View Full Version : ule CAN work with a freakin classic.. aparently

06-20-2004, 04:58 PM

" As stated before, some valves will not take this mod. If you have two orings down in the bottom of your on/off hole you are good to go."

that comes from the tech page 4 of the ule trigger thing in the prototype page. why are you guys saying you can't do it with a classic valve again?? did i miss something

this quote is from the 2nd page

"To identify your valve, take out the on/off parts and look down in the hole. If you see two orings down there one inside the other you can get the mod"

06-20-2004, 05:12 PM
umm yeah, there is a vid floating around somewhere of a ULT on a classic valve, its rather sweet all things considering....

06-20-2004, 05:17 PM
The AIR valve will accept the ULT, but you have to make sure you tune it well. It is also more prone to short stroking. That is why its use in the AIR valve is not endorsed by AGD. That being said, many have used it in an AIR valve quite successfully.

06-20-2004, 06:36 PM
i saw that video once I think. My goal is to get a spyder electric frame and use that, but if i have a lvl 10, i wont short stroke. well i just wanted to make sure that i would be able to do it. at first I thought that i was reading the quotes wrong. This really makes me happy. Do all the shims and things needed for adjusting it come when you buy the kit?

06-20-2004, 09:02 PM
why are you guys saying you can't do it with a classic valve again??
Not too many people say it won't work, but check this out:

It will go into but not work well in a Classic or Minimag valve. The reactivity has been turned down in this upgrade so it's harder to bounce but EASIER to short stroke.
This is why most people don't recommend it.

06-20-2004, 10:56 PM
works great!

me and two of my teammates have it installed on our classics, and I've personally installed it on two other mags as well!

click here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=110976) for the origional thread
PS... thats me in the video :)

06-22-2004, 10:36 PM
i think ill only get a ULE if I somehow get a spyder electric trigger frame real cheap

06-23-2004, 10:00 AM
I spoke with one of the techs (don't know who) at Oklahoma D-day...intending on getting the ULT for my mini-mag with the classic valve. He suggested that I would not be happy with it due to the increased propensity for short stroking...but yes it would lighten the trigger. I didn't have it done then and there...wish I had, but his words that I wouldn't be happy kind of led me to question it's value and I hesitated. You do have to realize they are just trying to offer quality customer service (wow, what a concept) and SOME people might find it harder to operate it correctly. I think I'll still give it a try.

06-23-2004, 11:00 AM
i think ill only get a ULE if I somehow get a spyder electric trigger frame real cheap

and you think the spyder frame will be easy to get working? I have a ULT and i love it... until i reach 1500 psi in my tank, once i get down to that mark it starts pooing out on me so i just have to watch the air guage and get refils earlier. this is when i'm glad my field does all day air... btw i'm not trying to be rude about the spyder frame, it's just, that i've only seen one person do it and now it seems that everyone and their moms think they can just throw one on their gun.

06-23-2004, 06:39 PM
i know its not gonna be easy, but its all good