View Full Version : what ever happened to.....

10-14-2001, 05:13 PM
the ao membership cards or something??

10-14-2001, 05:43 PM
Ask Xzion last time I checked he was helping out with most of it.

10-14-2001, 05:59 PM
I think they are going with patches now.

10-15-2001, 12:14 AM
OOH! YES! Patches would RULE! It wouldn't just be a novelty then! And would it have my name on it? And maybe have butterscotch on it too!? But patches would be sweeeeeet!


10-15-2001, 02:32 AM
As of now, the Membership Cards are on the back burner, we may do them at some point, with some discounts if we can swing it, as I said, its on the back burner, no written in stone plans yet. Though, were on the brink of actually having patches produced, we should be getting more exact prices tomorrow, when we do, we'll put up the design, which means it should be up tomorrow, and we could possibly have patches within a couple weeks, depending on how long it takes the company to produce them. For pricing, the price were thinking is $5.00 USD and approx $8.00 CAD, this also will vary depending on production cost and such. Keep an eye out for a thread in the main forum with the patch design in the very near future. And just a note, I would have gotten to your query sooner if the thread was titled "what ever happend to AO member cards" thats the idea of the title afterall :D

10-15-2001, 04:38 PM
It's my responsibility to get those prices .. but I'm off to cover a protest in downtown Toronto against the Harris Government .. i'll get to it as soon as I return