View Full Version : what should I do about this tank

06-25-2004, 09:35 AM
Alright here's the story. I took my centerflag 45/45k tank (a month old) to a local scuba shop to get filled. (Actually I sent my brother but that doesnt matter.) Well supposedly after the guy filled the tank there was a leak coming from the guage threads so he took it upon himself to take the guage off and put teflon tape on the threads. I dont know what he was thinking but he used a crescent wrench and not only scraped the hell out of the guage but put two good scratches in the fiber wrapped bottle, the one at the base of the neck is the worst. Now I'm no expert but I would like to know, should I go after him to replace this tank? I dont want to show up a a field or even IAO this year and have them tell me I cant use the take due to visual damage. I've already confronted him and he fought with me about it, but the bottom line is that he is responsible, I just need to decide if this tank should be condemned or if I should let it go. The picture is the best I could take but I think you can see the extent of the tool marks he left.


06-25-2004, 09:39 AM
Can you see any of the fiber unwraveling or tearing? If you can, talk to his boss there or something. He performed a fix he isn't qualified to do, so he should be paying for it.

It the scratch is only in the clear covering around the fiber [which it looks to be], you could get away with filling them with clear nail polish. But you could still fight the guy for a replacement.

06-25-2004, 11:35 AM
I would talk to the store owner and demand they replace your tank.

06-25-2004, 12:00 PM
Go get some epoxy and lay it in there then take a paintbrush and wipe off the eccess epoxy.

Or go to the boss and demand another tank and keep yours therefore you have 2!!!!!

06-25-2004, 01:33 PM
This is a one-man operation so the one responsible is the employee, manager, and owner. The problem is that he is closing in on 70 so he's a real stubborn old man, and he wont even admit that he did it. I'm going to give him another call today and talk to him again.

Creative Mayhem
06-25-2004, 01:58 PM
I have run into this before while working at the local dive shop. Damn those fellow employees not having a clue as to what they are doin. DO NOT USE NAIL POLISH!!! It has a different compound in it that can eat away at the fibers. ONLY use Epoxy, and apply a couple coats... but it doesn't look bad from those pics. I have let tanks go with the same type of "ding" after applying some epoxy

06-25-2004, 11:59 PM
put it in a box and send it to me. jk man

id go to a local shop and have tem look at if they refuse to fill it then you kno you haev problems and im sure you could send it to centerflag and get that fixed