View Full Version : Leaking out of barrel

10-13-2001, 10:01 AM
My classic mag is leaking out of the barrel What do I have to do to stop it?


10-13-2001, 10:16 AM
I think that means you have to replace your powertube o-ring. It says it in the movie, but I havn't seen it for along time. Someone will know what it is.

10-13-2001, 10:42 AM
If it still leaking after you've changed the power feed o-rings, try change with power feed spacer kit. Some spacer kits comes with 4-5 color coded with different thick. It should stop the leak with some matched ones. Good luck.....

10-13-2001, 02:33 PM
Which bolt do you have? AGD or something else? If something else(ANS) try the factory bolt. Let us know how you do. And welcome to AO!:cool: