View Full Version : Kingman/Raven does right by Doobie!

06-23-2004, 06:13 PM
Just wanted to put out some good stuff about one of the giants in the Industry. In this time where it seems like most of the companies in our great sport are doing everything for a dollar, it is nice to see a company that still cares about us little guys (other than AGD, of course ;) ).
I was at the Ultimate madness this year and Kingman/Raven had their trailer there. My Morphion gloves had begun to unravel at the stitching below the cut line on the fingers. I did a ghetto job sewing them back up for the tournament and I brought them over to the trailer to see if I could get a replacement. I met Mr. Chung Lee at the booth and he took my information and as they were out of my size, promised to stay in touch. I left thinking, “Well, I won’t be seeing those!” I mean, who in that company has time to think about one, un-sponsored player’s, glove problem. A few weeks later, Chung e-mailed me to let me know he had not forgotten about me. Over the next couple of weeks he stayed in touch until he e-mailed me that they would be sent out soon. Today (23 June 2004) I got my gloves. I thought he would just send a right glove, but he sent me a pair! Maybe it doesn’t matter to some people, but little things like that mean a lot to me. Let that be a lesson to some of the other companies out there. Take care of all your customers as if they were your only customers and good things like this post will circulate. I have always kinda liked Raven’s stuff and now I am much more likely to buy there stuff because of this experience. Yeah, I know it helps them in the long run…and it worked!
To all of the customer service people at Kingman Group and to Chung Lee…. THANKS! :clap: :hail:

Chris “Doobie” DuBois

06-23-2004, 06:22 PM
Their office is 15 min away from my house. They are extremely nice people (even though they didn't hire me). I have had no problems with anything of mine from Kingman. My spyder worked great (even w/o me oiling it) and never gave me any problems.

I'll agree that the small things make ya feel good. For example with me Ricochet gave me a motor for free because I complained about the noise. Got it less then a week later and I be darned if it wasn't quieter. Simply amazing and it's good to know some companies will do that.

06-23-2004, 06:30 PM
I had a similar experience with AGD ;)

I sent Jon an email telling him my power-tube tip broke (seemed odd) I showed him pictures and he took my information, next week I got a new power-tube tip in the mail! :D

Then Paintballgear sent me the wrong size pants, I called them, they wrote down an RMA number, I shipped out the pants, a couple weeks later I got the right size. :D

06-23-2004, 08:49 PM
I had a similar experience with AGD ;)

Then Paintballgear sent me the wrong size pants, I called them, they wrote down an RMA number, I shipped out the pants, a couple weeks later I got the right size. :D

paintballgear.com actually fixed one of their problems?!?!?!?!?!? :wow:

Eskimo Paint Slinger
06-23-2004, 09:11 PM
ahha Caveman I was just about to post that.


06-23-2004, 10:13 PM
paintballgear.com actually fixed one of their problems?!?!?!?!?!? :wow:

they're 1 for 3,000,000

With that many orders, they're bound to get one right and help one guy :rolleyes:

I hate pb gear so much....

06-24-2004, 07:19 AM
I had a similar experience with AGD ;)

I sent Jon an email telling him my power-tube tip broke (seemed odd) I showed him pictures and he took my information, next week I got a new power-tube tip in the mail! :D

Then Paintballgear sent me the wrong size pants, I called them, they wrote down an RMA number, I shipped out the pants, a couple weeks later I got the right size. :D

Well of course AGD took care of you! I mean...it's AGD, right? :D

(yo jon, the check is on the way...right? ;) )

06-24-2004, 01:14 PM
paintballgear.com actually fixed one of their problems?!?!?!?!?!? :wow:

they forgot to send my chair with my redz gear bag. I called them and the chair was sent next day.

06-24-2004, 01:20 PM
paintballgear.com actually fixed one of their problems?!?!?!?!?!? :wow:

I ordered the wrong size SS hosing. A quick phonecall and I had the right size in the mail a few days later :clap:

I've never had a problem with pbgear...

I remember when my Ricochet just stopped working. I'd been using it for about a year and a half. I called them up and they sent me a brand new, complete Ricochet AK :hail:

06-24-2004, 01:38 PM
Never had a problem with PBGear Either.

They are the LARGEST paintball retailer, they're bound to make a few mistakes, but atleast they fix them fast. :D

06-24-2004, 04:12 PM
To all of the customer service people at Kingman Group and to Chung Lee…. THANKS!

so thats where you go after van damme whips your butt, to customer service at kingman?

please someone get this joke so i dont feel like a total idiot.

06-24-2004, 04:34 PM
so thats where you go after van damme whips your butt, to customer service at kingman?
please someone get this joke so i dont feel like a total idiot.

Yeah, yeah yeah, "Kumatai", Kickboxer. Sad attempt really...... :clap:

06-24-2004, 04:58 PM
Pbgear has always treated me right.

The ONLY mistake in countless orders ive placed was with a freak. (yayaya, this was a while ago before smart parts sucked...) Didnt include the back! Sent it the NEXT DAY (1 day after christmas)

06-24-2004, 05:31 PM
I've never had a good experience with PBGear. Of maybe 4 or 5 purchases over many years, one has been a good purchase. You guys must be lucky, because when they didn't ship my tank out after they had confirmed via phone that they had it in stock (ordered early November), they promised to send it out 2-day air (3 days later didn't come) and then overnight (and we had to pop out the money for that) - didn't come. After all this money and time... I still didn't get my tank in time for Christmas. Was a really unfortunate experience.

06-25-2004, 05:51 AM
Nice to here about one of the big guys also being one of the good guys for a change. And better yet, no lawsuits were involved!!! :D

06-25-2004, 09:46 AM
ive had an experience at the other end of the spectrum. it was my friends tl+. i was playing with it for the day, and as i slid into a bunker the drop forward screws just snapped off. now, it must take a pretty cheap screw to snap off right in the middle, but i digress. so off to the hardware store i go to find the right size and screw, and lo and behold, kingman makes their own size screws for the spyder, and you can only get them from kingman! so i call kingman up, and get put on hold for a solid 15 minutes. once i get through, it turns out that the screw i want will cost me $5 plus $5 for shipping. seeing no choice in the matter, i reluctantly kicked down the $10. it took a month and a half to get that screw. needless to say i was not happy. what pissed me off even more was when i did the same thing to my jt excellerator 4.0 about a month later, i called jt up looking for a replacement. they sent one out right away, free of charge. i got it three days later. no me gusta kingman.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
06-25-2004, 10:22 AM
so uhhh....agd...my xmag has a few scratches on it, may i get a replacement? :p

06-25-2004, 10:53 AM
There's a flip side to the coin.

A guy I play with had an EM-1... they had problems breaking valve stems. He bought a new one from Kingman, it broke too after a couple weeks, and they wanted to charge him for another.

He's close with the local store owners, so they tried to get Kingman to send some parts in. They wouldn't. They don't have that problem with other companies.

06-25-2004, 07:22 PM
I wanna profess my love for Ricochet. They really do care. I wasn't even the original owner of my 2k, I bought the thing used (cheap). Turns out I bought it cheap because of a busted sensor. E-mail Ricochet about it and in about 2 weeks they had sent me 2 of them, free! Later on, I felt like I needed some new shells and went to order some clear ones to match my other clear and chrome stuff. Turns out they were out of clear shells, but they sent me a black set, free!!! And since the new shells they had given me were the kind with the big o-rings at the bottom, they sent me an entire package of about 30 of the o-rings, again, free!!! I figure I kinda owe it to them to go around giving my testimony to people. They have earned it.