
Someone needs to slap Bob's design team, seriosly. Every time I look at it, it gets uglier.
They look uglier and uglier to me too. And they all seem to be following the same body design like someone else said.

06-18-2004, 05:40 AM
It looks like a modified naughty dogs timmy.

06-18-2004, 06:02 AM
that is some crazy milling. The A-bomb eye cover and the mushroom could are nuts. But to me timmys = Spyders plus a thousand bucks.
Bob Long sponsoring every SP wont.
Coming to your town soon.

06-18-2004, 09:22 AM
I think that is extreemly nice.

06-18-2004, 11:15 AM
[QUOTE=gc82000] But to me timmys = Spyders plus a thousand bucks.
Ahhh Ignorance at its best. :shooting:

06-18-2004, 11:19 AM
next will be the LION KING!

...(SHUT UP!)...

...I want an "AGD" intimidator :tard: :cool:

06-18-2004, 11:26 AM
that is some crazy milling. The A-bomb eye cover and the mushroom could are nuts. But to me timmys = Spyders plus a thousand bucks.
Bob Long sponsoring every SP wont.
Coming to your town soon.
and that is why every timmy owner has one, b/c they prefer to own a 1g spyder, come on theres a reason to everything, just think man THINK HARD

i noticed the downfall of timmys since the Empire timmy, i mean come on an X for 1400? :rofl:

06-18-2004, 11:33 AM
...yeah, people would rather buy an "X" (x-valve) for $325...or how about an "X"-Mag for $1396, and a year of waiting.... :rolleyes:

06-18-2004, 01:03 PM
Timmies are spyders with 1000 dollars into them.

Based off the bob long millenium body (spyder clone)

Timmy bolts and other misc parts can be inter-changed with spyders.

So yes, timmies are 1000 dollar spyders

The thing about the X-valve, it's an anti-chop system, a bolt system, the entire firing mechanism, and an internal regulator capable of over 35bps

I believe that's worth 325, especially when people are sending in their angels and 250-350 bucks for a board upgrade and an anti-chop system.

06-18-2004, 01:31 PM
same gun diff milling.......

somone is giving kingman a run for the most amount of guns repackaged as soemthing new and different

06-18-2004, 01:33 PM
fugliest thing i've ever seen.

what's next, the EDSEL TIMMY.

06-18-2004, 01:35 PM
Blazestorm...(not as intelligent as he types...) :tard:

...look at the post above mine...happy was talking about people buying an "X" for $1400 (he was talking of the empire intimidator)...I was including other "X"'s people pay for...

06-18-2004, 03:52 PM
same gun diff milling.......

no shiz!! really? wow you really helped us out with that line man.

So far no-one official has said its any different to other timmys. Its good to have choice. Whats peoples problems with being given choice? If you don't like the look of this particular gun, then fine, but a dig on having a range to choose from is stupid.

06-18-2004, 04:05 PM
Flame me all you want but people that say a Timmy is just a $1000 Spyder have no clue.
Why dont you just say a XMAG is a $1500 Classic Mag
I dont have a Timmy but I have shot them and they are very fast I think they are worth the money. Everone *****es that they want more from AGD on body styles but if a nother company comes out with differnt style guns they *****. I think that the guns Bob puts out look good and gives players a chance to get the gun style they want.

06-18-2004, 04:11 PM
Because an x-mag has completely different parts?

If you took a classic mag, and wanted to upgrade to an x-mag, you'd upgrade every part.

It's different with a spyder. Timmies and spyders have interechangable parts, and you can turn spyders into timmies. (Bad company does it)

Timmies are Spyders. Spyders are Timmies.

06-18-2004, 04:12 PM
Impressive work in on that beast....personally though, I would rather have a unmilled lump of aluminum at a lower price.

Who cares if a Timmy is a Spyder on roids? Are they fast? Are they efficient? Are they accurate? What else matters?

06-18-2004, 04:42 PM
Flame me all you want but people that say a Timmy is just a $1000 Spyder have no clue.
Why dont you just say a XMAG is a $1500 Classic Mag
I dont have a Timmy but I have shot them and they are very fast I think they are worth the money. Everone *****es that they want more from AGD on body styles but if a nother company comes out with differnt style guns they *****. I think that the guns Bob puts out look good and gives players a chance to get the gun style they want.

...Straight from someone sponsored by AGD...

...fight the people... :p

Ripper machinist
06-18-2004, 04:51 PM
Because an x-mag has completely different parts?

