View Full Version : Solid Snake mag?

06-19-2004, 08:58 AM
Is there a practical way to quiet a mag down? Perhaps a special barrel for the expanding gas? Also what about the bolt movement itself? Is it loud? sorry for the odd questions but I play in night-scenario game group 75 percent of the time I play pball. (so im usually off on my own in the distant enemy side of the field sneaking quietly to accomplish a special objective or try to assassinate the general or whatever. I was curious if the mag would be a good way to go for a non-electro, reliable gun that I could maybe quiet down. The group I play with has a strict "dead-men-don't-talk or you're banned" policy; so when the rare and isolated ninja-kill occurs its actually useful, as opposed to having a 13-year old scream out your location after you've shot him (Not that im bitter or thats ever happened ;) ). All advice and reccos welcome. Sorry if this seems vague, I haven't slept in a couple days and i've been reading this forum for three hours now. Useful place you have here.

Thanks :ninja:

The Action Figure
06-19-2004, 09:01 AM
yeah my mag was so loud, but they are incredible guns.

06-19-2004, 09:02 AM
whats your set up?

i found that when i went to retro, level 10 and compressed air, mine became much quieter than a classic on co2. certain barrels help as well.

06-19-2004, 09:33 AM
If you're looking for quiet, look into long SP barrels, notably anything with a Teardrop front. Of course, length also helps in quieting your marker, so look at 16".

06-19-2004, 09:50 AM
Is there a practical way to quiet a mag down? Perhaps a special barrel for the expanding gas? Also what about the bolt movement itself? Is it loud? sorry for the odd questions but I play in night-scenario game group 75 percent of the time I play pball. (so im usually off on my own in the distant enemy side of the field sneaking quietly to accomplish a special objective or try to assassinate the general or whatever. I was curious if the mag would be a good way to go for a non-electro, reliable gun that I could maybe quiet down. The group I play with has a strict "dead-men-don't-talk or you're banned" policy; so when the rare and isolated ninja-kill occurs its actually useful, as opposed to having a 13-year old scream out your location after you've shot him (Not that im bitter or thats ever happened ;) ). All advice and reccos welcome. Sorry if this seems vague, I haven't slept in a couple days and i've been reading this forum for three hours now. Useful place you have here.

Thanks :ninja:

do you come a BKO famliy or somethan???

06-19-2004, 09:51 AM
I don’t worry about how loud they are. Heck, I never thought my RTPro was very loud anyways. But once you start shooting people will know where you are anyways, more so for those who love to just hose an area.

Want to talk about loud though? My stroker IS LOUD! HeeHee. And you should hear me oiling up customers’ markers in my office. Two of them were a Typhoon and Nasty Typhoon. WOOHOO Now that’ll wake ya up in the mornin’. :shooting: :D

06-19-2004, 09:58 AM
My stainless body was kinda loud. All that metal banging together made a neat sound tho. After going to ULE I noticed that it is much more quiet now. I bet a TAC ONE is pretty quiet too.

06-19-2004, 10:11 AM
Well to answer you question a longer barrell with a TON of porting helps
My buddy had a classic with a 16in Armson Stealth and that thing was pretty quiet.
Last time I played a 24hr game at night this guy had a 16in barrell that was ported the with like double the ports, and he had a "shroud" he would then place over the barrell. It was made of PVC and stuff, when he shot his marker (Pump) all you heard was a quiet "Pfsst" and click clack from him cycling his marker.
Dont know if that will help but I am not going to tell you that the "shroud" had a double lining and was packed with steel wool, and that the inner wall had a ton of holes drilled in it.

Hope that helps some :ninja:

06-19-2004, 05:10 PM
i never had a prob with my classic being too loud, i was using c02, it was the quietest at the field, but i was playing against blowbacks, just got my rt pro, i have yet to shoot i hope its as quiet

06-19-2004, 06:41 PM
I thought my mag was supper quiet compared to others.

06-19-2004, 06:52 PM
The absolute quietest I have ever used (and I have had them all) is the Palmer spiral ported 11 1/2 nickel barrel. No contest.
Number 2 is the Stiffi, which is the only thing I will use now.

06-19-2004, 09:23 PM
i use a 12" cp large bore and its VERY quiete...if your into that sorta thing...others even commented " i just saw paint flying and had no idea where it came from"

06-20-2004, 03:11 AM
ok lvl 10 helps bring down the noise issue and a 14 inch stainless all american really does the trick.. also boomsticks do help to...other than that i dont know any gun out there that when they shoot i cant figure where it came from so maybe try forcing people to surrender by poking them in the back and then saying call yourself out or lay here in pain for 20 minutes!!!my field has dead man rules and that comes in handy when you run out of paint.