View Full Version : Do colleges allow paintball guns in your dorm room?

06-23-2004, 07:24 PM
Just curious because I am going to be attending college in a few months and was wondering what most schools have for a policy when it comes to paintball guns and equipment. Thanks

06-23-2004, 07:28 PM
you'd probably have to contact the college about this issue, i'm sure all colleges are different. of course you can always just leave your stuff in your car.

06-23-2004, 07:30 PM
at my school you have to leave it at the campus police station, unless you don't tell anyone like i did. clean it with your door closed. i lived with the RA and he didn't even care. just don't be stupid with it.

Angry Man
06-23-2004, 07:46 PM
What school are you going to? I probably know some people who go there if it's near NH.

I wouldn't risk a paintball gun in a dorm room. Although most of my friends (who are under 21) have alcohol in their dorm rooms, it's a pretty minor violation and most people will overlook it, but if something that looks like a gun is found, that's a red flag. So I doubt you'd get permission and I definitely wouldn't risk it.

06-23-2004, 07:48 PM
I agree with moats on this. It is better to just let your RA know and see what he thinks about it. More then likely he will be cool with it and wont care. RAs are ussuallly upper classmen that have alot more work to do then you and you might only them see them in hallways or if you get in trouble. At Menlo they would only do anything if you did something really stupid like set your bed on fire.
Ah the memories. :rofl:

06-23-2004, 08:04 PM
My dorm didn't allow them, but the don't ask don't tell worked fine! :)

My RA didn't care either, but 1 idiot can get everyone in trouble.

06-23-2004, 08:06 PM
officially at duke it is not allowed. unofficially...as long as i wasnt going to shoot in the hallways my RA had no problem letting me keep it in my room. that said, i would contact your school for the official policy and then talk to your RA at the start of the year for his/her opinion. It is really his/her choice as to whether you're allowed to have it

06-23-2004, 10:10 PM
Angry Man- I am going to Bryant College in Rhode Island.

I worry about keeping it in my car though because people cars get broken into all the time so I would hate to be in providence or even in the lot and have that happen.

06-23-2004, 10:10 PM
Same. I technically was not allowed but if I keep it hidden away and did not go dryfireing it in the room and only played off at fields it was cool.

06-23-2004, 10:25 PM
They told me at UConn that it's up to the RA... so, we'll see.

06-23-2004, 10:51 PM
They told me at UConn that it's up to the RA... so, we'll see.

I almost ended up at UCONN. Changed my mind, Dont want such a big school.

06-23-2004, 11:01 PM
Hey, I'll be at the U.Hartford. Both our schools, Uconn and UHart both have teams that play at Matt's Outback. I talked to the captain of the team during orientation and he told me it's fine to keep the marker in your room but to tell the RA that you have it. He may be my RA next year so there would definately be no problem...

Most RA's are chill about it, but instead of asking them, ask someone on the team. They would know more and if you do get a horrible and mean RA then your set by asking someone who plays first.

Just my thoughts and ideas.

Hope to see you guys on the field :)

06-23-2004, 11:20 PM
If it's not allowed, then simply don't risk it.

Even if you're not stupid with it (a rather presumptuous condition), it just gives someone else something to use against you.

06-23-2004, 11:34 PM
Most colleges won't allow it in the rooms, but rarely ever is it enforced. My freshman year my friend lived in the room next to the RA, and every now and then he would dry fire it in the room. nobody seemed to care.


06-23-2004, 11:41 PM
just keep it discreet.

06-24-2004, 12:00 AM
suuggesting your a mag owner..... peice your gun up and put it together at the field not that hard if its only a mag.. then you can hide it, it shouldnt be taht hard because people hide some other explicit stuff in there rom and havent gotton caught just make sure you dont room wiht an ***.

06-24-2004, 12:05 AM
Can college's "search" your room? Just put your marker in a safe.
It probally won't be a problem if you are not stupid with it.

:shooting: --------- > freshmen

06-24-2004, 12:41 AM
Freshman year I didn't have any of my stuff at school and the policy was that it needed to be in the gun storage room, which the "Weapons Tech" had access to. Usually it was one of the Senior RA's or the Senior Head Resident.

My sophomore year it wasn't allowed but I brought down my Carbine and just kept it in my closet and nobody cared. Heck, my RA was in more trouble himself for drinking in his room and doing other similar activities so I knew he could care less about me having a paintball gun. The program director down at the end of the hall put a few dents in my RA's cork board outside his door on the wall by shooting it with paint during staff training when no residents were around. Ah the memories...

My junior year I could have everything in my room. SCUBA tank, HPA tanks, paint, guns, etc. No problems at all that year.