If you took a classic mag, and wanted to upgrade to an x-mag, you'd upgrade every part.

It's different with a spyder. Timmies and spyders have interechangable parts, and you can turn spyders into timmies. (Bad company does it)

Timmies are Spyders. Spyders are Timmies.

and if you took a spyder and upgraded it to a alias platform you also would upgrade every single part.

Btw man people on this board are to harsh. Especialy the ones ragging about its design. The customer (atomix) had their sketch artist draw up what type of timmy they wanted. So basicaly this is exactly what they wanted. This is not because we ran out of ideas as some said. I think it looks clean, But I am biased. Dont like it, oh well that is your perogative, no one posted this to tell you had to like it. It is just a gun atomix wanted for them. They love it so I am overall happy with its final design.

Btw sorry some of you get so worked up over a new timmy design. I do wonder if it was a atomix x-mag, how the reactions would of changed.


06-18-2004, 05:01 PM
It's different with a spyder. Timmies and spyders have interechangable parts, and you can turn spyders into timmies.

No they don't and no you can't.

You can make a 'blowback' operate similar to an Intimidator,which BTW is identical in function to an Angel,Impulse,bushmaster,Viking......

But you still would not have the overall quality and finished product equal to that of an Initimidator,Angel,Bushmaster,Viking etc.

At least not until you replace every single part including the body and at a cost of more than what your trying to acheive.:)

It would be like putting a LS V8 in a cavalier and calling it a 'Vette. ;)

06-18-2004, 05:06 PM
No they don't and no you can't.

You can make a 'blowback' operate similar to an Intimidator,which BTW is identical in function to an Angel,Impulse,bushmaster,Viking......

But you still would not have the overall quality and finished product equal to that of an Initimidator,Angel,Bushmaster,Viking etc.

At least not until you replace every single part including the body and at a cost of more than what your trying to acheive.:)

It would be like putting a LS V8 in a cavalier and calling it a 'Vette. ;)

...its ok guys...some people who play paintball a lot are not "experts"...

...and posts on this thread prove it...

06-18-2004, 06:13 PM
Because an x-mag has completely different parts?

If you took a classic mag, and wanted to upgrade to an x-mag, you'd upgrade every part.

It's different with a spyder. Timmies and spyders have interechangable parts, and you can turn spyders into timmies. (Bad company does it)

Timmies are Spyders. Spyders are Timmies.

That has to be the silliest and most ignorant thing I have read today. Well done. :rofl: It's all so wrong it's unreal. :hail:

06-18-2004, 06:36 PM
Try sticking a timmy bolt into a spyder (with milled top) it will fit and shoot perfectly.
Try sticking a spyder ball detent into a timmy, it will work perfectly, and actually be better then the ones you buy that are made for timmies.
Try sticking a spyder cup-seal into a timmy, it will work because they are based off the same damn gun.

Bad-Company has taken spyders (the body) and transformmed it into a spyder with everything timmy on it. (Has a clamshell, Timmy internals, Everything basically) And you can buy "The One" which converts your spyder into an electropneumatic almost exactly same in the operation of a timmy.

I'm not saying everything on the gun is interchangable, I said some parts, I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I know of.

And to the guy talking about the Atomix - If that's what they wanted, then It's a damn nice job, but it's not something I'd want to buy/shoot. People aren't harsh on these forums, they just have personal preference.

Manike - You aren't the all knowing god, spyders can be made into timmies (they'll shoot the same, feel the same, and look almost exactly the same excluding the ram-sleeve and body)

Renegade - Atleast I didn't waste 2000 dollars on a gun without thinking about having money to play... genius there buddy... genius...

This is like you guys saying an auto-cocker isn't a sniper 2 with pneumatics... what's a timmy? A spyder with pneumatics... WOW!?! Incredible.

I'm done with this thread, we all have our own views, accept them or ignore them, don't fight them.

06-18-2004, 06:44 PM
Manike - You aren't the all knowing god, spyders can be made into timmies (they'll shoot the same, feel the same, and look almost exactly the same excluding the ram-sleeve and body)

Renegade - Atleast I didn't waste 2000 dollars on a gun without thinking about having money to play... genius there buddy... genius...

I'm done with this thread, we all have our own views, accept them or ignore them, don't fight them.

...Manike never said he was...(did you :confused: )

...and just to let you know...it was not a waste...1,000's of other people would of done the same thing...

