View Full Version : ~PLEASE~help me something else went wrong when i was timing my autococker

06-25-2004, 01:48 PM
I got a 03 WGP autococker with orracle pnuematics( orracle 3-way, orracle tickler, and sto ram) and the 3-way shaft ( the peice inside of the 3-way that goes forward when you pull the trigger and goes back when u let go of the trigger) that peice fell out and i put it back in and tightened the set screws so i had to time it. and when i air it up and i pull the trigger the pump rod ( the rod that is on the left side of the body and goes back when u pull the trigger and forward when u let go, and it screws into the back block) well when i have the gun aired up and i pull the trigger the cockeing rod ges back and forard but not the back block and if i want it to do that again i have to pull the back block back and the cocking rod stays back and the back block goes forward and i pull the trigger the cocking rod goes forwaard. so can somebody tell me what to do cause i am suppost to play tomorrow.

06-25-2004, 01:49 PM

Cocker forum. You'll probably get a quicker response that way.

06-25-2004, 01:56 PM
it's also a good forum for autocockers.

06-25-2004, 02:04 PM
Sorta sounds like your ram is not getting enough pressure. Try upping your lpr pressure. To do that take of your stock lpr and you will see a screw on the inside of it. Turn it clockwise I think to up the presure. But dont do this first. I'm not too good with cockers, this is just a guess. Good luck fixing it and playing tomorrow.

Edit- You have the Tickler. If it is your lpr pressure, just turn it up a little. But when you were timing it, did you mess with the front pneumatics at all? If not it wont be your lpr pressure or your hoses. Just your timing. Try re-timing it.


S-Start or pull
A-Acuation point
F-Firing point
E-End of pull

Your timing should look something like this:


06-25-2004, 02:10 PM
Well first make sure you timed it right and that your hoses arent mixed up. IF all those are ok then its your lpr and to adjust unscrew it all the way and then hold your trigger dwon. While holding the trigger down screw the lpr knob in until the back block stops moving then give it 1/4 extra turn. That should do it.

06-25-2004, 02:40 PM
what do u mean till the bakc block stops moving

06-25-2004, 03:57 PM
k i fixed it thank you everybody for helping.