View Full Version : problem with Emag/electronics during rainy games....

10-13-2001, 01:59 PM
I played today and it rained the ENTIRE day. I did what I could to keep my Emag dry but it wasn't easy. When I packed up my gun for the day, I turned on the electronics and noticed the display was really faint, and then it got all garbled up. I figured that I got water inside the electronics so I took it apart and luckily there was no water to be found. I left the rubber grip off for 10 minutes and when I turned the electronics back on, everything worked perfect. The LED was bright just like it should be. The only problem was that all the settings went back to the factory default, and my Total Shots counter also reset back to 0. Why did this happen ? Will this happen whenever I play in the rain ?

Since I got home and cleaned it up, I've noticed the shot counter doesn't keep track of shots anymore either...