...buy a ferrari with no gas...or buy a POS with gas?...ill take the farrari...

06-18-2004, 06:50 PM

You could spend 1000 dollars less, get just as nice of a car, and afford gas!

No he didn't say it, but he sure as hell acted like it.

06-18-2004, 06:52 PM
...buy a ferrari with no gas...or buy a POS with gas?...ill take the farrari...

I would say you use your noodle and buy an Porsche and gas. No sense in having a 150,000 dollar paperweight. Then again I am a bright lad. :clap:

06-18-2004, 06:52 PM
i actualy like it. its evil looking. me like evil looking things

06-18-2004, 06:56 PM
Like evil.....here ya go....


This is Bad Dog "Destroyer of Shoes"

06-18-2004, 07:05 PM
Manike - You aren't the all knowing god, spyders can be made into timmies (they'll shoot the same, feel the same, and look almost exactly the same excluding the ram-sleeve and body)

I am going to go and say Manike knows a little more about this then you.

06-18-2004, 07:13 PM
You can only swap the cup seal itself,which FYI you can also do on at least a dozen other markers as well.

Strike 2 on the Next point (bolt pic).....

Which leaves you with the little non specific rubber detent. Yeah your right....they ARE the same marker. :rolleyes:

06-18-2004, 07:58 PM
I said one with an open milled top, like black dragun TES.


Timmies were based off spyders, simple as that, calling them spyders is not that off.

Like I said before...

Saying an autococker is a Sniper 2 with pneumatics, is no different then saying a timmy is a spyder with pneumatics. Same body, different operation.

06-18-2004, 08:11 PM

In as much as any combustable engine is the same.......

In as much as every gun based on a hammer hitting a valve is basically the same.....

For instance,any Sheridan/Nelson based pump is closer to the function of a Spyder than anything else,then probably a Cocker,then probably a Bushmaster BKO,then an Impulse,Angel,Intimidator and Viking (in no particular order),is a pretty good example of the progression of the design,more or less.

Beyond that....

Go buy the game "clue", play it few times, and then get back to me. :D

06-18-2004, 08:19 PM
Another eye sore. But if it pulls your skirt, go for it.

06-18-2004, 08:21 PM
and if you took a spyder and upgraded it to a alias platform you also would upgrade every single part.

Btw man people on this board are to harsh. Especialy the ones ragging about its design. The customer (atomix) had their sketch artist draw up what type of timmy they wanted. So basicaly this is exactly what they wanted. This is not because we ran out of ideas as some said. I think it looks clean, But I am biased. Dont like it, oh well that is your perogative, no one posted this to tell you had to like it. It is just a gun atomix wanted for them. They love it so I am overall happy with its final design.

Btw sorry some of you get so worked up over a new timmy design. I do wonder if it was a atomix x-mag, how the reactions would of changed.


Jim, i for one would like to appologize for the more pigheaded of our members. I for one used to think, oh cool, it used to come from a spyder body in the pre stages. Which is just like Oh cool, the mag came from a lead pipe in its earlier stages.

People dont seem to get it. Other markers have different styles and different bodies. ITs a custom intimidator people, a different style than the base model alias. Just as an x-mag is a variant of the e-mag, allong with the SFl. What about karta bodies? ULE mags, Chords, Dallaras, And more! its all the same thing, just agd hasnt released each and every one.

You think custom angels are cool? well heres a word to the wise, they are all made by WDP to the custom shops specifications.

Geez guys, some of you make me ashamed to be a member here on AO. you have insulted Ripper Machienest, whom makes some of the sickest markers around, and our very own MANIKE, WHOM FOR YOU NOOBS Designed the x-mag, who also designed the empire, worked on the ND timmy, and most of the others that are comming out.

I hope you all go think about how stupid some of you really are.

06-18-2004, 08:26 PM

I'm going to admit to being an ***... because... well manike didn't do anything wrong but say the truth... nor did anyone else here...

I was being ignorant, and I apologize. :(

06-18-2004, 08:34 PM
Now reading back on what I posted, I am ashamed of what I said. I hope I didnt insult anyone. I, myslef see to much of a resemblence to the Naughty Dog timmy, so the fun of the this design is taking away because I have already seen something similair to it, in the ND timmy.

Once again, I appologize to Ripper, anyone else who helped design it.

