View Full Version : How much is this worth?

06-21-2004, 08:44 PM
Hey guys, i was wondering how much my mag is worth
Yellow painted stock rt pro body
Black blade intelliframe
chrome kapp dz3
red on/off asa
armson 8" barrel
stock barrel
lx fine tuned
clear warpfeed
black egg w/ y board
nitroduck plasma tank
redz tank cover
and all stock parts

06-26-2004, 06:53 PM
Rough guess estimate:
Yellow painted stock rt pro body (marker with LX and stock grip frame installed) - $300
Black blade intelliframe - $95 (sold separately)
chrome kapp dz3 - $40
red on/off asa - $20
armson 8" barrel - $35
stock barrel - $15
progressive - $30
clear warpfeed - $75
black egg w/ y board - $65
nitroduck plasma tank - $150
redz tank cover - $10
and all stock parts - $? (need a list of parts)

Total: $835

As a complete package you may get about $750. But all this depends on condition, presentation (good pictures), and reputation (past feedback).