View Full Version : BEST Parts for a Cocker...

06-23-2004, 11:03 PM
Hey guys, After I finish my RT-ULE I plan on building a fast-block cocker...

I'm going to use an evolution-slider frame and mini-style body.

This gun is going to be LIGHT and SMALL.

I want your opinions on the best valve, pneumatics, front-block, and regulator

Doc will provide the hammer kit + bolt + body

Thanks guys :D

06-23-2004, 11:27 PM
Ram - Eclipse/Belsales or FreeFlow w/ QEVs will provide the fastest cycling

LPR - Pretty much any LPR would be a good choice (micro-rock, FGP, Jackhammer II, etc...)

3-way - IMO these are all pretty much the same. You wouldn't want a super short pull with a slider anyway. However, most people agree that the FreeFlow and the Belsales 3-way are the smoothest.

Valve - Stock internals are just fine

Inline Reg. - My personal favorite would be the Black Magic reg. for looks, performance, and comfort. Other people oggle over Sidewinders, Gladiators, CP, and the list goes on. I also like the Torpedo/Check-it/Works inline because it's reliable, simple, and looks good. I was getting + or - 5 with that on my SFL 'cocker with a decent paint-barrel match.

06-23-2004, 11:38 PM
Money isn't an issue, I want the best in my gun.

I want to be shooting +- 1 and getting like 2 billion shots per fill :D

06-23-2004, 11:40 PM
If you want a simple way to solve what pneumatics to get, just buy a front block kit. Some come with a new front block, some pre assembled, etc. I;d go with a Shocktech since they make an easy to pick kit. FGP lpr, Bomb 3-way and then the ram. You can go with Oracle pnues., Palmers pnue. etc.

Here's the easiest solution, go to www.madcocker.com and pick what you like.

Anything you get will make it rock. A lot of the stuff is just about the same performence wise and they all just come in different packaging.

If I were you, this is what I would do.

Bomb 3way, Rock LPR, any ram with qev's( partically the nexus, ff or STO), Aka valve if you can afford it, maddmann spring kit. As for the reg, I'd suggest a Sidewinder, Stabilizer, Cp, and some others.

Hope this helps.

Qow I just re-read this and it sounds terrible and some of sounds like I copied it from hobbesTZ.

06-23-2004, 11:44 PM
stock valve is NOT the best, unless you're not using an inline reg or going for LP. if you wanted to use the stock valve, i'd shave the pin and enlarge the valve hole for more air flow.

good valves IMHO, tornado, palmers, bob long, or the ratt 3:16 (which im currenlty using).

good 4ways (to add), ST bomb and palmers quick switch. both which i've owned and used. currently using the bomb since i don't play semi much, and the quick switch had a higher resale value.

06-24-2004, 12:16 AM
Here is what I think I'm going to go with...

Instead of using a slider, I'm going to go with the 86* CCM Frame... then a Sidewinder Reg, then a AKALMP LPR, Orracle 3-Way, Nexus Ram + QEV's, and a WGP Minicocker Block w/ 15* ASA, and a Tornado Valve

Add that all into a fast-block kit that's all black and milled down (Going to have him specially make me one...) That's going to be one NICE cocker.. :D

barrel break
06-24-2004, 12:17 AM
RAM- .44 Magnum w/QEV's

3way- with a slider, go with a hollowpoint

LPR- Mini-rock, or tickler

Inline- Torpedo, or gladiator

06-24-2004, 12:41 AM
I'm the on the process of making another back-up cocker, here are the parts I chose:
WGP mini Vertibrate Body
Jackal 90* frame
Belsales Hollowpoint
JAM Anti-Chop bolt
FF Ram (w/QEVs)
Stock Valve/Hammer
spare Eclipse Fang detent
CP Reg

The rest of the parts are cosmetic. But as others have said, most parts will perform close to same. I would have gone with the Palmer's front block kit but its $140 new or a Belsales front block kit. Don't believe the hype about valves and hammers, the stock ones work great. The only that can make the hammer better are nylon set screws. I don't know which springs/valve/hammer Doc's kit comes with but he knows his cocker, so I'm sure it will be above average.

The front of STO rams don't take normal QEVs, you either need to get it tapped or buy a WGP TRV (another name for a QEV). WGP recently released a new ram with the QEVs built in, but I don't know anyone who has it yet.

Not many people use AKA's SMC for the cocker, so I can't say much about it. My old mech cocker used an ANS Jackhammer II and that was a great LPR. I use a Microroc for my Eblade right now and never ran into problems.

BTW, Doc is known to be slow on custom jobs. It might be better to just buy a pre-built body kit from him.

For my cocker parts, I usually shop at G3PB (http://www.g3pb.com), Madcocker (http://www.madcocker.com), and Compulsive (http://www.compulsivepaintball.com)

06-24-2004, 01:01 AM
You should check out the AIR-powered forum. I think this is exactly what you're looking for: http://www.http://www.air-powered.com/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=1031& Anyway my dream for a mech-cocker would have:
Belsales Hollowpoint Three-way
Belsales .44 Magnum Ram
Macdev Sonic LPR
Macdev Gladiator Reg
AKALMP Tornado Valve
AKALMP Lightning Bolt
QEV's wouldn't really be very useful on a mech cocker as your BPS isn't really restricted by the speed of the ram, but more by the speed of your finger on the trigger.

06-24-2004, 01:08 AM
But QEV's would allow for a snappy-faster feel to the gun, overall letting you shoot faster easier ;) :D


That's with my current revenge, imagine with QEV's

06-24-2004, 09:49 AM
My advice? Go to the Autococker owner group web page at www.air-powered.com

That is the best site for autococker related questions.

06-24-2004, 10:36 AM
air-powered is good.

Valve - if you're going to eblade it, I'd go with something like a Palmers valve. Otherwise, AKA tornado ALL THE WAY. AMAZING valve, but there's reports that it can't keep up with eblades.

In fact, I'd get a matched valve/hammer/spring kit from AKA if you're going to be going mech.

ram - the nexus and .44 mag rams are the same thing in different packaging. Add some QEVs too :)

LPR - palmers. Mini/microrock is convenient and small, normal rock is more precisely adjustable and has a blowoff in the event of too much pressure coming through

Get a roller sear too, especially if you're going to be using a slider. Buttah!

3-way is up to you... there's a few out there. Belsales is smooth, CT3 is quick and snappy.

Inline reg - I'm all about the sidewinder. CP, Palmers, Chipley are all great too.

06-24-2004, 04:41 PM
if your lookin for light check out this stuff. www.3dspaintball.com :headbang:

06-24-2004, 05:01 PM
Ram = Eclipse

valve = either tornado or the madman

Lpr = is really your chioce i like the dye lpr

3-way = orracle tickler or the ans 3-way

inline reg = Mac Dev 04 Reg. super consistent

I would recamend getting an e-blade

06-24-2004, 06:18 PM
Here is what I think I'm going to go with...

Instead of using a slider, I'm going to go with the 86* CCM Frame... then a Sidewinder Reg, then a AKALMP LPR, Orracle 3-Way, Nexus Ram + QEV's, and a WGP Minicocker Block w/ 15* ASA, and a Tornado Valve

Add that all into a fast-block kit that's all black and milled down (Going to have him specially make me one...) That's going to be one NICE cocker.. :D

Belsales hollowpoint 3way is by far the best three way I've used, bar none.

Definitely a great part, and better than anything WGP makes.

06-24-2004, 06:37 PM
the cog: http://www.cockerownersgroup.com is a good place for this info.


06-24-2004, 06:58 PM
Doc told me palmers hands down.