06-18-2004, 08:35 PM
That's another reason why timmies are so popular, so many different styles and parts for them... they're like cockers were 5 years ago... Now I too am pondering getting one... :ninja:

Ripper machinist
06-18-2004, 08:48 PM
Jim, i for one would like to appologize for the more pigheaded of our members. I for one used to think, oh cool, it used to come from a spyder body in the pre stages. Which is just like Oh cool, the mag came from a lead pipe in its earlier stages.

People dont seem to get it. Other markers have different styles and different bodies. ITs a custom intimidator people, a different style than the base model alias. Just as an x-mag is a variant of the e-mag, allong with the SFl. What about karta bodies? ULE mags, Chords, Dallaras, And more! its all the same thing, just agd hasnt released each and every one.

You think custom angels are cool? well heres a word to the wise, they are all made by WDP to the custom shops specifications.

Geez guys, some of you make me ashamed to be a member here on AO. you have insulted Ripper Machienest, whom makes some of the sickest markers around, and our very own MANIKE, WHOM FOR YOU NOOBS Designed the x-mag, who also designed the empire, worked on the ND timmy, and most of the others that are comming out.

I hope you all go think about how stupid some of you really are.

Wow pure class, Why I want to start posting more over here than on pbnation. I heard the crowd over on ao are alot more mature. You just proved it. :D


06-18-2004, 08:50 PM
Now I too am pondering getting one... :ninja:

My timmy has been the best gun I have owned, it has only had one problem, that was today with the 14 point harness. Never chopped, never had leaks or anything. Just grease it after about 2 times of playing and thats it.

06-18-2004, 08:50 PM
Should have seen how he acted in the chat though, he flipped out ninja style when before I finished typing my apology

You do good work man, not my style, but good work none-the-less

Here's what he said...

magman007 : yea well go **** your self, its people like you, whom have converted what used to be an awesome forum 2 years back, into a ****tier PBN, PBN acts more civilized than you do. GOOD NIGHT ASSHAT

I sent him a PM but he's ignoring me...

Ripper machinist
06-18-2004, 09:12 PM
Should have seen how he acted in the chat though, he flipped out ninja style when before I finished typing my apology.

Their a chat board on here?


06-18-2004, 09:13 PM
With IRC...

Server : irc.automags.org
Channel - #automags


is a good client, or trillian

06-18-2004, 11:13 PM
People dont seem to get it. Other markers have different styles and different bodies. ITs a custom intimidator people, a different style than the base model alias. Just as an x-mag is a variant of the e-mag, allong with the SFl. What about karta bodies? ULE mags, Chords, Dallaras, And more! its all the same thing, just agd hasnt released each and every one.

oh man i was fully just about to post that as soon as i got done reading all of these posts

06-18-2004, 11:43 PM
Try sticking a timmy bolt into a spyder (with milled top) it will fit and shoot perfectly.

WRONG! The bolt from a spyder will not fit and work in the 2k4 series of guns.

Try sticking a spyder ball detent into a timmy, it will work perfectly, and actually be better then the ones you buy that are made for timmies.

CORRECT! You get one point. The front grip frame screw on the classic is the same for all other mags. So? Lots of guns use the same ball detent systems. Does that make a ULE mag the same as a cocker or an Angel just because it uses the same ball detent?

Try sticking a spyder cup-seal into a timmy, it will work because they are based off the same damn gun.

WRONG! The 2k4 series no longer even has a cup-seal. It has a delrin poppet valve.

You're just showing that you don't know how much the timmy has developed. This is fun, Let's keep playing...

Bad-Company has taken spyders (the body) and transformmed it into a spyder with everything timmy on it. (Has a clamshell, Timmy internals, Everything basically) And you can buy "The One" which converts your spyder into an electropneumatic almost exactly same in the operation of a timmy.

Almost, but not exactly. And last time I saw Tom Cole (who I consider a friend) they weren't changing any of the parts on their guns. Heck I saw one of his players take a gun from the stand, open the box, put his tank and barrel and loader on it and go play.

Also two world cups ago when my X-mag went down Tom loaned me one of his spyders to go play with. It was very much a stock gun with stickers on it.

