View Full Version : STO vs. stock Cocker ; Bushmaster vs. Intimidator

10-13-2001, 06:00 PM
I'm looking to upgrade my fiancee's marker, which is a Pro-Carbine w/an aftermarket barrel and HPA. The Carb is nice, but it's too long to tuck in with, and its ROF is relatively low. But she likes the fact that it's light.

My choices:

1. A used Intimidator I can get for around $500. Mercifully, it's the Black/Grey fade, so it looks good.

2. A well-maintained Bushmaster.

3. A vertical feed Cocker or STO Cocker. These two would be the least ($350) and most ($600 used?) expensive choices, respectively.

I already have a second adjustable HPA system, so I won't run any of this stuff on CO2. Also, I'm currently pretty comfortable with electronics, and can follow directions without a problem, so I don't think I would have a maintenance problem w/anything. I like the look of Cockers, but those STOs seem a bit pricey for what they are. Are they really such an improvement over the stock Cocker?

I figured that this would be a fairly unbiased place to ask this. What do you think, and why?

10-13-2001, 06:21 PM
I voted for the vert. feed 'cocker. This is because (as quoted from Skan-Line) the STO is a little on the E-Mag heaviness scale, at about 4 lbs., which isn't extreme, but probably heavier than the Pro-Carbine with everything attached. The STO is a nice improvement over the stock 'cocker, but if you don't want better looks you can probably spend a bit less upgrading stock to STO standard with your own choices instead of paying extra for the milling and anno, or pre-built additions.

Maybe someone more knowledgable can help, since I've only fired the STO a few times in the local store and researched 'cockers a bit a few months ago when searching for a new marker.

10-13-2001, 06:34 PM
I got the awsome chance of shooting one today a 2001 it was sweeet like no kick its was also like super quiet and the accuracy was mad!!!!!

On a different note i would really tell you to get an Impulse being that for 500 brand new you can get like whatever color vert reg and its also like a super light gun!!!Oh yeah the bushies at paintballgear.com are only like $445 i think brand new great deal man!!!!!

10-13-2001, 07:07 PM
:) Well, looks like they all hold up well. Yup, I voted too... but I voted for the one that has 3 votes. ;)

(Note: When this was written they ALL had 3.) :D

10-13-2001, 08:22 PM
Got the chance to play with the bob longs ironmen for practice and loved there timmys :)

10-13-2001, 09:02 PM
I would go for the timmy. Very light gun, fast trigger, and IMPOSSIBLE to chop balls! The intimidator is probably one of the most under-rated guns on the market today.

10-14-2001, 12:34 PM
i'd go with the STO

10-14-2001, 12:45 PM
Looks like I put my money on the right horse. :)

10-14-2001, 12:58 PM
I feel that I must post again to try to build a little momentum behind the Intimidator.:)

Fact: She likes a light gun. Of this lot, the timmy wins hands down. Period.

Fact: The timmy requires very little tinkering to run well. It's pretty much hook your tank up and go. The STO is a great gun, but it may very well require several hours of tinkering, right out of the box, to get it shooting well. Do you want to spend lots of time playing paintball or would you rather spend your free time tinkering with your fiancee's gun?

Fact: None of the guns listed here will out-shoot a timmy. The only gun that I have seen keep up to an intimidator is an angel, and at high rates of fire, an angel can still chop paint, a timmy can't.

If you can get a used timmy for $500, go for it. It's a great deal.

10-14-2001, 05:12 PM
this is a mag forum

10-14-2001, 05:24 PM
Your point being?;)

10-14-2001, 09:52 PM
Can you really compare them? They are 4 totally diferent guns with a totally different feel to them.

I voted for the bushy.

10-14-2001, 10:04 PM
Don't forget, he's not asking which gun you like best. He wants to know which gun will be better for his fiancee. And based on what he has told us, therte is only one choice:D

10-15-2001, 12:28 PM
Well FaSSt, don't keep us in the dark. What have you decided?:D :D :confused:

10-15-2001, 01:16 PM
It is for your lady or for you :) ? If it is really for her, unless she is really into playing then get her the one that is easiest to maintain, I haven't had much experience with any of them, but I do often help people with their gear when I go to the field, and it really helps if they have simple guns to work on. Oh, and one more thing, you must be one of the luckiest dudes ever, your wife to be plays paintball. It doesn't get much better than that.

10-15-2001, 01:35 PM
toolow. I haven't heard from you in a while. What happened? I emailed you about payment on the tank.

10-15-2001, 01:38 PM
I think I have decided on (drumroll) the Intimidator.

I have not seen the guy selling it in two weeks, so maybe he sold it, but I doubt it - he had it up for sale for months now.

I was initially leaning towards another E-mag, but my fiancee dislikes playing with it because it's a bit heavy for her. (I have a Benchmark cradle and a Hyperflow 68/4500 w/stainless reg on it.) I'll add a Warp soon, so she'll really dislike the weight.

Another consideration is that I want a gun that still rocks in case I want to use it as a backup gun. (She plays almost, but not every, time I play.)

Lastly, although I got an awesome deal ($700 w/about 6200 shots on the counter) on my E-mag, I don't know whether I could do the same again.

So if the Intimidator deal works out, I'll fieldstrip the sucker, clean it all out, and play with it sometimes. Otherwise, I'll pick up a used Bushmaster and hot-rod it a little.

Either way, I'm glad to have my E-mag, because it's the most reliable of any of the truly high-end guns. So if her new gun goes down, she'll probably use the E-mag, and I'll use my Phantom. :eek:

And yes, I am lucky to have her play with me .:D

Thanks again for everyone's input.