View Full Version : Fly vs Alias

06-22-2004, 11:18 PM
yea its another vs thread..

when i get back from vacation im buyin a new marker and i narrowed it down to these 2.. i hear nothing but good things about both, im leaning towards the fly because it has one of the best eyes out and i like the reinsurance that i know it wont chop. but i have an awesome timmy tech 5 mins down the street from me and i really like the alias.

i will be shooting someones fly in a little more then a week and i have shot an alias. this will be my first electro. since i got 1600 for graduation and more is on its way, i am gonna be buying top end electro.

so if you know anything about the 2, give reasons why i should get which one.

Eskimo Paint Slinger
06-22-2004, 11:22 PM
I would go with the alies..not a big fan of angels and the alies is soo smooth and fast.

06-22-2004, 11:31 PM
you do know the timmy has eyes too right? i dont ever chop with my timmy and i rock out 23 a second at times. the angel is comfy and everything but i just dont like angels much anymore cause they seem to go down somewhat frequently plus they are way overpriced

06-22-2004, 11:36 PM
both are great markers, and both are well made. And i choose... Neither!

you said something that really got me. you said you want the assurance that it wont chop. Well, if you want that assurance, you should really look into the dm4. It is level 10 soft, coupled with a pair of awesome eyes, it wont chop.

now, i like angels, and i think they are sweet markers, but nothing compares to the dm4. I was just in your situation, and i was considering those 3 markers. the alias, the fly, and the dm4. You can guess what i chose. I suggest you try them all out, side by side, and make your choice. also, try putting your finger in each of the breaches, then report back :)

06-22-2004, 11:44 PM
sticking ur finger in a timmy or angel breach is a mistake. now i have nt tried the dm4 but ive done the other two and i thought i was going to pull out a nub. the dm fizzle is a tight marker but for the money id still say timmy is the best

06-23-2004, 12:02 AM
Angel Fly definately.

Reason? Angels are original design and are high quality shizzle.

Definately worth the money... where as the alias... meh :)

06-23-2004, 12:30 AM
yes im aware timmies have eyes too.. and all this thread did was add another marker to the list, dm4..damn you guys :shooting: haha..well ill have to shoot them side by side..and all 3 of those markers are just about the same price so that doesnt help at all..

06-23-2004, 12:35 AM
...Alias (and not just because I have one)...they have incredable milling (don't like the fly)...and still look super cool...light (1.4 lbs BABY!)...nice "mouse click" trigger...(rock it or don't shoot at all :shooting: )...takes 9v (NO CHARGERS WOOHOO!)...and is by far one of top 10 easiest guns to program/adjust...

...I had an WDP Angel Speed for 4 months...i didn't like that it took a crap load of time to recharge...also the 90 frame hurts after a while and i couldn't get a good rate of fire with out my large drop forward (but i don't use drop anymore...SWAT STYLE :)) 45 frame all the way...

ANGELS HAVE CRAPPY RESALE!!! (ask all the angel speed owners....WDP likes to dish out guns every 6 months it seems like)

06-23-2004, 12:51 AM
ANGELS HAVE CRAPPY RESALE!!! (ask all the angel speed owners....WDP likes to dish out guns every 6 months it seems like)

What are you talking about, yeah probably speeds but not the IR3, 4 or the fly. have you looked on Ebay at angels they are still at about a thousand.
If you want a timmy get a Lasoya.

06-23-2004, 04:33 AM
ive seen ir3's for 500 ive seen a4's for around 800 and the fly is the new hottness, im sure when the super duper angel force 4 flying speed comes out the fly will drop like a fly

06-23-2004, 06:12 AM
when is it coming out? maybe its worth waiting then

06-23-2004, 06:48 AM
There both great guns.

Both have crazy ROF and great performance overall, as you would expect from any gun thier price range.

You really need to shoot them both to truly make a distinction.They are faily different in layout so that will likely make the difference as soon as you shoot either one.

Also,if it matters,I've shot many a DM4 and just don't like the look or feel of them despite the fact that they do also shoot very nice.