Manike - You aren't the all knowing god, spyders can be made into timmies (they'll shoot the same, feel the same, and look almost exactly the same excluding the ram-sleeve and body)

Never said I was. Heck a block of aluminium can be made into an X-mag (or believe it or not even a COCKER ;) ) obviously it takes some amount of work but in the end it will shoot the same, feel the same and look similar... :rolleyes: The amount of work to make a spyder body take timmy parts is now very significant. The 2k4 shares almost no parts in common with the original classic, which did have some similar parts to the spyder. In fact the block of aluminium has more chance of becoming a cocker than the spyder has of becoming a 2k4 timmy because you can't easily put back material that has already been removed...

06-18-2004, 11:46 PM

I'm going to admit to being an ***... because... well manike didn't do anything wrong but say the truth... nor did anyone else here...

I was being ignorant, and I apologize. :(

That's cool. Only just saw this after my other post above. Apology accepted with no ill feelings at all. It was actually becoming fun to try and think of what parts were in compatible with a spyder. I couldn't think of many.

06-18-2004, 11:52 PM
That's another reason why timmies are so popular, so many different styles and parts for them... they're like cockers were 5 years ago... Now I too am pondering getting one... :ninja:

I actually go out of my way to try and make guns for different tastes. In my opinion there is no point making all guns to fit one type of persons taste. It's why car companies make a range of cars and body styles on the same platform. If you have more options, you are more likely to have a product for everyone.

I know some people have specifically said they love one design, and hate another. Great. It means it's working, just as long as everyone finds one design they like and are willing to buy, then I'm doing my job. :dance:

Jim's always been great at doing the 'busier' style guns, and I do my more 'understated' type style. We work well together I think. :D

06-18-2004, 11:59 PM
hey if you ever want to make me a ninja timmy let me know... :ninja:

06-19-2004, 12:02 AM
my angel used spyder ball detents

06-19-2004, 12:07 AM
What would a 'Ninja' gun look like?

All black with a slit through the middle? and sharp pointy bits that move quickly? :ninja:

06-19-2004, 12:10 AM
maybe.... maybe...

It'd have to be stealthy... you know... ninja... have to be light and all black (everything...) that would be sick, I'd definately buy it, just to say I got a ninja timmy.

They're like "yah dude check out my sick alias" I'll be like "yeah... ninja timmy" they be "WTF HAX =/"

I dunno I was having an idea of a headband sorta thing coming out the back

06-19-2004, 12:18 AM
All black with a slit through the middle? :

he he he

06-19-2004, 12:30 AM
leaving this thread for a bit and seeing a giant argument arise, im glad to see that it had come to a peaceful conclusion, rather than a thread end up being locked. good job guys, this was handled in well mannered way, very unpbn-like :cool:

anyway, i can tell timmys will probably never look any better than the 2k4 or 2k2 timmys. except the unreleased 2k4 rippers

06-19-2004, 01:46 AM
Simon, no Ninja timmy until ya get the one that was designed on the table cloth at TexBall done!:)

06-19-2004, 04:06 AM
....I demand a ginja ninja timmy........ :D

06-19-2004, 06:57 AM
It would be like putting a LS V8 in a cavalier and calling it a 'Vette. ;)

Well this you could. Just call it a Chevette! :rofl:

Load SM5
06-19-2004, 07:16 AM
Simon, no Ninja timmy until ya get the one that was designed on the table cloth at TexBall done!:)

Ah yes, my attempt at timmy design. That needs to be made. :wow:

Anyway I love my new spyder......


06-19-2004, 07:31 AM
Very nice Load. I bought the shocker back up because I did not have the patience to wait for the timmy!

BTW. Banners were perfect. THanks again!!!!

06-19-2004, 09:27 AM
Pre-apologies to Jim and Simon, I think when you read this you'll realize that what I'm about to say isn't in any way directed at you guys.

I think it's great that we have people that work in the industry that come on here. However, as of late, one thing has really, really irked me. It's like we are all supposed to have some special reverence for these people, like now that they work for some paintball company they no longer can be confronted by the opinions of the "little people" that post online. I keep seeing people post from companies, and anytime anyone disagrees with them at all, someone else comes out and tells them to shut up (basically) because they don't know anything. Well... ok, maybe they don't know anything. But, I think sometimes though we need to step back and really evaluate why we are so adamant about defending people that work for companies here.

