View Full Version : My minimag sucks; even AGD couldn't fix it.

10-13-2001, 06:21 PM
This sucks. My second mag, which I bought used, has never worked. It leaks all over the place, double-fires, chops balls often, won't stay at one constant velocity or internal pressure, and just plain blows.

I sent it back to AGD a while back, and it still didn't work. They replaced the sear & adjusted the rod length for my benchy 2x. They also installed a new AGD bolt and changed all the soft parts. It *STILL* doesn't work.

I'm running compressed air. I've tried the stock bolt & the ANS. Nothing seems to work, and I simply don't have the time to futz around with it until it does.

Do you think AGD would be able to fix this if I sent it back? Are they going to make me pay the rebuild fee (no stars, but the last try didn't fix it).

I'm about ready to smash this thing into a million little bits and steal my brother's 'cocker.


10-13-2001, 06:25 PM
if the valve never had stars on it, i think that it is lifetime warrenty which means it will be free. i am not sure on that tho, correct me if i am wrong.

10-13-2001, 06:28 PM
Let's just assume it had stars that have been used.

It's a minimag valve & an automag reg. Don't ask me why the previous owner did that. Had I known, I wouldn't have bought it.

10-13-2001, 07:28 PM

here is a couple of options. Your minimag sucks right? Ok well here is an option. Sell it! Then take the money and buy a PPS Blazer or a WGP Autococker. The Blazer makes a nice gun. The autococker is readily upgradable and has tons of parts to get for it. Right now you can build a descent cocker from a body kit. I had my hands on a 2001 Autococker model and it was a fairly descent gun. my experience with cockers is two. I had 2 98 cockers and they we fairly descent but not my style. The 2001 cockers were a tremendous improvement to the 1998 models.

However, don't come in here and rant about how much of a piece of garbage the gun is. So what you got a stinker. Everyone gets a lemmon. So just sell the gun, buy a PPS Blazer or a WGP Cocker and be done with it. You seemed to have a draw to your bro's cocker.

One last thing. It sounds like you are not consistantly pulling the trigger. This will cause a shortstroke. The benchmark 2 finger trigger frame is probably not helping either. Different velocities can be cause by several factors. Paint, air, and overall set up. If you have gunk in the barrel, velocity goes every which way and so does the gun.

my 2 cents,

10-13-2001, 07:43 PM
hey SHAG: take your Autococker propaganda and shove it up your.... well never mind. Skadet has a serious problem and telling him to sell it isn't really a plausable option.

10-13-2001, 07:44 PM
Hi, Alan,

Don't think I haven't considered selling it! I just think it'd be rude to stick someone else with my sucky gun. It's really disappointing; this is my second mag, and the first one was a charm.

I've heard the shortstroke idea a few times, and I assure you that I'm pulling the trigger consistently. Also, putting the stock frame back on didn't help.

10-13-2001, 08:36 PM
my gun has no stars and is cf13303 and it does not have a lifetime warrenty.

my suggestion? send it back to agd or have someone local who knows a thing or two take a look at it. you have to be missing SOMETHING. theres no way the whole gun can suck that bad.

10-13-2001, 10:39 PM
hey 'cocker guy, why the hell do u have a pump 'mag a ReTro valve? i had a 'cocker for about six months, the thing sucked. i played w/ it maybe six times. reliability gets a 0, consistency gets a 0, looks gets a fat ol' 0. go play with ur 'cockers.

anyway, bud, why don't u save up and get an e-mag. they're pimp, and way better than any 'cocker would ever be. sucks, about ur mini tho.

10-13-2001, 11:04 PM
i had a 'cocker for about six months, the thing sucked. i played w/ it maybe six times. reliability gets a 0, consistency gets a 0, looks gets a fat ol' 0. go play with ur 'cockers.

Umm...have some respect for cockers. The only reason the gun doesn't work is because IT IS NOT TIMED RIGHT! I love mags, but at the same time I love cockers. Don't trash other guns because you can't make it work properly. I bet if I had your cocker in my hands right now, within an hour I could have it running flawlessly. Don't trash other guns, it's not cool.

10-14-2001, 12:08 AM
If it didn't work right once you got it back from AGD, then you need to call them and tell them this. Send it back and they will make it work.

10-14-2001, 08:51 AM
Like BlackVCG said, if it is a manufacture problem, AGD will fix it.

But from reading this thread, I would guess it goes a bit farther than that. I think there is something that is not being told.. and much of it might be because of modifications made by the previous owner?

10-14-2001, 08:53 AM

For those who are ignorant and they must know, I have shot and owned a number of different markers. Personally, I rank PPS and AGD with the best in Customer Support and overall product quality with very few complaints. Every company is given this complaint factor. AGD is one of the few companies who will send you a manual and video free of charge. PPS and AGD have thier manuals on line as well as a mail service to those who cannot retrieve them. I once called WGP up for a manual and it was like pulling teeth since the person on the other end didn t know if they had a manual for the gun! These two companies[AGD and PPS] provide probably one of the best products right out of the box. That's why I support them. For a lower end product, Tippmann makes the grade as well. I would not let my girlfriend shoot anything else besides a Tippmann. When she is ready, she will be moving on to an AGD product or a PPS product.

Slateman... You need some down time bro. chill.

Magdaddy... Retro Valve pump kit? kewl concept. anyone want to make me a pump rod for my pump handle that Tom was selling a few months back :) Tom is right. These do make very comfy foregrips. All I need is a space to "lock up" the pump handle.

Skadat.. It sounds like someone dropped a piece of junk on YOU. You might want to look into at least these options.

1. First unscrew the back of the velocity nut and remove the piston and see which piston it is. Chances are you don't have the Nitro Piston. That would cause a problem or two right there. The reg seat itself could cause hot shots and inconsistant velocities.

2. It sounds like you need to replace every O ring and seal in the gun. The Power Tube O ring might be bad. There might be the wrong spacer in the tube as well.

3. On off pin is probably been "modified" . The preivous owner had a some time on his hands to polish it or cut it down. This might be your doiuble firing problem.

4. The Bolt spring is another area I see as a problem. I a strong supporter of the AGD bolt. The new bolt design is even better. However, I foudn the bolt spring as it looses its spring, it will cause a chopped ball or two.

5. Oil and regular maintainence is the key to the mag. It s all O rings. O rings dry up when not oiled. I always oil my toys before they are stored for a while or after a long hard day of play. It keeps the O rings happy and ready for you when the time comes.

I will admit that you have some serious problems with your mag however, it sounds like the preious owner did something to it to make it operate that way.


10-14-2001, 11:46 AM
Alan and everyone:

I need to clear up that when I last sent it to AGD, they replaced *all* of the soft parts (aka o-rings), the piston, the powertube spacers, the bumper, the bolt & spring, the sear assembly, the on/off top. . . that's all I can think of at the moment. whatever could be replaced (other than the major parts like the valve & reg body) was replaced.

The only thing left that could be considered a "modification" is the fact that it's a minimag valve body and an automag regulator body. I thought that in itself was the problem, but no one else thinks so.

10-14-2001, 12:25 PM
If you can't fix it, I'll buy the body off of you. If it's powerfeed, hopper left.

email me at slateman82@yahoo.com

10-14-2001, 01:59 PM

Personally, I would like to see this gun in person and see exactly what is happening. There is a good chance that something is not right here. We on the Internet are trying to figure out somethign we cannot se and with the available information are trying to figure out what s going wrong. However I really think there is a problem in the on off pin. The top might have been replaced but the pin was not from your last reply. Since you have now mentioned AGd replaced all the soft parts, that will eliminate alot of my suggestions.

However and like I said, I cannot really figure out what's going on unless I see the gun.


10-14-2001, 02:14 PM
AGD mailed me a pin w/the spring before I sent it in. No go there either :(

10-14-2001, 02:59 PM
This is your 2nd automag? Do you still have your first? If so, we can do something here. First thing I would try would be a gripframe. I think on some older benchmark frames, there were some problems with the sear/trigger relationship. But AGD has taken a look at that, ad adjusted it, so that may not be an issue.

Are you adjusting the sear alot? Perhaps the set screw in there is wander around, and you need a little bit of locktite on there to keep 'er set up.

If all else fails, it sounds like he might have sold you a jumble of older parts. Perhaps an old body or rail, and the tolderances are just not there for the newer parts. That would be tough problem to track down. AGD should help you in this case, even though it sounds like you have a franken-mag made out of about 5 or 6 guns worth of parts.

The bug is probably not in the valve. Hummmm.... what powertube spacer are you running?

10-15-2001, 03:44 PM

It sounds like AGD sent you a regulator valve with spring not the on off pin.


10-15-2001, 06:32 PM
oops, my bad. You're right.

Although I assume the on/off pin isn't damaged -- if they replaced the top, why not the pin if it was bad?

10-15-2001, 06:34 PM
Also, I sold my first mag, this is the only one i've got right now. I tried the .220 and the .215 spacers. .220 seemed to work better.

10-15-2001, 07:38 PM
You send me the gun...I'll fix it...

10-16-2001, 03:01 PM
For what it's worth, just to show what it might take to track down the problem, an old teammate of mine had an older Mag that had a consistent leak problem. He'd been using the gun 5-6 years, knew it front to back, did complete seal replacements two or three times while trying to track it down. On one of its visits to AGD, they discovered the power tube had cracked at its base. Said they'd never seen anything like it.

10-16-2001, 09:33 PM
Okay, well I think i'm going to call AGD - I'll let you all know what happens!