View Full Version : Double Standard!

Target Practice
06-23-2004, 03:57 PM
Can someone please tell me what the difference is between dropping $1300 on a set of Calloway clubs, and spending the same amount on a DM4?

No? Okay, then maybe someone can explain to me why people think nothing is amiss when the person who is saying that I "wasted" my money on a RogueMag (~$650) has $2100 worth of CDs in his room (140 CDs x $15 average cost)?

Why is there a double standard when it comes to spending money on paintball? How is paintball spending somewhat less useful or prudent than any other hobby? It pisses me off to no end hearing my rooommates constantly asking me why I spend all this money on a "game".

Doing a little quick math, I figure that I have around $1500 invested in the sport. My two big ones are my 'Mag, and a 2k2 'Cocker w/ hinge trigger. Couple of N2 tanks, few CO2 tanks, and a few other cheap markers. Now, I know that it is a drop in the bucket compared to most people here on AO and pretty much all of the people on the tourney circuit, so I figure I'm doing all right. Why is this wrong? Sure, I'm in college, but the money isn't an issue, and with roommates like the ones I got, I need a hobby to keep me sane.

Bah! I'm getting mad just writing this little rant of mine. Anyhoo, any thoughts, comments, questions? Medications, perhaps?

Edit: My 500th post! :bounce:

06-23-2004, 04:10 PM
Because they think it's just a game :D

Personally I think paintball is cheap compared to most things... you drop 1500 on a gun, 100 on hopper, 200 on tank, 200 on barrel kit, you have the best you can buy, spend another 300-400 on misc items (Mask, Clothing, Bag, Paint) thats... like 2400?

People spend well over that on a TV, I have a cheap 50 dollar TV in my room and it does the same thing as our 5,000 dollar TV in the family room... ofcourse through our credit company we get "points" and essentially got the TV for free :bounce: ... it's just smaller... :D

viva la hypocrites? :clap:

06-23-2004, 04:13 PM
Please, allow me to jion in on your rant. My parents CONSTANTLY say "Its your money." when I purchase something paintball related. But, as you kind of stated, when my Dad and I go play golf he will gladly drop $250 on a nice course, a cart, balls, etc. It just ticks me off. I ask if he would like to come play paintball with me and he says "No, its to expensive." :confused: :mad:

Same thing with my friends. Recently my friend, hes been playin for about 2 years now, sold his e99 and bought a BKO. His parents had nothing to do with it, as they think it is also a waste of money, and they also think that paintball is a "war game." Yet again, :confused: :mad: ITS A SPORT PEOPLE! COME ON!

Just adding my 2 cents.

06-23-2004, 04:26 PM
I think it happens to alot of people with ignorance about the sport around them.'

Not that my parents are ignorant, but they are about paintball. My dad could completely make all the parts in the gun but he doesnt no anything about the sport.

I recently wanted a nitro tank, still do, and i was talking to my mom about paying half until i can pay her back and she went on about how is this any different than your co2 tanks and such. So i gave her a load of bs then at the end she tells me its my money. the only thing is, i get the money from them but half the time they dont pay me. Its either mag or nitro tank. Im thinking both accept nitro before mag.

06-23-2004, 04:33 PM
Eigh I get that alot... So I use much the same counter arguement that you used about the golf clubs and hockey gear.

But honestly I think where all the idocy is comming from is all them basketball, baseball, soft ball, foot ball, knuckel heads out there that think all sports must revolve around a animal skin that is stuffed or inflated then chased down constantly.

Oh well /rant support off. time for food

06-23-2004, 05:51 PM
I think is a big waste when you start to spend over 5k. When it comes down to it you really only need two markers. I have donwsized my collection resently, although I never had more than 2k in the mix.

I think the real question is whether a 500 dollar gun that can shoot faster than you is worth less than a 1k+ gun that can shoot faster than you....

06-23-2004, 05:55 PM
My friends tell me that I apend way to much on paintball, they say my parents just spoil me and give me all this money but they dont I am a camp counselor and make my own money so, screw them and just keep spending becasuse paintball is awesome.

06-23-2004, 06:08 PM
My friends tell me that I apend way to much on paintball, they say my parents just spoil me and give me all this money but they dont I am a camp counselor and make my own money so, screw them and just keep spending becasuse paintball is awesome.

I have the same job its the easiest 6 dollars an hour ever.

I honestly have a hard time laying down cash, and I think paintball is a very expensive hobby/sport. But it is something I love to do and I find the amount of money I spend to be worth it.