You always see it on PBN when people back up something some pro-player says or does. C'mon, just because a guy can play, doesn't mean that his opinions are worth a dime. I don't care if he's got sandanas to wipe his butt with, shockers still have problems with breaking, and I'm not buying one just because his name is carved into the side of it. I'm also not going to "lose my drop" because he doesn't use one. Nor will I use an 18" barrel. They aren't "objectively better." I'm also not going to worry about putting another respected brand of grease or oil into my gun, just because some company rep tells me that my noid will explode as soon as it hits it. Curious, one guy says grease is horrible for the gun, another guy says oil is horrible for their gun... they use the same manufacturers solenoid... what gives? Oh, wait... the company puts their brand name on the side of the grease tube, right, forgot about that. I was unaware that Buna-n had such varying properties...

Here's where it comes in, some people don't like this milling. I personally don't. It's got nothing to do with the skill of the machinist, or the modeler. I just don't like the milling. You know what, that's ok! I don't care for the ND timmy either... or the dragon, species, ripper, or... well, the list goes on. I've never really cared for intimidators, barring possibly the Storm. That doesn't mean I think Jim is a piece of crap, or that Simon is a no-talent hack. I just don't really like the way they look. Don't I have the right to say that if others people have the right to say how awesome it is?

What would happen if this were some kid that did homemade hacks in his garage, and it were truly hideous? Would you defend him? Would you pile on anyone who said his work was disgusting? I don't see that happening out here. I see people putting up pics of their guns that they've invested their time and money into, and people dogpiling them telling them how much they suck, how much their gun sucks, and how they should go kill theirselves.

Gimme a break, shouldn't Jim or Simon (who are being paid to do this) be able to handle the fact that not everyone likes their work, or that some have the opinion that intimidators breed like barn-cats? Shouldn't Tom, the guys from MD, BLAST, pro-teams, full time techs, and every other "named" guy have to back up his/her words just like the rest of us? I feel that everyone is pretty much on the same level. Lord knows I've disagreed with things that factory techs and engineers have said on PBN before. Why shouldn't I? Because they work for the factory? Sorry, but that doesn't mean they get to violate physics or that their opinion is worth 2 cents more than anyone else's.

So, in closing, Jim, I must say, I don't really care for the milling. I think you're a top-quality guy though. :clap:

And Simon, you no-talent hack!, if I shipped you an empty box... say 14" X 12" X 12", what sort of something could you fit in there for me to test drive?! :shooting: you know I gotta ask...


Ripper machinist
06-19-2004, 11:44 AM
Dear engineers,

please stop designing intimidator bodies until you graduate from product design school.

sincerely, Money cant buy you taste.

Someone needs to slap Bob's design team, seriosly. Every time I look at it, it gets uglier.

i think they have just ran out of ideas for timmy bodys. next thing you know it ll be just a happy face....

Dk1, I never get mad at people telling me they do not like a particular design. I welcome criticism, I learn from it, adapt , and try to make my self better. Constructive criticism is always nice. But I know it is not possible to please everyone. And I get mad at people with comments like this. This has nothing to do with their feelings on a design. They just feel they have to get some kind of low blow in. These are the comments I feel degenerate the internet. Since you know, if they where in front of Me, Simon, mr. Kaye, or basicaly anyone, you know they would not say it so harshly. So if you can not say something as rude to someones face. Why do people feel just cause they have some anomity, that all their manners taught to them by their parents. Can just be thrown out the door.

This gun is exactly what the customer wanted, here is the sketch from them.


And this is what they got.


I guess I was running out of ideas.


06-19-2004, 01:22 PM
The classic was simple and looked good.

Classic, Ripper, GZ > Everything else.

And you do relize that the Ripper was in no way simple...that post made 0 sense.

06-19-2004, 02:19 PM
And you do relize that the Ripper was in no way simple...that post made 0 sense.
he means a simple look, dont think so hard, your brains will blow out your ears

Ripper machinist - i apologize for that statement, i understand your position

Creative Mayhem
06-19-2004, 02:40 PM
Simon... Muzikman, Load and myself are still waiting for the Tex-ball designed timmy :cool: :hail:

06-19-2004, 04:14 PM
Dk1, I never get mad at people telling me they do not like a particular design. I welcome criticism, I learn from it, adapt , and try to make my self better. Constructive criticism is always nice. But I know it is not possible to please everyone. And I get mad at people with comments like this. This has nothing to do with their feelings on a design. They just feel they have to get some kind of low blow in. These are the comments I feel degenerate the internet. Since you know, if they where in front of Me, Simon, mr. Kaye, or basicaly anyone, you know they would not say it so harshly. So if you can not say something as rude to someones face. Why do people feel just cause they have some anomity, that all their manners taught to them by their parents. Can just be thrown out the door.

