View Full Version : Name AGD new gun/brand name

06-23-2004, 08:09 PM
Well, there is a lot of talk about AGD changing their name and whatnot. I thought it would be cool to come up with some names for new guns.
I think I good name for the mag would be "warthog." It would be named after the A-10. The A-10 is old, kinda ugly (a good ugly), slow (compared to other planes) but it is a great plane. It can get the hell beat out of it and still fly. It is everything a mag is.

Now that I think about it... I guess if AGD came out with a new gun/brand name they would change the style around.... ohh well, it is still a good name.

What are some other cool names you all like?

Target Practice
06-23-2004, 08:32 PM
Well, there is a lot of talk about AGD changing their name and whatnot.


06-23-2004, 08:35 PM

I second the "?". I haven't heard anything about AGD changing its name, unless you know something I don't.

06-23-2004, 08:37 PM
He is confusing comments by Tom that they are trying to move away from the Automag name brand in an attempt to recreate name recognition with a positive image.

06-23-2004, 08:42 PM
He is confusing comments by Tom that they are trying to move away from the Automag name brand in an attempt to recreate name recognition with a positive image.

EXACTLY what i was going to say. It was on the tip of my tongue :p

Slimm Jimm
06-23-2004, 08:56 PM
[QUOTE=OhMyAMoose]I good name for the mag would be "warthog." It would be named after the A-10. The A-10 is old, kinda ugly (a good ugly)...QUOTE]

Never, and I mean NEVER!, call my 'Mag "ugly". :mad: :nono: I don't care if it's a "good kind of ugly", just don't do it.

AGD changing it's name, huh? :eek: :confused: :tard: Nah, I like the image theory better.

Target Practice
06-23-2004, 08:58 PM
He is confusing comments by Tom that they are trying to move away from the Automag name brand in an attempt to recreate name recognition with a positive image.

That's what I thought, just too lazy to ask.

How about...

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

06-23-2004, 09:00 PM
"warthog"? Does that remind anyone else of HALO?

06-23-2004, 09:05 PM
Hey Griff, whats that's mexican lizard? Eats all them goats?

Uh, that's the chupacabra sir

Hey! Chupathingy! I like it! Gotta riiing to it.

Sorry.. you mention warthog, and RvB fans can't help it. :rofl:

06-23-2004, 09:42 PM
But why warthog? I mean, there seems to be a recurring cat theme when it came to AGD logos. The first prototype Tom built was called the "Panther". Clare modeled with a stuffed lion. And there is a Mercury Couger with AGD emblems and designs on it. So why not call it the "Puma"? :D

06-23-2004, 09:50 PM

06-23-2004, 10:10 PM
heres my opinion i got a agd gun becuase i knew it would be reliable ok i could care less what joe schmo the tourney player thinks about my gun i mean as long as agd keeps making mags then the loyal players will buy one and they will pick up more followers, think of this how many of you xmag or emag owners started out with a rt or a 68 or a mini mag and then went up to a e/x mag. :shooting: :shooting:

06-23-2004, 11:07 PM
But why warthog? I mean, there seems to be a recurring cat theme when it came to AGD logos. The first prototype Tom built was called the "Panther". Clare modeled with a stuffed lion. And there is a Mercury Couger with AGD emblems and designs on it. So why not call it the "Puma"? :D

Dude, that was so perfectly done, it's creepy. How long did it take you to think of that?

06-23-2004, 11:11 PM
Dude, that was so perfectly done, it's creepy. How long did it take you to think of that?
In a heartbeat. OK I have yet to have used a bannana man. :dance: Much better.

06-23-2004, 11:18 PM
"warthog"? Does that remind anyone else of HALO?

yes....yes it does

06-23-2004, 11:27 PM
heres my opinion i got a agd gun becuase i knew it would be reliable ok i could care less what joe schmo the tourney player thinks about my gun i mean as long as agd keeps making mags then the loyal players will buy one and they will pick up more followers, think of this how many of you xmag or emag owners started out with a rt or a 68 or a mini mag and then went up to a e/x mag. :shooting: :shooting:

That is exactly why they are switching, the lack of apeal to tourney players. their buisness isn't growing because the only people that buy their products are the loyals. If you only sell E and X mags to people that owned 68's or RT's then you are losing a lot of customers becuase not all of them can afford to buy an X or an E. On the other hand, with the switch they will not only be gaining a larger customer base by introducing products to people who would otherwise look the other way, but they are also retaining the original loyal group of consumers that they had before the switch. This way they will almost double their consumer group. I'm not trying to bash you or anything but you need to take into account the fact that AGD does what it does for a living, sure they do it also because they love their job, but if they did it for that sole reason, then we would probably see Tom working at the local BurgerWorld making french fries.

Warthog always reminds me of the game Twisted Metal, I agree that Puma would be cool though. Only problem is that once you use that, there isn't really any other cool sounding cats, Jaguar, Mountain Lion....... Mearcat, Persian, Tabby, it just gets worse and worse as you go on.

My 1 cent (still to poor to own 2)


06-23-2004, 11:42 PM
Okay, so you're saying we should name ADG's new marker the "warthog" because it is slow and ugly etc etc. That's totally not the point of their image switching. This has been basically covered already....... but why name a new, hopefully fast, hopefully good looking gun after a fugly plane/animal? I'm not saying I have any awesome names in my bag'o'stuff, but I really don't want to see the ADG line of markers turn into a hype thing. That's not to say that's what I expect out of Tom and his team because I'm extremely satisfied with my mag, but you get my drift...

Edit: I absolutly do not want the new markers to be named after animals either. What does Air Gun Designs have to do with wildlife....Things like crappy highschool football teams are named after animals. It's too cliche: wildcats, panthers, even pumas....*shudder*

06-24-2004, 12:15 AM
heres my opinion i got a agd gun becuase i knew it would be reliable ok i could care less what joe schmo the tourney player thinks
You may not care, but good opinions equals more sales, and, outside of AO, mags are considered craptacular by most(even tho we know they're not!).

06-24-2004, 12:41 AM
ok first scrumpy check what he said the automag sould be labeled the warthog not the new agd gun...secondly who is calling my mag slow you need to check yourself...still yet to see any other marker over 20 bps not on full auto and not shooting into a wall 10 feet away..lastly puma would be a could r&d name but its already taken in the offical world and that gun sucked. as for the real name i say lets see what it can do before we name it.

06-24-2004, 12:47 AM
the name should be Panther...end of story..

06-24-2004, 12:55 AM
Gamotua 86

06-24-2004, 09:24 AM
"Quality Airsmithing presents THE PANTHER"

06-24-2004, 09:31 AM
... think of this how many of you xmag or emag owners started out with a rt or a 68 or a mini mag and then went up to a e/x mag. :shooting: :shooting:

I started with an A-5, and went to an X-Mag immediately after that. Is that a bad thing? :confused:

06-24-2004, 10:51 AM
I started with the cheapest Pirahna you could get 2 years ago then bought a new emag 6 months after that. Now that was a difference!

We may be jumping the gun with naming a product that does not exist yet. Let's see a prototype first....then we can name it.

I do feel that keeping up with the time we whould name it something more moders the fowllowing are some suggestions:

panther 9i
panther 10.4.2.lmnop

Think I spend too much time around computers :D

Head knight of Ni
06-24-2004, 11:09 AM
Hey Griff, whats that's mexican lizard? Eats all them goats?

I'm no stranger to sarcasm Sir.

and doesn't ICD have the rights to the name Panther?


06-24-2004, 12:43 PM
Panther VTS is a registered trademark of Indian Creek Design, Inc.
Panther II VTS is a trademark of Indian Creek Design, Inc.
Puma is a trademark of Indian Creek Design, Inc.
Bobcat is a trademark of Indian Creek Design, Inc.
Desert FOX is a trademark of Indian Creek Designs, Inc.
Thunder CAT is a trademark of Indian Creek Design, Inc.
45/68 Magnum VTS is a trademark of Indian Creek Design, Inc.
BushMaster Series (B2K & B2K2) is a trademark of Indian Creek Design, Inc.
B2K is a trademark of Indian Creek Design, Inc.
B2K2 is a trademark of Indian Creek Design, Inc.

nope...Panther by itself does not seem to be trademarked...and it was the name of the prototype that was shelved by AGD way back in the early days of paintball

Head knight of Ni
06-24-2004, 01:10 PM
there goes Puma.