06-23-2004, 06:12 PM
I have the same job its the easiest 6 dollars an hour ever.
Yep, easy money= easy spending and that means paintball. Yeah being a cmp counselor is awesome.

06-23-2004, 07:17 PM
ive thought many hours on this...paintball is far cheaper than golf...no ways around it..but i see paintball, for the average player, expensive for the time that one uses his gear..most people might go out 2 -3 times a month..where as someone who buys cds can listen to them any time, any day

06-23-2004, 07:40 PM
Okay as we all know paintball is not the norm when it comes to sports. But it is growing and its growth cost will driven down. unlike other sports. Basketball most shoes are over one hundred dollars. Football, think about this earpads for a helmet are five dollars each. Golf a "good" driver alone is 500. Baseball gloves are 65, bats are at least 95 and you need a minimum of 4. A piantball gun is meant to last you years. How long do you think the equipment mentioned prior is meant to last?

the larch
06-23-2004, 07:41 PM
Well, In a world were people are willing to enslave themselves to jobs they hate to own cars they don't need and houses they can't afford, paintball as a hobby is a minor thing.
My truck cost less than my paintball gear.
Don't listen to idiots.

06-23-2004, 07:48 PM
People do hold us to a different standard. Yes there are a lot of expensive hobbies but paintball seems more wasteful in the eyes of somebody who doesn't play. Don't ask me why, they just can't understand the amount of cash we put into our rigs and to play. I think it seems so wasteful because look at the money spent on paint/play an cheap weekend is 40 or 45 bucks for me, then there are times you shoot a whole case, thats gonna be 60-70 bucks gone for a days play. We just shoot that paint and its gone, stuck to a bunker or hopefully somebody else. To the person who doesn't play thats the same as pulling the cash out of your wallet and setting it on fire.

I don't want to turn this in to a "you should just shoot less issue", don't worry I built a pump recently just for that

I have to admit, at times I feel ashamed of how much I have spent on this sport. But I am greatful I have the spare income to do this with. But you got to admit, don't you feel guilty at times buying that case of paint.

06-23-2004, 08:10 PM
they view golf as an 'accepted' hobby/sport. they view paintball as one that is not.

thats all...

i'd say a lot of people are wasting money on buying 20" 'dubs' and all that garbage. im sure thousands disagree with me. many would say i waste money by buying an x-mag. i disagree. thats just a matter of opinion....

06-23-2004, 08:28 PM
Well, most golfers who drop serious dough on clubs are older. They have a "real" job and can justify spending that amount of money. Paintball is an expensive sport. It seems like most of you who are getting crap about spending a lot on paintball are younger. It always seems like there is always something else to buy for your gun. Everyone wants to buy every little thing to make their gun a little better. We all do this. It is part of the fun of paintball. Waiting and getting new little parts here and there. It is just like people who like cars. They will spend a few hundred bucks on something that adds a few extra horses. People like me look at them and think their crazy. I would never spend $1000 to get 20 more hp... I guess it is all part of being in a community. People who are involved in it understand their peers and outsiders don't.
Your parents are just trying to make sure you don't waste your money. You have to look at it from their point of view. Make sure you buy things that you really want.

06-23-2004, 08:34 PM
ok you take your friends out and play paintball they will get addicted to it probably sell everything they dont need and buy a marker the adreniline that you get from the game wants you to do it again and again they dont get "the game" and why we do it you need to show them that PAINTBALL RULES OVER GOLF EASLY AND RULES OVER EVERYTHING ELSE

06-23-2004, 11:02 PM
Kablam! :dance: Well said, OhMyAMoose.

It is usually the older guys with money and real jobs who drop serious cash on stuff like golf clubs.

I will say this about golf: it's great for career interests. Those of you with no career interests... well, nevermind. You can keep RITING LIEK THIS 4 TEH REST OF UR LIVEZ.

Likewise, I've never known anyone to get anywhere playing paintball. I'm sure it happens... on occasion. It's a dead end for most of you. I'm sure the guys at the top of the pyramid appreciate your enthusiastic funding, though.

As far as the CD's... paying $15 a piece for CD's is about as smart as dropping 1300 on a DM4. I mean, you'd have to be buying some pretty rare stuff to have no option but to pay $15 average a CD. There's no doublestandard on that one; they're both not very smart moves.

The $5000 TV? The TV gets more use than your paintball guns. You see, you mentioned it was in the family room... and I'm guessing you're not the head of your current household, eh?

Don't really have anything to say about hockey, heh.

You can call outsiders 'ignorant' about paintbal; but they might turn around and call you 'ignorant' about money. They might even be justified, especially if you're living under their roof.

