View Full Version : another noob question thread

06-18-2004, 07:01 PM
Im used to the tippmann forum and there brutel to noobs of there gun so be gentel, Im a noob to the automag I dont know alot about the machanics of the valve system and i like to dry fire my marker ALOT and i mean alot so im just sitting there walking it and the rt is just riping and everyonce and a awile when i try and walk it i sometimes shortstroke it and the bolt wont place back to were its supposed to go and i have to push my finger to get it back into place, what do i do to stop this? is it because im noob and i dont know how to walk it yet or because theres something set up wroung can i put a shim in it or something to stop this i just got it from the company brand new so there shouldnt be anything wroung with it, if its is because im a noob what happens when im walking it in game and i short stroke do i have to put my finger in it and push it back or does this not happen with balls in it? I hope you understand what im trying to say thank you alot and dont be tippmann forum.

also I wanted to know what is a good reg so that i can put my tank down to 700PSI because right now its 810PSI and agd says that 700 is best so is there a reg i can get to do this?

06-18-2004, 07:24 PM
do you have a level 10 in it or stock bolt?
if stock bolt, it's most likely a powertube spacer issue. you'll need to try different ones until you no longer get bolt stick.

810 psi is fine for a mag. the reactivity is actually better with higher psi.

06-18-2004, 07:42 PM
some specs of the gun would be nice...

id guess that you have to tighten the rear trigger frame screw. thats caused me a lot of problems, since i heard that you shouldnt tighten it with a wrench, but its fine if you do. try that first to see if it solves your problem. this should probably be in the tech forum, but it doesnt really matter.

06-18-2004, 08:09 PM
I have a RT automag with xvalve on it with ygrip and ULT trigger the spacer is from the company so what do i do to change this it already looks small enough but im not quit sure were would i get a diffrent one? thank you

06-18-2004, 09:34 PM
maybe the x valve isnt tuned right

06-18-2004, 09:38 PM
no no no i have everything new from the factory i just got it 2days ago so thats impossable for anything to be wroung with it, are you sure its not just me?i hope its just me

06-18-2004, 09:55 PM
well thats what it sounds like to me...but im sort of new to this stuff too

06-18-2004, 10:45 PM
X-valve’s have level 10 in them it needs to be fine tuned buy you to exactly what you want it to be, READ the instructions for the lvl 10 on the CD that should have come with it. I would guess that you might need the longer spring in it but with the longer spring you might need a looser spacer. The whole system is dependent on one another, also you may need to toy with the ULT but that should no be causing the problem you are describing.

Nothing is WRONG with it, it just needs some final tuning. Again I can’t stress enough to read all the instructions first the go step by step, it will help you understand how the whole thing works first.

if all else fails im sure some one would be willing to talk to you over the phone or over IM or even meet you some time to help fix this.

try here for more lvl 10 info as well as instructions. http://www.havoc-online.com/11730.html

06-19-2004, 09:15 AM
Did you try pulling the trigger again? ^^What they said, try wrench-tightening the field strip screw.....had similar probs :(