06-24-2004, 09:13 PM
i started out with a winchester pump then a blade then a samurai then for two years a spyder then a emag talk about climbing a ladder

06-24-2004, 09:58 PM
How bout the AGD Random Cat?

06-24-2004, 10:01 PM
Hey Griff, whats that's mexican lizard? Eats all them goats?

Uh, that's the chupacabra sir

Hey! Chupathingy! I like it! Gotta riiing to it.

Sorry.. you mention warthog, and RvB fans can't help it. :rofl:

Damn, you beat me to it.

06-24-2004, 10:09 PM
LMAO the Red vs Blue references are hilarious. As for the new name, since it obviously isn't a warthog, what other animal has tusks? I nominate "The Walrus". :headbang:

07-27-2004, 02:50 PM
Need more cat names? just wait for the next version of mac os x. so far it's ben panther, jaguar, and i beleive tiger comes next. How bout tiger? Tyger?

Why not go the WGP way, add pro to the name. The PRO MAG. catchy stuff. Why not associate it with tiny things that are hard to remove that fits with paintball right? The crab? the pubic louse?

Or to avoid being disgusting how about a politician? Like the lincoln? the dubya? the chretien?

How about something that has absolutely nothing to do with the gun itself. The nightshadow? Dawnstalker? Second Sunrise? Core breaker? Taperunner?

Last one, how about a serpentine name? The trouser snake? baldheaded flesh dragon? or something less suggestive. It doesn't have to be a cat, why not a bird? or how about the deathhamster? the flying cockroach? probe? or the pigeon or the seagull?

edit: one more, need a cat name? How about green kat? </conceit>
How many other colored animals are there on this forum?

edit: :dance: Wow, that is liberating

07-27-2004, 03:20 PM
The name of the new AGD gun should be "Betty Lou."

It should be a combination AK-57 uzi radar laser triple barreled double scoped heat seeking paintball gun.

Kudos to anyone who knows where I ripped that one from....

07-27-2004, 05:33 PM
I have used Tom Kaye's products before and the only reason I stopped using my Mag was b/c I couldn't pull the trigger fast enough on a mech. Mags are ALWAYS the most reliable guns on any field rec or tourney. I will be switching back to the hAir trigger Xvalve LvlX Mag b/c its fast light and doesn't really chop. I FINALLY will NEVER have to buy another gun and the best part is I won't need a backup! Hooray Colin Moritz and Tom Kaye!

07-27-2004, 05:46 PM
how bout AGD SILENT DEATH and make it the loudest marker ever

07-27-2004, 05:55 PM
I didn't see it posted, but puma has already been taken. It's an old ICD gun I think. I don't remember for sure.

What about the Lynx? :D

Chojin Man
07-27-2004, 06:55 PM
I think it should be called the Phoenix

because AGD will rise out of its ashes metaphoricaly so to speak.

07-27-2004, 07:38 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the currect Automag we know is considered a "Panther 5". I think that the new marker should be named "Panther 6" or just "Panther" for short.


07-27-2004, 07:59 PM
My real-life .44 magnum AMT Automag says that the name Automag is just fine and pretty dammit!

07-27-2004, 09:58 PM
:headbang: BANNANA MAG :headbang:
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

07-28-2004, 12:28 AM
how about the "feline" or the "kitten" :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

07-28-2004, 07:11 AM
That is exactly why they are switching, the lack of apeal to tourney players. their buisness isn't growing because the only people that buy their products are the loyals.

Tourney players will use either what their sponsor is giving them to use :cuss:
or what they see winning teams use :headbang: .
or what they see hyped the most. :dance:

As for a name, if Panther is taken, why not Cheetah ;)