Be honest, what's the motivation for buying something like a $1k+ gun. I think there's only one really good reason.

Target Practice
06-24-2004, 01:01 AM
Be honest, what's the motivation for buying something like a $1k+ gun. I think there's only one really good reason.

Would you be so kind as to enlighten us?

06-24-2004, 01:20 AM
ok my opinion is... i have fun i like it and i love my new toy.. hey if it takes an xmag to pull you out of a depression would you buy one???

then again i also look at money and say oh well it is just money but i have earned what i spend so thats why i look at it that way...

fyi im also one of those guys that will justify 10000 on a new turbo for more horsepower just havent had the quality of car to want to do it on yet.. that comes later in life!!!!

06-24-2004, 02:02 AM
I just spent about $700 on table tennis equipment... and put about $100 a month into it - costs about $60 just to replace rubber every month. Now, if you had no understanding of how it can cost this much - you'd probably call it a waste. It's kinda like how people who don't understand paintball think it's silly to put that much into it. But I figure it this way: If it's your hobby, you enjoy doing it, and you're good enough to justify putting that much money in it... go for it if you can afford it!

Now, I do agree that it's stupid to buy a $1500 marker when you are struggling with money and stuff.

06-24-2004, 02:05 AM
I'd rather buy a PGP and play paintball everyday, then have a fully-loaded Alias and never get to play :D

06-24-2004, 02:10 AM
Would you be so kind as to enlighten us?

Well, I think Enemy pretty much came close to getting it. It's the same reason for just about anything really.

Why do XYZ? Because you want to, and because you can. End of story. (I guess that's technically two reasons, but I kind of lump it as one idea.)

Insert any myriad of things in place of XYZ.

The issue is justification of a mistake by other peoples' mistakes. That just invites people like me who come in and pick up bad arguments where people would prefer them to be left. While I can see the hypocrisy, it doesn't particularly make any sort of compelling argument, except that people can indeed be hypocrites.

For instance, I've never really had a problem with people questioning me about my mag. "Why do you shoot a mag? Why don't you get an electro or something?" I simply say, "I know what I want, and this is the gun that I want." The discussion has never moved past that point.

If you want it, buy it. If someone gets on you about it, just give 'em the bird. You don't have to justify anything to anyone but yourself (and maybe the people who are financing your shenanigan, but that's understood).

Edit: I guess a couple other people jumped in while I was writing this. You get the idea.

06-24-2004, 02:19 AM
lol I just had an equally retarded conversation today:

Friend - why are you going to spend 1000 bucks on paintball?

Me - Because I love it and I am dedicated.

Friend - But thats not going to get you a new girlfriend!
(i recently split with someone)

Me - I don't really care.

Friend - Well you should spend it on building a new computer.

Me - How the hell does hasten me obtaining a girlfriend?

*cricket chirp* *cricket chirp*

06-24-2004, 02:44 AM
I get the same thing, I'd say I've got roughly a grand invested in paintball, and my parents(and god parents) both tell me I'm waisting my money, but at the same time, my dad is constantly buying guns(he collects old .22's mostly) that 80% of which he'll never shoot.

06-24-2004, 03:00 AM
I have this justification of money being spent argument with many family members and friends, my sister calls my paintball stupid and a waste of money but buying a good horse is somehow a wise investment in her eyes, seriously, $30,000 on a purebred horse and then a small labor force to maintain the stupid thing and my 1k paintball gun is a waste. Now she found the most expensive college she could find (pepperdine) and got accepted for only $37,000 a year, and even now she didnt pay for her car, gas, insurance, jack didlio and no she doesnt have a job and I cant get my parents to go 50/50 on a case of paint without them instilling a feeling of guilt into me for my wanting to play paintball once or twice a month

06-24-2004, 06:52 AM
Hmmm, just my 2 cents...and remember I love paintball. The thing I think that keeps it smaller than other sports isn't the start up cost, but the cost to play each time. I mean I don't think we'll see little league paintball unless we can get case of paint at a much lower price. Once you get your gear, you're pretty much done. It doesn't cost anything for my sone to play a baseball game. Can you imagine if you went through 200 baseballs in a game? Football, Hockey and basketball...all the same. Now, I used to think golf was expensive...until I played paintball. I have about $400 in eqiupment. A round including balls in my area is under $40 for about a 3 hour round. No way I could play paintball for that much.
So which do I play? Paintball of course. For a lot of reasons, but one big one is I can play with my kids. I can play golf with them also, but they hate that. Can you imagine me playing baseball with a 10 year old? Or football? ha!
Soory this went all over...it's too early to have written, but what the hey...