(I do have an Alias....fast,light,efficient,consistant,interchan ges many Timmy parts which is nice in case of breakdown or something and tons of aftermarket stuff to make it look unique.......what elso do you need? ;) )

06-23-2004, 07:07 AM
we have a guy at our field who has a alias when he first got it it was one of the first produced so it had problems after shipping back and forth we called bob long b/c it was ridiculous. bob long said send it to me and i will take a look at it if it is a easy fix i will send it back if not i have a black red to red fade on my desk right now that i will send back. now i think that is pretty good customer service and he didnt get the new one he got his original one back and now the thing rips it is amazinglky fast and hasnt chopped yet.

we aslo have on force4 and a regular 4 out to the field i know they are different guns then what you are looking at but both have charging problems and have really bad bolt stick.bolt stick is the most annoying thing in the world if you ask me. now knowing from former ownership of an angel (i have had 2) this happens quite often. dont get me wrong there are th ones out there that are really really nice but you dont know if that is going to be yours. plus if something goes wrong or breaks a lot of the angel parts arent interchangeble with one another. (most is but ceratin stuff arent, oyu would have to custom mod it)

my friend just got a dm4 now that si a amazing gun. this thing RIPS . . . has never chopped great stock barrel and light. but in my opinion it looks funny. it isnt bad but it just doesnt look like a paintball gun in real life. but the performance in the gun has persuaded me to buy a dye matrix this summer after i make some money. that may be another gun you may wnat to include on your list. has the same eyes alot of the same stuff just different looks and it is 500 bucks cheaper. i am definitly buying one this summer on top of my imp i own right now.

i hope thta my information helps guide to your next purchase of a marker and just wondering what gun do you ahve now??


06-23-2004, 08:19 AM
I would go with the a4. Very nice, smooth, debouce settings a big + on it, more effient probibly and both are probibly as fast. It really comes down to what you like the feel of better really. One thing nice about the wdp guns is that they are very easy to fix and trouble shoot. Not very much goes wrong with them.

06-23-2004, 12:11 PM
is there any reason that you arent considering a cyborg? ive never shot one, but ive heard great things about them. go to http://www.cyborgowner.com/

06-23-2004, 12:16 PM
one thing i will say, is i found the opto board really hard to rip on. I wasnt a fan of it.

Also, one thing that really matters to me, is kick. Now, the angel and the timmy barely kick, but the dm4 kicks that much less.

There is some cool stuff out for the dm4 too, the xsf chip, or the was chip, which arent really needed at all, but they are nice touches, Evolve will be out soon, and SLICK HONEY!!!

Best damn lube... EVAR! you will be runnign your dm4 as low as 45-50 psi once you lube up the lpr and bolt.

also the dm4 is really really easy to take care of, more so than the angel or the timmy in my opinion.

06-23-2004, 12:25 PM
what about a nice hooked up viking? Just another though..

A kid had an alias at the field 2 weeks ago and the thing bounced like crazy -- stock. Maybe it was his setup, I don't know but just a thought. I would deffintely shoot both and make a decision.

06-23-2004, 01:28 PM
Funny ..... ive never had bolt stick. if the people where suffering from bolt stick the probably had there lpr way lor or the dwell to high.
i found the opto board REALLY easy to rip on, and most people who have shoot mine say the same thing. but i can see how its not like a micro switch so it could be hard to get use to.

you can lower the LPR So much on a fly, basiclly you can turn it into totally diffirent feels of how it fires.

the qouted wieght of the Alias is 1.4 .....with out the reg or barrel.

i say try them out, both are good guns, i really do enjoy Angels more then any other gun.
so im biased.

06-23-2004, 01:35 PM
you can put a was board in the timmy and still have the lcd display. the settings are very easy to get to in the timmy, and they just flat rip with that was board. they are easier to work on then an angel (at least an lcd)

06-23-2004, 01:47 PM
yea its another vs thread..

when i get back from vacation im buyin a new marker and i narrowed it down to these 2.. i hear nothing but good things about both, im leaning towards the fly because it has one of the best eyes out and i like the reinsurance that i know it wont chop. but i have an awesome timmy tech 5 mins down the street from me and i really like the alias.

i will be shooting someones fly in a little more then a week and i have shot an alias. this will be my first electro. since i got 1600 for graduation and more is on its way, i am gonna be buying top end electro.

so if you know anything about the 2, give reasons why i should get which one.

Don't believe the hype of the A4.. The eyes are just break beam.. The only difference is they use a ribbon which they claim is faster.. But there is no possible way you would ever outshoot a normal wire so don't believe that crap.. Plus ribbons seem extremelly fragile and if water were to get on it i'm sure it would mess something up.. So IMO the way they set the eyes up with the ribbon is stupid..