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I actually think the core of it is similar to what I was trying to say . People are very harsh on the internet. I was thinking about how harsh it is to blast someone just because they don't care for how something looks, and you're thinking about how those people are being hypercritical about the design (seeing as how it wasn't "Bob's design team" in the first place). I guess the point I was trying to make is, would *other* people be so upset with the critics if it were someone else's product, who we didn't know as a key guy in the industry?

This gun is exactly what the customer wanted, here is the sketch from them.
I guess I was running out of ideas.


Nah, I totally got that. It's not really your design, you were just doing what you were told/given. And I must say, seeing that drawing and the body together, anyone would be an idiot to suppose that you don't have skill in the execution there. I think the same thing when I see the X-mag with the face in the side of it, and the ND timmy. It's obvious that there was talent there, I just didn't care for the visuals. I guess my question is, do you find it asthetically pleasing?


Ripper machinist
06-19-2004, 05:07 PM
Nah, I totally got that. It's not really your design, you were just doing what you were told/given. And I must say, seeing that drawing and the body together, anyone would be an idiot to suppose that you don't have skill in the execution there. I think the same thing when I see the X-mag with the face in the side of it, and the ND timmy. It's obvious that there was talent there, I just didn't care for the visuals. I guess my question is, do you find it asthetically pleasing?


I like it, But my opionin is tainted. you put a crap load of work into making and drawing a 3d cloud, you would love it to. But the reactions I have gotten from others in the shop, and bobs shop, are all promising. Again it will not appeal to all. I think it came out pretty clean in the end. Btw it is extremly hard to take someones 2d idea. And put it into 3d. A 2d artist does not have certain restrictions that I will have. LIke drawing sharp internal fillets. Or compensating how things will work out going over the top tube. Not being able to cut certain areas of the body, since it will make it non functional.


06-19-2004, 05:53 PM
Like I said in chat, if that is what the customer sent as a drawing and wanted you to do, you did a damn fine job making that come to life.

But it's not my thing ;)

I like simplicity... on the milling... the anno.... is another story... :D

06-19-2004, 08:12 PM
Lame, jus another timmy

06-19-2004, 09:29 PM
should cut out the section between the feedneck and lil wavy thingy, pure hottness it would be (and yes, it can be done, see my imp if you dont think so)

06-20-2004, 12:10 AM
I like the looks, but Im assuming its the same timmy with new milling?

I dont really know, but Im kinda anti-electro... kinda........

06-20-2004, 12:56 AM
should cut out the section between the feedneck and lil wavy thingy, pure hottness it would be (and yes, it can be done, see my imp if you dont think so)


06-20-2004, 01:10 AM
man that is awful

Empire>all other timmies

06-20-2004, 01:11 AM
Simon... Muzikman, Load and myself are still waiting for the Tex-ball designed timmy :cool: :hail:

:headbang: :shooting: :eek:

06-20-2004, 02:11 AM
(reads thread over) :( ...wow...this thread of mine is chaotic...(i guess people like to bash others ideas since its summer now)... :(

...i love my alias, which is not a spyder, and which is an excellent design...i don't care what others think because when i am behind it they can bash intimidators from the dead box...

06-20-2004, 03:00 AM
no crap, id like to see what the hell they are shooting.

06-20-2004, 01:06 PM
...i love my alias, which is not a spyder, and which is an excellent design...i don't care what others think because when i am behind it they can bash intimidators from the dead box...

Same here. I'm not trashing the 'mill-er' just the 'mill-ing'. I simply don't like the design as it translates to metal. I also think it's great if you like it, everyne likes to have options in a product retailling for over a grand.Personally my fav is the Alias milling and guess which one I have. :)

What I DO find funny and ironic is how everone says "It's just another Timmy with different milling"

EXACTLY!!!!! How awesome is it to have so many cosmetic options for a single well designed product !? People were *****ing about XMAGS not coming in dust originally for crying out loud,now you have markers coming not only in numerous colors,but numerous milling, what does it take to make you all happy? Are you the same people drooling over Deadly Wind bodies? Logic rails and frames? Feather light Vikings? DC vikings? Crusader Vikings? DM4's? Dynasty and Strange shockers?

Hypocrits......um yup sure as heck sounds like it.

FYI, my new marker coming out is a square and only comes in raw aluminum.Let's see how many people get in line for that. :rolleyes:


(not as angry as that may have come off ;) )