View Full Version : problem with Emag during rainy games....

10-13-2001, 01:59 PM
I played today and it rained the ENTIRE day. I did what I could to keep my Emag dry but it wasn't easy. When I packed up my gun for the day, I turned on the electronics and noticed the display was really faint, and then it got all garbled up. I figured that I got water inside the electronics so I took it apart and luckily there was no water to be found. I left the rubber grip off for 10 minutes and when I turned the electronics back on, everything worked perfect. The LED was bright just like it should be. The only problem was that all the settings went back to the factory default, and my Total Shots counter also reset back to 0. Why did this happen ? Will this happen whenever I play in the rain ?

Since I got home and cleaned it up, I've noticed the shot counter doesn't keep track of shots anymore either...

10-13-2001, 05:25 PM

I take it you were at ZAP today. Otherwise on you gun it may have been just too much moisture overall. With the humidity and just splahing etc. One of my teammates Matrix went down too. With the downpoar we had out there I was supprised and electros were working. If you are coming out on Sunday stop by and say hello. I am on Team Bane. We were in front of field 4 across from WDP.


Load SM5
10-13-2001, 07:26 PM
I played with my E-mag in the rain today and had the same symptoms you described. I ended up playing the last game in mechanical because the electronics were screwed. When I got home and took the battery off I noticed a bit of paint goo/water/mud stuff on the battery leads. I wiped it off and everything works great. I figure it was'nt getting enough power because the connections were dirty. I also had to remove my board because the buttons behind the grip were so dirty they stuck. Everything works fine now. If you ever get a garbled looking LED again check your battery connections. As for why your shot counter is messed up I'm not sure.

10-13-2001, 10:01 PM
This kind of thing just happens with electronics and water, there is no good way to fix it and still have plugs on the board. Your system reset because of the poor connection.


10-14-2001, 12:44 AM
Have you ever thought about covering the boards witha type of epoxy like on the high performance ignition systems for cars. This keeps them water proof and shock proof.

10-14-2001, 01:28 AM
Yes you can do that but you can't have any connectors on the board. SO you have to make a more complicated harness, pot the board so you can never fix anything and still your switches and connectors are vulnerable. We sealed the board area as best as possible on the current emags, but because everyone wants a lighter gun we swiss cheesed the Emag Extreme frames to lighten them at the expense of sealing the board chamber.

Some guys wrap tape around their handles when it's raining to keep water and humidity out.


10-14-2001, 04:54 AM
In a perfect world, all electric-Markers would work rain or shine. However, as we all know, we don’t live in that world. :(

Sometimes sealing up the Marker can actually cause more problems in the long run because any water or moisture that gets in there has no good way to get back out. This is the same with most electronic devices (as Tom mentioned). Oh well….

BUT.. can anyone name all the Electric-Markers that allow you to keep shooting them when wet? How about when the batteries go dead? And how about this? Anyone know of a good Marker that lets you play Electric until it gets wet, then go manual until it dries out, and then switch back to electric… all without skipping a beat? ;)

Thanks Tom…. It looks as if you developed the perfect setup for an imperfect world. Hmmmmm sounds like a new Marketing Slogan. LOL