So get an Alias or a DM4.. Both will be pimptastic guns.. The biggest thing the DM4 has over the alias though is resale.. If you got a DM4 and decided you didn't like it you could trade it for an alias no problem.. An Alias is a bit harder to trade for a DM4 though

06-23-2004, 02:34 PM
the only thing that i think gives the dm4 the slight edge is that it sounds soo freaking cool.

06-23-2004, 06:00 PM
well iwill have to shoot all 3 to find out what one i will choose. sounds like everyone is between the dm4 and alias, but ill decide what one i like more..

06-23-2004, 06:06 PM
I say alias, they are an amazing peice of eqipment, but thats my opinion on wich one i like better, fly4 has better performance, and the DM4 well what can i say about it? its like both the guns having sex and this is its offspring,lol

06-23-2004, 07:18 PM
The best thing about a DM4 is that it is so fugly it starts to look good. And that it comes with a ultralite barrel. other then that it aint all that. I would rather get a Matrix then a Dm4 or a timmy. But i got an A4 and mag and I am not looking back. And besides look at the guys with timmys, every time we go out to play these are the guys who have to sit out to replce o-rings. If you shoot to fast the bumpers wear away. If not greased enough the orings desinegrate. All that I needed to do was oil my angel for the past two tourneys and nine weekends and it is fine. I would like to see a timmys go through that with barely any maintainance required.

06-23-2004, 08:03 PM
okay, how about 2 7 mans and 2 3 mans, plus i shoot at least 17 and ive gotten it up to 28 in a game and its still perfect, all i do is lube my ram

06-24-2004, 03:23 AM
I've shot both and both are freaking awesome. I don't know which one is better though. The Alias is probably is a lil' bit more smoother shooting wise. Go w/ the cheapest one. I probably get tje Alias just because resale purposes in the future.

06-24-2004, 02:49 PM
what would you choose between an angel force4(not fly) and an alias. cuz i have a choice between those two. sorry for hijacking your thread!

06-24-2004, 03:43 PM
alias, the only decent a4 out there is the fly and the joy division

Ripper machinist
06-24-2004, 04:04 PM
The best thing about a DM4 is that it is so fugly it starts to look good. .

I actualy do not like the milling myself. Even though I create some crazy mill patterns. I just dont feel they put enough detail into their work. It seems they tried to cheeze on the 3d milling by putting to big of a internal radius to cut down mill time.

If you shoot to fast the bumpers wear away. .

Bumper problem is gone on all new alias platform timmies. I doubt anyone will wear out a bumper anytime soon, and if they do it is a super easy fix.

If not greased enough the orings desinegrate. All that I needed to do was oil my angel for the past two tourneys and nine weekends and it is fine. I would like to see a timmys go through that with barely any maintainance required.

I have never had a problem with orings. So dont know what to say when people say they have had problems. Just like any gun a little light maintenance and the gun will work flawlessly.


06-24-2004, 04:08 PM
ive put probly 20 or 30 cases threw my timmy and changed 1 ram bumper and its because it started the crack a little

06-24-2004, 05:50 PM
alais hands down

even kno i love angels im not a fan of the fly i just dont like it id rather shoot an lcd with eyes over a fly

06-24-2004, 06:13 PM
also the dm4 is really really easy to take care of, more so than the angel or the timmy in my opinion.

That is very true. A timmy is very easy to maintain, but if it breaks on you, will have a problem. My 2k2 has been broken for awhile, I finally started to try to fix it last night, I started at around 8pm, finally had it all fixed by 4am, I only took one 1/2 hour break.

Like Magman said, give a DM4 a try, see what you like.

06-24-2004, 06:43 PM
whats wrong with it? nothing should take that long to fix

06-24-2004, 07:11 PM
I would go with the speed with eyes over almost anything. You can find them used your 800-900.

06-24-2004, 07:15 PM
whats wrong with it? nothing should take that long to fix

Well, the actual time it took to locate the problem was the longest. At first I though it was the cupseal, so it took a long time to get that out and lube that up. Put the gun back together, still leaked. Then I lubed the LPR, HPR, took them totally apart, then put the gun together, still leaked. Then I replaced every O ring in the gun, still leaked. Then I decided to check my noid, when I opened it, I saw that the noid was the problem, there was some kind of tape or something in it, so I cleaned it all up, then I replaced all the hose lines, then it finally stopped leaking. Now the thing is ripping like never before.

06-24-2004, 07:19 PM
that sux, at least your seleniod wasnt blown. when mine was leaking thats what i was affraid of but it turned out to be a hose

06-24-2004, 07:21 PM
that sux, at least your seleniod wasnt blown. when mine was leaking thats what i was affraid of but it turned out to be a hose

I did have to replace my noid, not to long ago, because it did blow, for some reason, which I never solved. I was playing one day, then on my last game, a giant leak started near the end of my game, so I left, when I got home, I noticed some pieces in the noid were broken, I was not able to fix it, so I just ordered a new noid.

06-25-2004, 10:50 AM
That's a difficult choice.

I'm going to say timmy just because you've got a tech down the street, but you really need to choose the one you like to shoot more

06-25-2004, 03:03 PM
Fly. Period. No questions asked. Alias will have more kick than the fly, and the fly is faster. the original Angel design was based off printing press pnuematic rams, which cycle at around 150 times a second. so theoretically, the fly could shoot 150 times a second. the fly is better, definately. It doesnt even have alot of milling, and its still 1300 dollars. The Alias is like, 1250 or something, and it has milling up the butt. i bet a good 300-400 dollars of the alias is anno and milling. thats what most timmies are. if you want a good electropnuematic gun, just buy The One, get a good barrel kit, fast hopper, new hpr, superfly bolt, and your set. timmies are just super expensive, super fancy electropnuematic spyders. Fly is god

06-25-2004, 04:05 PM
Fly. Period. No questions asked. Alias will have more kick than the fly, and the fly is faster. the original Angel design was based off printing press pnuematic rams, which cycle at around 150 times a second. so theoretically, the fly could shoot 150 times a second. the fly is better, definately. It doesnt even have alot of milling, and its still 1300 dollars. The Alias is like, 1250 or something, and it has milling up the butt. i bet a good 300-400 dollars of the alias is anno and milling. thats what most timmies are. if you want a good electropnuematic gun, just buy The One, get a good barrel kit, fast hopper, new hpr, superfly bolt, and your set. timmies are just super expensive, super fancy electropnuematic spyders. Fly is god

While I would tend to agree that an angel is a little higher quality than an intimidator, I think that is some exaggeration going on there.

First off, just because a printing press ram is that fast, it doesn't mean an angel is. Have you ever looked at an angel ram? You know what they look like?... bushy rams... viking rams... they are all basically the same. Ram speed is mainly dependant on LPR pressure, ram flow, hammer/bolt weight, and friction. The angel isn't any better than anything else in those categories.

My opinion is this. I don't like the A4 triggers. They feel mushy, and there is no feedback/responsiveness. The vernier adjustments are difficult to set, believe it or not, because they move when you lock them down with the set screws. The WDP locking feed neck is a piece, imo. The oring system stinks. I think the time of mini-regs has passed, LPR adjustment is cumbersome for no reason. Other than that, I think they are pretty nice markers.

I'll be honest, I've never really liked intimidators. I like some of the people that make them, but I've never really cared for the markers themselves. They do have good points, one of which is they are very, very light. They take cocker threaded barrels. It looks like with the alias they have finally got rid of the stupid feedneck system that WGP uses. The alias doesn't look to bad.

Compared, I think it's a wash. Both guns have good/bad points. I think for my personal trigger preference I'd go with an alias, but I've never seen one up close. I know A4's feel like quality, I've never been awestruck by the quality of intimidators.

If it were my money, I'd look at a custom viking (probably my top pick), maybe a cyborg, or even a Bonebrake Bushmaster or Freestyle (if they have managed to sort out the FS's efficiency). The BB ICD guns look really nice, and aren't too stupidly expensive.


06-25-2004, 04:43 PM
I would get a DM4, they rip, very little kick, good re-sale value, and like someone else mentioned its gonna be very efficient once Evolve releases their new bolt kits.

06-25-2004, 05:10 PM
either will be fast as hiel and neither will chop, i choose the FLY for the overall feel

personally, id pick up a custom viking or a cyborg though

06-26-2004, 02:15 AM
I just got a blue to black alias yesterday and it is awesome. I can't wait to really put some good paint through it. I shot about 2 hoppers of paint that was from before Halloween and it was dimpled a little and I didn't break or chop one ball!