View Full Version : need Opinions on Dragun "The One"

barrel break
06-19-2004, 03:43 PM
My friend and I (and hopefully my dad) are going to be getting into tourneys soon, and I have a feeling that my mech cocker is a tad bit too slow... (6BPS)

So I'm looking for a new gun, I have been hearing the rumours about the one being a timmy clone, PBreviews reviews were glowing. But seeing as I only shoot anti-siphoned co2 right now, I'm wondering if its co2 friendly...

that plus general opinions, cant spend much...

06-19-2004, 04:43 PM
the one kit is basically a timmy clone, add it to sumthin like a t.e.s. and voila! you have a timmy, however your going to have to switch over to hpa...i'm confused as to how you're running a mech cocker on co2 but i'll leave that subject alone. the one kit takes you up to something around 17-22 bps or so and is worth it if you put it on the right gun

barrel break
06-19-2004, 05:06 PM
mmmmkay.... apparantly you have been locked in a closet since they started making cockers... cockers have always been co2 friendly...

06-19-2004, 05:24 PM
I've played around with "The One" before. Its built really well. The internals are actually cleaner than Timmys.

The ONLY major difference between "The One" and a timmy, is that the timmy has pnuematic return on the ram, and "The One" has a spring return.

Does that mean that its slower? Hmm... Mags use a spring return on the bolt, and they can cycle over 30bps. So no, its not slower.

You will need to upgrade it though, so I'll list some of the upgrades:

Sputnik bolt - (i think thats how its spelled). $20 shipped. The stock metal bolt is bad. dont even try using it.

Inline Regulator - For Co2, get a palmers reg, or pick up a used 03 maxflow vert reg off of a 2003 shocker. Both are designed to work with co2 or HPA. Oh yeah.. and the stock reg is garbage.

On/off (drop, unimount, whatever is comfy for you) - You need to get a new one. The stock asa is metric threaded (atleast thats what I've read), and will only work with the stock reg. Since you are replacing the reg, go ahead and get a good on/off.

Feedneck - The stock one is ok, but you'll probably have to sand your hopper to fit. Check-it makes one for spyders that is like $20 that is a clamping norise. Get it.

Microswitch - If you are careful, this wont cost you a penny. Open up the switch, cut 3 loops off of the spring, stretch the spring back to the original length or slightly longer... but not TOO long. Do it in stages. Stretch it just slightly, then assemble it and fire the gun. keep doing this till you get a trigger pull that is as light as you want. Mine was less than 20grams.

Trigger - Zenitram makes a trigger that fits the Dragun. I actually like the stock trigger, but a bunch of people want this. Up to you..

BARREL!!!!!!! -- Buy one. Stock barrels are the devil. Try getting a spyder threaded freak back and get a barrel tip that you like. Many airsmiths will fit boomstick, stiffi, or other fronts onto the freak back. or you can be boring and get a freak front with it.. bah.

barrel break
06-19-2004, 05:58 PM
hmmm, so I've got one co2 yay, and one nay....

I emailed their tech, hopefully gets back to me on this...

06-19-2004, 06:16 PM
If you do it right CO2 is fine.

Co2 still has advantages... a 68ci tank is going to provide a LOT of shots.

06-19-2004, 06:35 PM
The ONLY major difference between "The One" and a timmy, is that the timmy has pnuematic return on the ram, and "The One" has a spring return.

That's incorrect - the ONE uses an air-ram. The TES uses a spring return.
Other than that, you're right on the money.

06-19-2004, 07:46 PM
Just get an e-blade for your cocker if you want to keep it.

06-19-2004, 08:21 PM
my opinion on "the one" kit or gun is I will never own another "M3-dragun-oddesy" marker again ever I currently have a dragunfly led that I bought as soon as it came out I spent about $500 with all the ups I could get for it and stuff I needed just to make it work. then I used it a few times then it started leaking inside I got that fixed used it the next week and about halfway thru the 2nd game it decides it dont want to recock :mad: I tryed calling tech support and get a answering machine that says "leave your name and number and they will call you back" well after 2 days of waiting for a call back I decided to call them again so I called them at least 2 times a day for the next month and left My name and number every time and well they never called me back. so before I bought My new gun I called tech support for every marker I was thinking about buying and I bought a E-Mag cause AGD I felt had the best tech support of any company making markers.

06-19-2004, 08:26 PM
I shot what was termed the new Odyssey signature marker by the owner, I am guessing it was a one or very very similar.

Before I get into this let me say I was VERY impressed with this marker for its price, and am seriously considering picking one up. One of the people I play with compared it to his e-mag, and though I cannot attest to quality the gun was fast, and accurate.

The negatives:
There is some air blow back from the bolt towards your face, some waisted air there but I doubt you would notice with goggles on (yeh I shot a marker without goggles, get over it).

The trigger fire point is way back in the travel, I don't like that but it can be adjusted back from what I understand - did not verify this.

I think the trigger was plastic, didn't look but just don't like the feel of plastic.

The positives:
Anti-chop eye was quite effective. I have heard that it does not work well with very few colors and only shot it with paint that was recommended.

The stock barrel was .693, but it takes autococker (TM) COMPATIBLE (like that, I think I'm in with what K2 wants :cuss: ) barrels. It was not that bad all things considered as far as accuracy when the barrel was switched out to mine.

FAST - this marker was insanely fast - I'm not used to the trigger but could outrun an Apache loader (claimed 20BPS more like 16 - ie I have my e-mag set at 16BPS and seldom use the LVL10 but at 18 I do).

Bounce?: I played with this a bit, and could not get it to bounce though I am not the best at checking for it.

Looks: You judge, I thought it looked pretty good.

All in all, this marker is very very impressive. I would guess we will start to see upgrades for it relatively soon.

BTW - I have no clue on CO2 and have to recommend not running it. Setting up CO2 correctly costs as much as cheap N2 tanks. Unless there is a compelling reason (IE off field use, insanely expensive air fills) I would recommend against using it.

barrel break
06-19-2004, 09:30 PM
well, My friend just picked one up (he lives in AZ.) hes coming up soon, so I can probably shoot it. If I like it, Im going to pick one up and buy a nitro tank...

suggestions for a back player on a budget? (tank)