My senior year, this last year, they allowed the guns in the room but in the student handbook Co2 tanks were not allowed and paint was not allowed. This was further clarified to include HPA also. Either way my RA didn't care and as far as he knew, my SCUBA tank was always empty. One of my best friends was the Senior Head Resident and he and I proclaimed that I didn't have paintballs, but actually small "detergent balls." ;)

The amazing part about my school's weapon policy was that you could have anything you wanted on campus, but if it was a firearm of some sort it needed to be in the weapon storage. The Weapon Tech would open the room and then the safe and check out your gun to you and you could then go off campus and shoot all you wanted. One of the older guys that lived in the dorms had a FA M-16 in storage for awhile. However, one of the guys that was a bit too much into guns had a handgun in his room and after having his room searched because he was suspected of stealing harddrives from one of the computer labs, they came across his handgun. Needless to say, that brought up a discusson amongst the administrators of the school and since we were the only school in the Oregon University system that allowed weapons they decided to integrate the policies of all the other schools into our weapon policy.

06-24-2004, 01:20 AM
Look, aside the obvious potential repercussions, like expulsion from school as it can be considered a weapon...

Are you going to have a roommate? Are you going to trust your $1500+ rig around your stoner roommate? Are you going to be unhappy if you come back and find him using your Rasta A4 as a bong? Maybe it should be, "As long as you AND your roommate(s), and all the people around you aren't stupid."

None of these guys telling you it should be OK are going to be there when you slip up, or someone mad at you reports it, or anything similarly stupid happens. Forget about what your RA might or might not think; he answers to the people that sign his checks. Find the rules, understand the repercussions, make your decision.

06-24-2004, 01:46 AM
Well... they also say no drugs. Yet, the dorms I've visited needed some more ventilation.

06-24-2004, 02:08 AM
In all honestly the administration of the school has more important things to worry about than some dorm rat hiding a paintball gun in his room. If you start using the thing as a weapon and weilding it out in the halls, at that point they'll actually care.

Just go to school without your paintball gear for a month or so and get a feel for the school. Your roommate might become one of your best friends and he might become someone you never talk to and you move to different rooms after a couple weeks together. Either way, get a feel for what your RA is like and the type of roommate you get and based on the school's policy if it really seems like something they would take full action in prosecuting you.

You're more likely to get busted for being in a room with alcohol even if you're not drinking than you are if you have a paintball "marker" in your room. Like I said, get a feel for what the school is like and the people you're around.

06-24-2004, 02:15 AM
Just keep it out of view and don't draw attention to the fact that you have one in your dorm and you'll be fine regardless of policy.

Also if its not allowed just make sure you don't have a petty roomie.

06-24-2004, 07:45 AM
suggestions: be quiet, dont tell anyone...and your fine...otherwise...just get to know your RA well...if he is cool with it, then your cool...dont go firing it off, dont go shooting it at friends when drunk...etc

06-24-2004, 11:28 AM
Well....waaaaay back when....my RA actually use to reload .44mag rounds in his dorm room. This was back in 1990-91. We had a range about 6miles outside the city limits. Officially they didn't want any firearms on the college grounds. However our RA made sure it was ok. Heck he borrowed my cleaning kit all the time. I started collecting paintball gear in 92-93 by then I was off campus, so it didn't matter. Check with the RA, go from there.


08-05-2004, 11:43 PM
University of Detrot Mercy's Student handbook is horribly vague. That said, I've kept gear in my room for 2 years... sometimes dry fired, never had a problem. I've always checked with my RA first, though.

08-06-2004, 12:10 AM
i brought my marker in my dorm last year. not one prob. I lived with 6 other peeps.. all new about my marker and none said anythign about it outside of our room.

if you are serious about it. serious about keeping to discret and letting your roomies know you arent supposed to have it, they will show you some respect and keep it on the down low.

dont go flaunting it around and you will be fine.

i feel this year will be a bit different. I am living with 6 other paintballers on campus and something tells me everyone on my floor will know what we have in the room :cry:

08-06-2004, 01:01 AM
Hmm very nice thread, i gonna be facing this prob in bout a year when i go off to whatever college i end up deciding on.

Empyreal Rogue
08-06-2004, 01:54 AM
I would talk to the headmaster or someone in charge of the sports department about it. I say that because at the same time you can see if someone would be willing to sponsor, some sort of professor or teacher, a 5 man team. Sweet talk someone about it. Tell them about how fast the sport is growing and how competitive it is. Then tell them about advertising, jerseys, etc. If it works and you get a team started by your college then techincally your paintball gear is your equipment. And the joy of paintball is that it's a year-round sport.

I for one will be doing that my Senior summer. *sighs* One more year. :\

08-06-2004, 03:59 AM
some friends used my macroline as a pipe...haha
what a good waste of a $3 1ft super flexible macroline

08-06-2004, 06:24 AM
Well, if you can keep golf clubs or baseball bats in your dorm room, you should be able to keep pb gear! They are all considered sporting goods, and just about anything can be used as a weapon IF you choose to do so...

08-06-2004, 09:51 AM
Officially at SUNY you arn't allowed to have any pb stuff, but of course no student/RA is going care, so as long as you don't go blasting away. However when it comes to buying stuff and having it shipped to you on campus, you may have to be more careful. More than once some paintballer has bought something on-line, or had it shipped from home and then had it confiscated/impounded. Afterall, when the from address is "DiscountPaintballers" or something as such, it's a dead give away. And then of course they'll have reasonable suspicion go through your room, and with SUNY you dont' get your stuff back. :cry: