View Full Version : Revision Mask!

06-21-2004, 08:25 PM
Another non-paintball company is jumping into the paintball world with innovation. It looks pretty cool. I'll stick with my Profiler (gotta keep a mask at least 5 years ;) ), but this is definitely impressive. Good job Revision Eyewear.

Revision Eyewear is breaking into paintball...not that any of us have ever heard of Revision Eyewear, but they are a non paintball specific company bringing something innovative to the table.

"Revision is unlike any other company in its field, developing high-end, market-leading sports, safety and recreational eyewear to meet each client's specific needs — for many of the world's leading brands, for the sports/performance market, security/protective industries and for military use, worldwide."

Heres what they say about their mask...

"With vision, protection, and comfort properly provided, the paintball player's performance and enjoyment of the sport is vastly improved. Revision's innovations in both structure and use of materials deliver a revolutionary design that directly responds to the previously mentioned problems and issues."

We can't tell from the pictures if the mask is just proof of concept at this point, but it is certainly interesting.

Read more here (http://www.revisioneyewear.com/innovations/case2.html)


06-21-2004, 08:27 PM
Looks interesting. New blood is always good.

Not sure about the field of vision though,looks kinda narrow.

can'tthink of1
06-21-2004, 08:30 PM


thats great, I'd love to gog someone wearing that, and I'll be sticking to a profiler and a flex in my next mask purchase.....

06-21-2004, 08:32 PM
Repost. (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=141904)


06-21-2004, 08:34 PM
Looks interesting. New blood is always good.

Not sure about the field of vision though,looks kinda narrow.

Yea, they definetly didn't interview any players if the field of vision is so small; that's worse peripheral vision than ski goggles! :eek: It looks cool though, I'll give it that. :p

06-21-2004, 08:38 PM
i really like the look, as everone else is saying though, the field of vision looks crappy.

06-21-2004, 08:43 PM
this thing reminds me something out of Tribes 2 or halo or just about any videogame out there, Im sorry but these will never take off ever i bet they make another one that was actaually tested by paintballers and not the coworkers who know nothing about it

06-21-2004, 08:53 PM
The split lenses look cool and seem to be able to bring the face right up to the front of the mask. Thus giving it more periphearal vision then some might think. Also the split lenses might be to keep cost low and allow a player to buy only one needed side.

06-21-2004, 09:13 PM
ever seen the movie Spawn? kinda looks like him

06-21-2004, 09:54 PM
Looks like a bounty-hunter from Star Wars or something....

Nice to have a choice, but I think that the lenses could be hard to change...
we'll have to see if it comes out!

06-21-2004, 10:29 PM
Well. with like sunglasses and stuff the view doesnt change...the lenses are so close to your face that it doesnt matter..maybe these masks are the same?

06-21-2004, 11:06 PM
If I had a cyborg I'd buy this. Then I'd actually look like a cyborg.

06-21-2004, 11:09 PM
the field of vision sux plus it looks way to homosexual

06-21-2004, 11:12 PM
I would think field of view would be fine. Its nice seeing any innovation in the industry, keeps things fresh.

06-21-2004, 11:31 PM
What I think alot of you are missing is that these aren't goggles in the traditional sense, but rather eyewear with a full face shield. Your field of vision obviously isn't limited in regular sunglasses. Second, since the lenses sit across the bridge of your nose like regular eyewear, this system should eliminate fogging short of going from one extreme temperature to another. The benefit of this is prescription lenses installed directly into the mask, so I expect these will be a huge boon for eyeglass wearers. I certainly will be interested in the cost/performance.

06-21-2004, 11:41 PM
Look like a alien and a gorilla had wild love making and this popped out.

06-21-2004, 11:46 PM
the reason u dont have a problem with field of view in glasses is that there isnt a chunk of plastic blocking the sides

06-21-2004, 11:47 PM
. Your field of vision obviously isn't limited in regular sunglasses. .

sorry this ^^^ is what i was talking baout

06-22-2004, 12:17 AM
Maybe if it was black, I'm not for funky colored masks :tard:

06-22-2004, 02:05 AM
Why am i thinking this mask resembles the Predator?

Big Weapons
06-22-2004, 05:30 AM
I wouldn't wear that unless I wanted to resemble an insect. The patterns on it are pretty trippy. I don't know, like other said, the field of vision looks horrible. The sunglass reference is incorrect -- You have other material blocking your peripheral vision in a mask.

06-22-2004, 05:49 AM
If you goto their website and actually look around, they have an image of a model head wearing them (or at least a prototype). From that pic (which is a side view) it really doesn't look like the peripheral view is limited at all.
Site Link (http://www.revisioneyewear.com/innovations/case2.html)
Side View (http://www.revisioneyewear.com/images/pmasks2.jpg)

The sideview is in their little slide show of the mask images which is about half way down the page.

06-22-2004, 06:09 AM
You guys are missing the point of these goggle/glasses. This company specializes in sports goglge wear. You know the wrap around glasses that you see basketball players and what not wear. While nonw of us have a mask infront of us to actually inspect it, Im sure that they function just like thoses goggles do. The pro sports players wouldnt wear the glasses/goggles if they didnt work right or obstructed your view. Notice in the pic how they sit further back in the mask the the frontal face portion. They are going to sit right on your face. This comapny isnt going to spend 100's of thounds of dollars if not more on something that doesnt work. Especially when its all they do.

06-22-2004, 06:34 AM
This comapny isnt going to spend 100's of thounds of dollars if not more on something that doesnt work.
Companies do it all the time.

As for these new goggles.....bluh.

06-22-2004, 08:15 AM
My concerns….

They are very different from what paintball players are used to. Namely the divided eyes. And the colors are a bit…. out there. But I am sure they will offer it in classic black. I think black and grey, or black and green would be kind of nice… but in FLAT colors, not how it is shown now.

Being the mask seems to sit so close to the face, I wonder how those of us with glasses will like this mask. Will it fit correctly? Heck, I for one would NOT want to go out and buy prescription lenses to put into these…. Less so since they would have to be on the OUTSIDE, that will get very costly having to replace them all the time because of scratches and stress caused by getting hit by paintballs over time. And it looks as if they already make a ski goggle.. so why the double lenses? Just to be different from everyone else on the market?

How it is worn.
As stated in the other thread, this over the top of the head strap would get annoying. I am not playing in MOPP4, and the classic single behind the head strap is all we need. In spite of them saying it makes the mask fit more securely, I don’t find that an issue. My mask with ONE strap has NEVER moved around on my head while playing. So how “secure” do you need the mask to be? What is more than acceptable, and what is overkill?

Too many parts.
While they like to tout interchangeability and customizing, I tend to find that the more parts that can be simply “snapped on” leads to more chances of something going wrong. And it means more places paint has to be cleaned out of. It also increases production cost and thus would more than likely increase the end cost as well.

Someone stated it is good to see innovation. I agree, but I don’t really consider this innovation. I see it as a “designer” product in a market that already has too many “designer” products. What are its true innovations? Snapping parts? Looks? Honestly, I see this as the next “got to have” for those who just like spending more money on a product than anyone else on the field, no matter if it is truly worth it or not.

Apparent lack of research in the market they are trying to reach.
There are a few things that really lead me to believe that they didn’t do their research for the paintball industry. Or maybe they asked a few questions to only a few people?

As with all out-there sports, there is a great desire for participants to "look the part". Previous masks were:
 not designed to be "customized" to meet personal taste
 not equipped with any appearance altering variables
 just not cool!

What? There are no other masks on the market currently that allow you to alter their looks? Did they even check?

Not cool? Again, who did they ask? Did they even look for themselves?

Customized to meet personal taste? It is first and foremost a piece of safety equipment. And there are plenty of ways to alter current masks to better personalize their looks. What is next? Will they enter into the construction market as well? Oh, I forgot, they say this CAN be used there as well

Ideal for sports or activities that demand facial protection from airborne objects, this, or very similar technology and design development, may easily find applications in motorsports, security, and construction industries.

Also if you look at their “structure” section, they bring up issues that are not issues at all (as well as totally misrepresent paintball masks available on the market… almost to the point that it makes me wonder if they have even SEEN a paintball mask), and in fact are not correct in relation to masks on the market. To me it is like selling fear instead of selling a product. Don’t tell me what other products DON’T do (even more when I know that they DO); don’t tell me what other products DO (even more when I know that the DON’T do it); just tell me what YOURS does and does not do. I can then decide for myself if I want the product. But when I see misinformation right off the bat, it really makes me wonder if I should trust anything else said about the product.