06-24-2004, 09:35 AM
Hmmm, just my 2 cents...and remember I love paintball. The thing I think that keeps it smaller than other sports isn't the start up cost, but the cost to play each time. I mean I don't think we'll see little league paintball unless we can get case of paint at a much lower price. Once you get your gear, you're pretty much done. It doesn't cost anything for my sone to play a baseball game. Can you imagine if you went through 200 baseballs in a game? Football, Hockey and basketball...all the same. Now, I used to think golf was expensive...until I played paintball. I have about $400 in eqiupment. A round including balls in my area is under $40 for about a 3 hour round. No way I could play paintball for that much.
So which do I play? Paintball of course. For a lot of reasons, but one big one is I can play with my kids. I can play golf with them also, but they hate that. Can you imagine me playing baseball with a 10 year old? Or football? ha!
Soory this went all over...it's too early to have written, but what the hey...

Some good thoughts in there, wek29. $40 for a 3hr round of golf, and that's cheaper than paintball? That's all I spend for 6hrs+ of paintball!

I think golf and skiing are good sports to compare to paintball. They both call for moderately expensive equipment, and cosat money everytime you do it. But golf and skiing are both "real" sports - they are good exercise, and the professionals are on TV, or in the Olympics. And they are good networking opportunities, too. Maybe paintball will be there someday, but it's not, yet.

06-24-2004, 02:20 PM
Golf : It can be used for buisness, so it's "ok" to drop money on it. It's an investment.

Bowling : It's a social activity, so it's ok because you cna hang out with friends.

Paintball : It's kinda out there, and the golfers dont' know what to do with it. So, they fear what they don't know, and ridicule it.



06-24-2004, 02:37 PM
When I think something in paintball is too expensive,I think back to the remote control jet fly-in they had here in Fla a couple years back.I watched a guy fly his brand new F-18 jet with a real jet turbine in it.He was proud as he had about a year of time invested in it and right at $12,000.00 in this plane.It was beautiful,till part of the rudder came off and it nosedived out of a roll and hit the ground at 200 miles an hour.He put it in a box and stuffed it into the back of his van and left.The plane was a total loss.Now when you drop your paintball gun,you can wipe it off and go play again.You don't lose a rather large chunk of your annual salary.I think paintball is a rather normal investment,considering that once it is paid for,it pretty much doesn't keep costing other than air and paint.(unless you can't control your upgrading.) :D

06-24-2004, 02:51 PM
for the most part p-ball guns keep there resale somewhat so if u quit u can still get a decent amount of $ for your guns but if that roomate goes to get soemthing for those cd's he bought hel get about .25 cents a pop for those $15 cd....now u tell me whats worse....ans ps mags last forever :p

Creative Mayhem
06-24-2004, 03:44 PM
I have been playing for 12 yrs and I have gotten this almost the entire time. I just tell them that its's better than spending that same money on drugs... I love the narrow mindedness of people when it concerns another hobby or sport. I have spent a lot of money on CD/DVD's, car stereos, model rockets and SCUBA gear in the past, and I see no acertainable difference between any of them... they are part of a hobby/sport, and it's what I like, so these narrow minded people can just take a leap off a short pier.

06-24-2004, 04:13 PM
Golf : It can be used for buisness, so it's "ok" to drop money on it. It's an investment.

Bowling : It's a social activity, so it's ok because you cna hang out with friends.

Paintball : It's kinda out there, and the golfers dont' know what to do with it. So, they fear what they don't know, and ridicule it.



Hey good idea, lets all make our own business and write off our paint on taxes, who is with me?

06-24-2004, 07:23 PM
...ah paintball, the first time I played paintball was with my cousin around '94. We hitched a ride with a friend of his. Anyways his buddy got his camo off the trunk and proceeded to reload his 9mm and said to the effect of "somebody better not be messin with me out there". And the rest of the day my pucker factor was over 12 (with a scale from 1 to 10). I think that's what most people think about paintball, especially your parents, the nagging about how much it cost is just a way to discourage you from playing. Lets face it, it involves a gun (marker) and involves shooting somebody and that dont go too well.

I didn't play paintball again until '96 after a couple of years of persuation from my co-workers it was at least a departmental bragging rights. Then I realized that it was not about gun and shooting, it was moronic of me to think that just because I would shoot people with a painball marker it would make me some kind of a masachistic mass murderer (just gotta say this one - people kill people not guns - I don't even own a gun) So its just like any other game, its even less paintfull than playing football, hockey or basketball and definitely has more action that baseball or golf :D

Anyways what matter is that your having fun and learning about good sprotsmanship, developing some communication skills, etc. all of which is essential to your growth as a decent human being. But as with everything else there is always that 0.1% of the people that messes things up; just stay clear off them.

