View Full Version : Spring kits?

Leader of Men
06-25-2004, 12:48 PM
Sorry for the noob question here but..

What is to be gained using a spring kit in your gun? I got one with my gun, and I was wondering what tensions, lengths, etc. effect and help with your gun.

06-25-2004, 01:32 PM
umm... what kind of gun do you have?

On cockers: Spring kits help fine tune the valve and regulaters... you can "sweet spot" your hammer spring and valve spring to help gain the most effeciency, and such...

On spyders they really help with velocity changing... Sometimes the stock spring isn't adjustable below 300fps and you'd have to cut it, with the spring kit you wouldn't have to do that, just swap out for a less tension spring...

06-25-2004, 01:57 PM
spyder and cockers can use different spring settings for higher effiency, if down correctly

06-25-2004, 08:55 PM
Most spring kits tell you what you should, (if you have no idea what you're doing) My friends cocker spring kit did at least..