Now, with all this said, I would be willing to test them out and see how they work in a real world situation. I never fall for what a manufacturer tries to tell me in their advertisements or product hype sheet. I would be willing to see if any and all of my “issues” really ARE issues when tested in person. And I would bounce that off of the total cost.

But I will add that just because a new product comes out, it does not mean it is a “good” thing for the sport. Just because something new is diverting from the “norm” does not mean it is a “good” thing for players. And so far with this product, it looks GREAT for those who have never played the sport of paintball nor have ever seen a paintball mask and know anything about them.

06-22-2004, 08:56 AM
Any place selling these yet?

06-22-2004, 09:23 AM
Any place selling these yet?
Not yet, and Welcome to AO Crarazy.

06-22-2004, 10:21 AM
I've been waiting for a company to make a system that takes prescription lenses. They have been making SCUBA masks that take a snap in presription lense for years.

As long as the prescription lense thing worked then I'd absolutly wear this mask. God forbid I looked different than anyone else. ;)

06-22-2004, 02:39 PM
Heya Shartley! Good points, wanted to comment on a few tho.

My concerns….

They are very different from what paintball players are used to. Namely the divided eyes. And the colors are a bit…. out there. But I am sure they will offer it in classic black.

Well, the "Bug eye" goggles were weird too, after tehy became the V-force (with tweaking) everyone seemed to like them. First product and final product are usually different things.

Heck, I for one would NOT want to go out and buy prescription lenses to put into these…. so why the double lenses? Just to be different from everyone else on the market?

It might also be a convinence issue too, single lenses might be easier for them to do. Who knows? My concern is the perepheral vision, or lack therin. They might also be doign it for a "cool factor" too.

What? There are no other masks on the market currently that allow you to alter their looks? Did they even check?

I think they meant that it's a feature players like, not that it's something you can't find anywhere else.

Customized to meet personal taste? It is first and foremost a piece of safety equipment. And there are plenty of ways to alter current masks to better personalize their looks

It's a feature, nothing more. My JT's I can alter the color combos on he mask, goggle frame, visor and strap. Heh, actully I can make one heck of a "hooptie goggle" if I wanted to. They're saying that their system has the same features.

But I will add that just because a new product comes out, it does not mean it is a “good” thing for the sport. Just because something new is diverting from the “norm” does not mean it is a “good” thing for players.

It's a fresh look at the masks for paintball. I don't like the look myself, but I'm willing to try them out too. I also look at it another way too. there was a time that barrel plugs were new too. You don't know if something will be positive until it's put out to the market and we all get a chance to see it ourselves.


06-22-2004, 04:46 PM
thats uglier than the jt axiom

its hideous, i would NEVER put something that ugly over my face
i mean you really gotta be ugly to cover yourself with that thing

06-23-2004, 01:15 PM
Huh, I never saw this thread... I was pondering when someone was going to get around to doing something like this in one of the workshop threads... about, oh, 3 months ago.

This is not as form fitting like I would like, but from this design you can see the eyepiece portion may start evolving toward something that I would like to see.

Ugly product, but might be a step in the right direction.

06-23-2004, 06:29 PM
Kinda reminds me vaguely of DeepEyes....remember seein a post of some guy making repro armor suits...where did it go!!! I'd wear it for a day if I didn't pay for it :cool:

06-23-2004, 09:38 PM
For one thing, I don't think it's actually two seperate lenses, just a plastic bit in front of the center of the lens for looks. Kinda silly, but whatever.

As for the unusual strapping, that may be the feature that actually sells me on them. I've seen a few posts saying the single strap is enough, it's what we're used to, and that their goggles never move on thier face. I haven't spent a day at a field that I haven't seen multiple players adjusting their gogs on-field, even if it's just a quick grab to the chinpiece. This may seem too minor to be a safety issue, but it makes you wonder what would happen if that same player hit their chin on the ground.

I know for a fact what can happen. Last winter I lost my gogs in the middle of a big *** firefight at a scenario game. Tripped on a root, did a face plant and watched my gogs go rolling out in front of me. Luckily the other players reacted like they'd drilled for it and I suffered nothing worse than being pig-piled on. Still, it's pretty freaky and I haven't felt comfortable in Spectras since, even with the strap reefed down and a V-force chinstrap added. And I loved JTs for all the usual reasons. Finally went to a pair of Scott Stalkers that stick to my noggin a bit better.

