View Full Version : It finally came!

10-13-2001, 08:55 PM
Roughly a week ago, I sent my RT Pro into AGD to have the E-mag upgrade done. I opted for a warp feed body and the gun completely black. After a week of anxiously waiting, it finally arrived yesterday. I took my new toy out to my favorite paintball field at Fort Eustis to try it out. I love this gun, it was an instant hit. The performance is outstanding! I am definitely glad that I took advantage of the upgrade and recommend that everyone seriously consider it.

I would like to thank cphillip, who helped me out with the upgrade process. Thanks Phil, the gun is so sweet, I am not worthy!

And to close, for any AGD people and those who have had the upgrade done, does the upgrade also come with the charger for the E-mag battery? I ask because I have not received one.

Once again, thanks to all who helped me get the gun and made it for me.

10-13-2001, 09:29 PM

Lucky dog... ;)

You know pictures are now a requirement.

10-13-2001, 09:40 PM
Me too Sam! Me want one!!! Glad it worked out for you Dark.

Folks...All I did was help him out with some contacts to get him an RMA # early before his pay day so he could get it shiped on in as he is a Military guy. And it was a moment of patriotism going on. Jon and JoAnn actually did the work to help him out. I have no authority to actually do anything. All I did was ask them to help him and they did. All thanks should go to them. God bless them. Typical AGD right? :)

I do think the charger is available from Radio Shack. Good question though wether it comes with the deal. Others would probably like to know. AGD?

10-13-2001, 09:41 PM
No Charger??? We blew that one, call right away and we will send it out. Do NOT use any other charger.


10-13-2001, 09:46 PM
Thanks, Tom. You guys are really the best. I'll call first chance I get on Tuesday. Now, I have to rustle up my digital camera, take some pics and find a way to post the pictures (I've never done it?!) Does anyone know how to use the new fangled attachment function? Maybe I can post pictures using that vice hosting it on a website.

10-13-2001, 10:53 PM
Take your pics, put them in "My Pictures". When you hit the browse button, it will take you to "choose file", from there you click on My Pictures, find the one you want and left click on it. It will automatically be dropped into the magical posting thingy and all you have to do is be amazed after that!:cool:

10-14-2001, 12:38 AM
OK! Let me try this....

10-14-2001, 12:39 AM
once again...

10-14-2001, 12:41 AM

10-14-2001, 02:09 AM
I've been experimenting between two styles for mounting the warp feed. The first was the tightest package, where I mounted the warp feed toward the rear of the gun, as pictured above. This presented a few problems, namely the hopper being in my face. The second method, which was slightly larger, the standard mount, which has the warp feed slightly forward of the grip and angled outwards. The standard mount creates a slightly wider package but greater comfort, especially since I have that JT Slam collar right there.

I was thinking of doing the mod that Evil Bob did in this thread http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11992 , though it would make it hard for me to reach the charging button with that mod, it would still make a tight package while maintaining enought distance from my face to the end of the Slam collar for me to properly sight the gun. What do you guys (and gals) think?

Here are a couple of question which have come to mind. Does the conversion have a different serial than my original RT Pro? The valve is the same, so I wouldn't think it would. Is it possible to order the E-mag sight rail? Would I be able to mount either the Armson or Dye occluded sights on the RT Pro sight rail?

10-14-2001, 04:40 AM
That is one EVIL looking Marker! You should be able to scare your opponents off the field by just walking up with it. LOL

It looks like something General Zod (from Superman) would carry. It would be the perfect counter for the Superman Mag. :)

(Added: About the only thing I can say I don’t like is the actual Hopper. It looks like a black sausage, and is WAY too curved for the overall “feel” of the setup. It looks a bit out of place. But this is just a personal preference, and one for visual balance. But again.. it is a slick setup.)

10-14-2001, 08:09 AM
so in the upgrade process, they take your old valve and shove it in a brand new Emag right?

do they give you back your old RT body, rail, and frame?

10-14-2001, 11:38 AM
Because it was a RT Pro, they returned me an E-mag with the same rail and sight mount. I opted for the black warp feed body vice the polished power feed left body that I turned in on the RT Pro, I was told I could choose whatever body I wanted, so I chose to go with my prefered color in the warp feed style.

As for the sight rail, I am hoping to purchase a black E-mag sight rail, though I think it might cause a lack of contrast to the overall look.

The feel of the marker is very tight and compact, the added size of the tank, allows me to shoot approximately all 1000 rounds that I cary. Hey, my job is fire support, providing cover fire and the storm of paintballs to keep peoples heads down is not as easy as it seems. Thank goodness for weight training and Navy fitness routines, this gun is a heavy beast, I believe the closest approximation I can make is a little over 12lbs! It is definitely something you would need to get used to, I am still re-learning and I definitely need to strength train a little bit harder if I want to keep that multi-purpose role of fire support and weak side flank that I like to play.

Shartley, thank you for the compliment. I will post a second set of pictures with the second set up. Tell me what you guys think and I'll go with that one.

10-14-2001, 12:00 PM
Ok, guys. Here is the second set of pictures I told you about. Tell me which one you think is better.

