View Full Version : Help Please...Minimag Troubles

06-19-2004, 04:12 PM
Hello all and thanks for this excellent forum.. I recently bought a used minimag on ebay...I received it in excellent condition and for a good price, it shot like a dream when I tried it initially and a day or two before my first game. Shot about 100 rounds throught it in the back yard and the crono read 280. :shooting: Now for the true test I go and play with our small group of guys, I put my 20oz CO2 on it and shot a couple of shots, then during the game it shot hot the first couple of shots so I stopped to crono it. It shot 450 and CO2 spewed out the barrel and back I think, while I was taking the tank off. I have an expansion chamber on it, and the tank may have been overfull. I take it apart the next day and try to figure out what happened, I assume it is the seat, so I order a parts kit and on/off valve because the on/off valve looks a little different than the manual. Meanwhile I clean everything and it still leaks down the barrel although not as bad. When i hold the trigger it does not leak. It also does not cock when aired up, just leaks down the barrel. I get the parts kit yesterday and replace the seat and on/off valve. It still leaks down the barrel. Now comes the mystery, I go through it top to bottom and it is missing the power tube spacer, so I am totally confused. Help..... :cuss: [/SIZE]

06-19-2004, 04:15 PM
You were exactly right ordering a new on/off, when you pull the trigger a bit, it offers a better seal for the on/off. It's the assembly, drop in that new one and you should be good to go, and btw, oil your mag before everyday of play and after when using it period.

06-19-2004, 04:38 PM
i even oil the crap out of the on/off in mine then drop a little oil down into the powertube
and all over the main spring...then before i play i put a drop or two into the asa...i haven't had a problem with mine yet....i may over oil it a bit but why stop a good thing if it is working...take your on/off apart and clean and oil all your parts in it and u should be good to go...

06-19-2004, 11:08 PM
Missing a power tube spacer? why not get one? That should solve your problems; a missing spacer definitely will cause for a leak down the barrel. I'm not familiar with a normal powertube spacer size to try, but I think that you buy them in a pack of other sizes as well. However, I would recommend skipping all of that and just buying a level 10 bolt which is well worth it.

I really suggest not buying on ebay (or used guns). I've seen 3 guns fail to work that my friend bought off ebay, 2 of which were not fixable, and the 3rd he just got (an angel). I have another friend who bought a gun off ebay which came to him in terrible NOT working condition (a mag). It's likely that the kid who owned your gun before you put the wrong parts in because he didnt know what he was doing...check for stuff like that, as you did, becuase it will give you really strange problems and possible permenant damage.

06-20-2004, 10:06 AM
start off with a .020 spacer and see what happens.

06-22-2004, 02:02 PM
Thank you all... I suppose the spacer was a no brainer, but it worked when i received it, so I assumed the spacer was not needed... Sounds like a done deal as soon as I get the spacer in. I'll keep posted...