Fact is safety comes first, and a single strap on a round melon is inherently precarious. I'm not big on regulation, but it won't suprise me much if strapping rigs like that become industry standards. Hell, I'm a bit suprised the insurance companies haven't required them already.

08-21-2004, 04:52 PM
Did anyone save a picture of this?

I was talking about it and wanted to show a picture but it now seems like the website has changed and none of the linked pictures work?

I'd be real grateful if anyone has a picture then could post again.


08-29-2004, 08:45 PM
Did anyone save a picture of this?

I was talking about it and wanted to show a picture but it now seems like the website has changed and none of the linked pictures work?

I'd be real grateful if anyone has a picture then could post again.


I didnt see it the first time.. Just wondering if I could see it.. A friend is talking about a Special Scenario game and if the helmet is the right style, maybe it would fit the character..


08-29-2004, 10:25 PM
We Need A New Pic! Red X's R Not Cool!

08-29-2004, 10:30 PM
yes red x's suck... as well as links that dont work! :(

08-30-2004, 05:45 AM

Nothing there on the gogs and they must have killed the news link

08-30-2004, 06:59 PM

Nothing there on the gogs and they must have killed the news link

That is absolutely one SWEET looking Mask!!

Not sure how it would be for tourney play, but dambed that would be cool for a SCI-FI BIG GAME..


08-30-2004, 07:12 PM
they look like swim goggles :rofl:

08-30-2004, 07:30 PM
Want to see more pics of them. Only thing I like about them are how the lenses look, The rest is ugly lol

08-30-2004, 11:18 PM
I kinda like the way they look, although I hope they put out a drab version for the woodsball faithful. The red one reminds me a lot of the Imperial Guards in Morrowind.

08-31-2004, 11:27 AM
This is paintball afterall. As soon as Dynasty or any DYE team wears them in a tourney, they will become the greatest thing to have...since ALL the pro's wear them...

08-31-2004, 12:08 PM
This is paintball afterall. As soon as Dynasty or any DYE team wears them in a tourney, they will become the greatest thing to have...since ALL the pro's wear them...

Your right on that one... But also you can't really judge them from the picutre.. I personaly don't like the colors.. a more plane solid color is more my style, But if the quality and feild of vision is there then they will be just as good a mask as any out there right now.

08-31-2004, 12:08 PM
They look like a frigin gas mask.....and I LOVE IT!

08-31-2004, 12:44 PM
This is paintball afterall. As soon as Dynasty or any DYE team wears them in a tourney, they will become the greatest thing to have...since ALL the pro's wear them...


08-31-2004, 12:55 PM
If these were indeed superior to current masks on the market, damn straight I'd buy one. I don't care about looks hell I own a pair of Profilers. And they damn ugly. All masks are! Until there is a Darth Vader replica mask made I'll keep thinking they're all ugly. But mandatory none the less.

With these if the field of vision is good, they don't fog, and are comfortable... I'd buy them in a heart beat! I'd even pay a good chunk of change for them too, like $90-$110 for them. Though I would prefer a 'standard black' look and not the gay pride parade rainbow colors look.

09-01-2004, 06:03 AM
Here is a little update for you all..

I emailed the manufacture to find out what the deal is with them. Are they still being made, are they being scrapped, etc. Here is what I got back from them...

My only question is, Prescription Paintball helmets??

Thank you for your inquiry Jason

Revision's paintball mask innovation, in both structure and use of material, delivers a revolutionary design that will increase the level of performance for players.

The most advanced feature of the paintball mask is the lens technology. For the first time in paintball mask design, interchangeable polarized and photo chromatic lenses are available. Changing light conditions and reflected glare will no longer be an issue. To optimize visual performance, anti-scratch and anti-fog coatings have been applied to the lenses. In addition, the lenses can be fitted with a prescription – no extra components required.

This forward-thinking design has also been created with breathable fabrics and an adjustable strapping system that is simple to slide on. Once the straps are adjusted, the mask stays in place. What’s more, each remarkable mask can be adjusted with interchangeable colored panels for a personalized fit and style.

The Revision paintball mask is currently undergoing rigorous testing in our labs to ensure optimal performance and protection. Please continue to check back to our website, www.revisioneyewear.com, for the latest updates and information on this revolutionary innovation.

Gemma Mendham
Marketing Associate

3575 St. Laurent Blvd. Suite 488
Montreal, Quebec H2X 2T7
T: +1 514.849.1874 x 222
F: +1 514.849.4228