10-14-2001, 12:02 PM
Here's another view....

10-14-2001, 12:02 PM
and another...

10-14-2001, 12:04 PM
Last but not least....

10-14-2001, 12:28 PM

10-14-2001, 12:40 PM
What a choice…. Grrrrr

I like the compactness of the first one, but the Hopper is too far back for my taste. I like the Hopper position of the second one and the way it brings it all together more forward.. BUT like the parallel Warp Feed of the first. If it was mine, I would play with it until I got the forward configuration of the second one WITH the parallel Feed of the second. LOL

I don’t know if that helped any though. So, if I was to HAVE to choose one or the other, I would say the second one. But I think I have seen setups similar to what I mention above.

10-14-2001, 12:48 PM
I think it is possible to do what you are saying. When I call Airgun Designs on tueasday about my charger, I'll try and purchase a couple of extra lengths of feed hose for the warp feed, the E-mag sight rail (what do you think, Shartley? Black or chrome?), and another mounting plate for the warp feed, so I can attempt to at least duplicate or improve on the modification in Evil Bob's thread, http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11992 .

Sorry about the pictures, they are a little grainy. I tried to use a higher digital resolution but the file sizes were simply enormous.

10-14-2001, 01:02 PM
YES! Just like that.

As for the Chrome or Black.. I think either would work fine and you cannot go wrong either way.

The black keeps it all in the General Zod mode, BUT then the only thing NOT black would be the actual trigger and barrel tip, right? This is not bad, but would look better if the trigger was made black as well. However, it is not something anyone would notice.

And as for the chromed… that looks very nice as well. It forms a line from the rail down the trigger, and is balanced by the chromed barrel tip. It is like a General Zod sports edition. LOL You know how just the right amount of chrome on a car can do the trick, yet any more would be too much… same with your setup.

So, I would go with the chrome rail personally. I think it offsets the rest of the Marker and makes quite the statement. You will be sure to grab attention… such understated power, yet graceful elegance. But that is just my opinion.

Oh, and I would definitely call it the General Zod. LOL

10-14-2001, 06:45 PM
I have been messing around with a custom warp feed mounting plate as well. right now, I have the plate "backwards, i.e. warp sitting more towards the rear of the gun. My plate has less of an angle than the stock plate. I also set the tank off to the right of the gun, to give it better balance. It makes the gun wider, but I like the feel of it better. I'm going to try another plate that's perpendicular to the grip frame, and see how that feels. I'm also hoping that I won't have to drill through the hopper like I did on my Son's gun.

I have a hopper left body, but ordered a warp body on 10-10. I just can't get the hose mounted where I like it with the HL body.

I don't believe that the E-Mag sight rails come in chrome.

10-15-2001, 05:31 AM
I don't believe that the E-Mag sight rails come in chrome.
You would be surprised what does not "come" in chrome that IS in chrome... so that would be a moot point. ;)

10-16-2001, 04:46 PM
Any EMAG is sweet. How you set it up is up to you and how it feels for you. You will know when it is just right. I just have one question for you. What are you doing taking a picture of your marker with an air system connected, paint full and a ball in the breech with no barrell plug in??!??!? You can see the ball down barrell and the warp full. I don't want the DOD taking markers away from us because of some stupid accident. If you are not DOD you will not understand, but if you are you will understand because they can and would. I just figured it is because you are Navy. AF would not do that. Anyhow, now that I have said that, if you decide to get a hop to RAF Mildenhall here in the UK, let me know and we can hook up. Take some leave for Campaign Cup next year and make a week of it. I can put you up and drive you there as long as you can act descent.
I attached a pic of my EMAG extreme. P.S. The Redz bottle cover is red also

10-16-2001, 04:55 PM
Is that Dave from "lets go climb on the F15's Dave?"


10-16-2001, 07:50 PM
Hey Dave! Your right about the paintballs in the warp and the breech, very unsafe of me. I hadn't yet cleaned out my Mag from the day of play. After cleaning it an changing the configuration, I did empty everything out, as you can see by the second set of pictures. Yeah, I am in the Navy.

10-17-2001, 06:05 AM
Hi Tom, You are thinking of the correct Dave. I still want to visit but I have only visited the states once since you have been here. I am glad you remember me. I usually just read the forum here, but I decided DarkPhoenix needed me to harass him. Once I started I could not stop. I will keep in touch.
DarkPhoenix= I mean that about you coming over, or anybody that wants to catch a hop and come over.

10-17-2001, 05:12 PM
Thanks for the offer, Dave. Problem is, if I take leave I must be within 12 hours of the ship, in case we need to deploy in a hurry. I greatly appreciate the offer, though. Maybe one day, when all of this is behind us, I'll take you up on your very generous invitation. I extend the same invitation to you.

10-18-2001, 02:55 PM
I figured as much, keep in touch. I keep waiting for the phone to ring....I love DSL. We are ready (as always) as I am sure you are there. I will add you to my buddy list. The offer is always open here. I know where you are there. I used to be stationed at Langley and we worked out of Oceana (sp?) when they were working on the runway. That was I few years ago.