View Full Version : Zap Masters

10-13-2001, 05:14 PM
WOW, is all I can say at the end of the afternoon. Besides it raining all day, the late start,the fields becoming nothing but mud ponds it got worse. They evacuated everyone because there were 2 yes count them 2 tornados sighted. It was getting interesting when Zap's tent blew away and it took almost 6 peole to get that up. Hey at least I got to talk to Tom, Kayle,Rob, and John. Even when I was talking to Tom when we were told about the tornados. :eek: Not much else but swollen paint and dissapointment that we couldn't play. We will se what happens on Sunday. Also AGD thanks for being a great grounp of guys you were treating everyone great.

Team Bane

10-13-2001, 05:27 PM
Well they are announcing flash flood warnings to this area. Will county where the tourney is at is one of the counties listed with 2-3 feet of water on the roadways in some areas.

10-13-2001, 10:05 PM
Yea it was crazy, we had to dump everthing in the truck and take off to the hotel. We were right in the middle of installing warps and everything and all the guns went in the truck as is.

Thanks to all the AO guys who stopped by!! We are really reaching out there when someone stops by every hour!!


10-14-2001, 12:10 AM
It's one AM and I have yet to dry off from this afternoon.
It was good though. First time I've ever seen a tourney. Interesting to see, especially in the rain.

10-14-2001, 01:16 AM
I guess I should be lucky that I played on Friday. it rained all the way up till the start of the games for the 3-man competition. Then it cleared up and everything worked great. My equipment rane fine and even though it was wet and humid, the warp WORKED FINE!!!!!!! :)
P.S. Tom, i'll be calling on Tuesday for my AGD hat..

10-14-2001, 09:36 PM
I was intending to return for today's events and pick up a Warp. Never made it.
Wonder if there will be a chance to pick up the Warp for the tourney price during the Super Tour.
AGD, would that be possible?

10-14-2001, 10:04 PM
How did I guess....grr I wish I wasn't right , but I did say it was gonna rain all this weekend :mad:

10-14-2001, 10:40 PM
IT IS ALL GOOD!!!! hehehehe Like that Tom!!! hehehehe actually, What I really wanted to say was that regardless of the rain, and from information I recieved from different people, we were practically the busiest booth out there. It was great. Although Saturday ended in disaster (2 tornadoes touching down) we made a player's day great. A team wanted to make a wish come true so they purchased a warp feed for his birthday. I swear it looked like tears were about to come from his eyes. We all wished him a happy birthday and even sang the song led by (guess who) and made his day great. It was a great feeling making this guy's day. Happy Birthday Chad (I wish I knew his team name but if you ever visit this forum, I hope you see it). Well, it must have made a difference becase his whole team pretty much bought warps as well and they won the event sunday. The second place team (most of whom also had warps on their markers as well) played a great game too. Congrats Team Backwoods. We really helped their team as well (many thanks to TK for the loaner flatline so he could play). It was really a great event.

On another note (a more personal one), Here is a shout out to the following players:

The first place team (Chad , the b-day boy and his team as well as Abby and her boyfriend)
Team Backwoods
The Rusin twins
Eric (crazy shirt and hair boy)
Chad (I practiced with him last week at badlandz)
Terry, his son (god I wish I could remember his name, could be Josh), Jeff, Jeremy, Clayton, and all of the others from Tennessee because without their help Friday morning, I would have been trying to finish setting up the tent
Kayle & Jessica (Great to see you guys again. Can't wait to see the rest of the crew at WC)
Rob W. from FRG (a great friend and teammate (back in the day) for helping Tom (especially Tom), Kayle, and myself work the booth
And Oz from Team DV8 for without him on Friday morning, I would have still been setting up by the time TK arrived.

Overall, it truly was a great event.
Thanks Tom for letting me be a part of the event, it felt great to help others the way I was able to. Hopefully I made an impact to everyone there.
Another thanks goes to Carol for allowing me to use her truck (big hug) :)
Hope to see the rest of the AO family at future events (especially at WC)

Take care guys

Jon C

10-15-2001, 06:30 AM
Well at least we weren't rained out on Sunday. Also Tom or John, did either of you find a cell phone around while cleaning up? When I helped break down the booth I think I might have dropped it. If anyone found a cell phone could you let me know, Thanks. My wife is gonna kill me because it was hers. :eek: :confused:


10-15-2001, 07:02 AM
Myself personally, no I didn't sorry bro

10-15-2001, 07:29 AM
Sounds like it was a blast. I am glad everything went well in SPITE of the weather. LOL

As for cell phones…. What is it with AO Members and not keeping track of their cell phones? LOL Maybe we should make a special AO Cell Phone Lanyard? ;)

10-15-2001, 08:28 AM
I take it there is a problem with the cell phones? LOL
Yeah it was a good time, even if our team didn't do well. I came to the realization that I carry too much crap in my tool box when I am supplying parts (wire snap locks) for the AGD tent. I also never saw so many angels being worked by AGD people.

10-15-2001, 08:47 AM
cphilip misplaced his too... last week while out eating lunch. :)

10-15-2001, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by shartley
cphilip misplaced his too... last week while out eating lunch. :)

I wish I had that kind of luck... I've been forced to carry this darn cellphone 24/7 for almost 2 years now, and I haven't come CLOSE to losing it once! Aaarrrggghhh! :D

10-15-2001, 11:18 AM
Woo Hoo, my wife found where I lost her phone. Let me tell you its nice and clean now. I have to make a mental not to check ALL pockets before I do my laundry. LOL Now all we have to hope for is thta it still works. I'll let ya know.


Oh and Tom I talked to a team mate who might be interesed in that Angel AIR you had on Sunday. That is if you still have it.

10-15-2001, 11:56 AM
That was cool when everyone started singing happy birthday to Chad. I was there at the booth getting my warp installed on my Timmy when that was going on. I thought the guy was going to cry myself. I had no idea who he was, but I was singing along with everyone.

AGD's boot did seem really busy the whole time that I was there on Friday and Saturday. Heck with those prices on warps it was no wonder.

Sorry about the mistaken identity Jon. Hats off to Kayle for installing my warp for me. Saved me a lot of trouble. Is there any way that I can get another of the powerfeed adapters, I believe that I have a lowrise adapter for the timmy that I am going to need the clamp that Kayle shaved off.

The scary thins is that I thought that I has lost my cell phone on my way home. I was driving when I realized that it wasn't on it's belt clip. I stopped and it dropped out of the car when I opened the door. I think we need to get our acts together. :o