06-24-2004, 08:04 PM
i think the reason that people have a problem with the money spent on paintball is that paintball is a new sport. it seems perfectly ok for people to spend $2000+ on golf, because its been happening for a while and so many people do it. same with any other sport that has been around for a while and is currently well developed. also, the same goes for other things. i just saw my second cousin for his highschool graduation party, and found out that he had spent $20,000+ on his second car. no one calls that a waste of money, even though its excessive, because expensive cars have been around for a long time, and so many people spend that much on cars. the same thing goes for horses, or anything else mentioned here. think of other newer sports, the same thing applies to them as it does to paintball. would many parents approve of skateboarding if a good board cost $2000+?

06-24-2004, 08:06 PM
Golf : It can be used for buisness, so it's "ok" to drop money on it. It's an investment.

Bowling : It's a social activity, so it's ok because you cna hang out with friends.

Paintball : It's kinda out there, and the golfers dont' know what to do with it. So, they fear what they don't know, and ridicule it.



Or the more enlightened and professional among us can corrolate for people.

On the Golf COurse is where I conduct business. I have a very expensive set of Tommy Armour Titanium Irons and Calloway Woods. A lot of deals are done here. It is an investment in my career.

The paintball fiield is where I blow off the stress I worked up on the golf course! :clap: Paintball is an investment in my sanity! :bounce:

06-25-2004, 06:31 AM
Then you need to spend more on paintball, because it ain't working :)

06-25-2004, 09:19 AM
Then you need to spend more on paintball, because it ain't working :)


Oh yes it is. I still have not gone :shooting: in my office yet! :rofl:

06-25-2004, 11:55 AM
My parents think that it is ridiculos on how much $ I spend on paintball equiptment, but they say its your money. They would not chip in a penny for any of my stuff including my xmag(and I love them for it).

I have been playing for 12 yrs and I have gotten this almost the entire time. I just tell them that its's better than spending that same money on drugs... I love the narrow mindedness of people when it concerns another hobby or sport. I have spent a lot of money on CD/DVD's, car stereos, model rockets and SCUBA gear in the past, and I see no acertainable difference between any of them... they are part of a hobby/sport, and it's what I like, so these narrow minded people can just take a leap off a short pier.
- Creative Mayhem

I think the reason people freak out is because when most people think of paintball they think of guns and a barbaric(sp?) war game in the woods. :ninja:

06-25-2004, 12:38 PM
I was talking to some of my friends at school the other day about paintball and stuff and this "popular" cheerleader walked up to us and proceeded to tell me how big of a waste of money it is to buy paint just to shoot it all in a day. I countered her arguement by asking why it was any less of a waste of money for her to go out and buy all the makeup that she buys just so she can put it on in the morning and wash it off that evening. That shut her up and she walked back to the "popular" group and left us losers alone.

06-25-2004, 01:55 PM
I was talking to some of my friends at school the other day about paintball and stuff and this "popular" cheerleader walked up to us and proceeded to tell me how big of a waste of money it is to buy paint just to shoot it all in a day. I countered her arguement by asking why it was any less of a waste of money for her to go out and buy all the makeup that she buys just so she can put it on in the morning and wash it off that evening. That shut her up and she walked back to the "popular" group and left us losers alone.

better yet, the cheerleader stuff she buys that her fat *** wont fit into by her mid 20's :eek:

06-25-2004, 03:01 PM
Im the youngest of 3 my parents are pretty old 71(pops) 66(mom) Im 31 and have a "real" job, but I also have real bills. mortgage, car insurance, car payment, utilities, food, gas, clothes etc etc. When I was younger and buying skateboards, shoes my 1st marker. I heard the same things you guys hear from your parents, except for me it was worse. You see my parent grew up around the end of the depression, they dont spend money on anything!!! I guess it was drilled into theri head to save save cause the poop might hit the fan. So my old man would tell me I was wasting money on crap and I couldnt even have a comeback. So the point is it can always be worse.

06-25-2004, 04:44 PM
Im the youngest of 3 my parents are pretty old 71(pops) 66(mom) Im 31 and have a "real" job, but I also have real bills. mortgage, car insurance, car payment, utilities, food, gas, clothes etc etc.

I also think when you get into the real world and view your bills wholistically you begin to realize that the mortatge alone is 2 xmags. kinda start to put things like paintball in to perspective, i.e. 1k+ for a rig isnt all that much money.
