View Full Version : What products would you like to see in your local store?

06-26-2004, 08:01 PM
besides the usuall tippmann or spyder and a few odds and ends... so what would you like to see in your local store. what would you like to see more of? please be brand specific and color specific ... although wisconsin loves black :)

06-26-2004, 08:05 PM
i was thinking since spyders sell fairly good that an interesting thing to carry would be the 50G switches. cuase they all eye up the intimidator but cant afford it. thats all im going to say for now lets see what you people come up with

the store already has some vareity we are just trying to expand our variety... like right now we have a purple xmag with warp and halo for sale! and emag and theres the owners timmy on the wall along with some tippmanns spyders and pirahnas but the littles things are lacking... (if your interesting in the xmag with warp and halo let me know... killer deal ;))

06-26-2004, 08:11 PM
overall variety
Any gun that you sell, you should offer almost every replacement part possible.
as for guns: spyders, tippmans, cocker, mags, bkos, an angel(or 2), a timmy (or 2)a matrix(or 2)
many low ends guns, but make it apperant that you will order guns for demand.

masks, high end and low end
hoppers, at least one of every hopper, IE a 12v, an egg, a ricochet(sp) of some sort, halos

I know i apperciate clothing in my local store, i like to see what it looks like in person and how it should hold up(pants)

barrels, more than likely everybody is going to buy barrels off the net, but offer some variety and i wouldn't drift to far off of colors besides chrome and black.

When/if i would open up a pro shop I'd work on trust rather than lowest prices.

06-26-2004, 08:12 PM
I would like to see some high end guns. My store only has spyders and tippmans. So if you are looking into a new gun you have to pretty much get it online and hope its something you like.

06-26-2004, 08:13 PM
I would like to see some decent prices first of all, they overcharge for everything.

Then maybe some timmy parts, so I dont have to order from Paintballkingdom, maybe some more Dye products, a wider selection of high end markers.

06-26-2004, 08:18 PM
I would like to see some decent prices first of all, they overcharge for everything.

as of now this store has great prices on almost everything. we try to be competitive with the internet... but then again we are a small local proshop but evil midevils for 41$ a case sometimes ;) so its not bad at all :)

06-26-2004, 08:40 PM
My store wants something like 1550 for a polished red DM4, like 150 for a halo b. Then everything else is over priced, then you still have to pay tax on it.

06-26-2004, 09:11 PM
Maybe a store run speedball field. Speedball fields help sell the newest and fastest and most expensive guns.

06-26-2004, 09:16 PM
decent prices are hard to come by because often time the internet is only a few dollars over cost

06-26-2004, 09:39 PM
Maybe a store run speedball field. Speedball fields help sell the newest and fastest and most expensive guns.
Couldnt agree more have a few friends or family or watevr going around with nice guns and let all the ppl see how they rip and youll sell several more than w/o the endorsment(sp?)

06-26-2004, 09:50 PM
Couldnt agree more have a few friends or family or watevr going around with nice guns and let all the ppl see how they rip and youll sell several more than w/o the endorsment(sp?)

actually they are trying to get some land off the farmer behind the store... they are still trying to work something out... but the farmor is a stiff. otherwise they already have plans for a 7man supair and stuff like that. they just need the land right behind the store.

i was also thinking of unique items or items you dont see everyday like a Qloader or a Palmers gun. other then that i rarely if ever see nice adjustable tanks.

i guess the question is if you could go to your local store and buy a product for about 10-20 more then what it would be on the net would you do it?

Roca Z4
06-26-2004, 10:12 PM
I'd love to see more mag parts..

I've been to 2 of my local proshops, and all I've seen were LX's...

06-26-2004, 10:31 PM
Variety is good, yes. I think one important market that so often goes un-tapped is the mid-level marker crowd (which, so often, us mag owners fall into. Heh, well. Mid-level price, that is. Top quality performance, always. :D) It's been a long time since I've bought a new marker, true, but it's still fairly daunting to go into a pro shop and see nothing but low level markers, and then a handful of 'cockers and angels, with something like a $600 price gap. Barrel sellection is also fairly important. Often, one of the first upgrades, and it's one of the few paintball parts that people are willing to buy several of.

One thing that hasn't been stressed yet: Be sensible about your stock. Order what you think somebody might want. To that extent: I think that my pro shop is the only place where I've seen a green Halo B. It's jungle green! it's not going to match a single marker out there! (and, of course, it was the only one on hand.)

But... I digress. Just know that you're going to exhaust your supply of black, clear, smoke, or chrome colored paintball merchandise before anything else, and plan accordingly. If the color of a hopper kept me from buying it, it stands to reason that it might keep someone else from buying it also. Keep one or two of those colored barrels, hoppers, elbows, what have you, on hand. But it's only bad to ask a customer to choose between a color he doesn't want and a color you don't have.

It's hard to tread the fine line between over-stocking and under-stocking, I know. These are just some things I find to be important. :)

i was also thinking of unique items or items you dont see everyday like a Qloader or a Palmers gun. other then that i rarely if ever see nice adjustable tanks.

I suppose those fall into the category of 'things I'd like to see,' but not so much 'things I'd consider buying.' The Q-loader is still something of a novelty to me (especially at that price!), and the palmer guns.. well, I'm sure they're great markers, but if style and price are any kind of selling point at all, they're at a severe dissadvantage. I'd maybe grab a few palmer pump guns, just incase you get that rare classy paintball connoisseur. But all the same. Wouldn't expect a huge return on those.

06-26-2004, 10:44 PM
Ok hmm... A few sets of diff brands jerseys pants gloves etc. a few NICE tanks.Something id like to see more that i dont is a few diffrent regs. A few nice barrel sets. Some protective gear for the newer players like neck protectors and cush. Cater to the newbies they'll be the ones that have to upgrade there gear if they like it or not So always help them out the extra lil bit.

06-26-2004, 10:59 PM
Pretty much. Newbies spend less money at a time, but there's certianly a lot of them! :D

06-26-2004, 11:54 PM
anything AGD!!!!!!

My nearest/closest thing to my local store would be BAD BOYZ TOYZ and well they arent very mag friendly. Love to see more AGD products. TAC, ULE Bodies, triggers, all the pretty goodness that AGD has come up with in the last few months, year.

06-26-2004, 11:58 PM
Nothing against mags(i own one) but most ppl will never go for them and unless there is a big mag following in his area then hell never ever turn a profit off of it. And i do suppose a profit is what he aiming at, so he needs to stick with more all user friendly gear.

08-24-2004, 03:55 PM
i also work at the store that trevorjk does

08-24-2004, 04:29 PM
hey fred? im going to shoot that canned cheese into your ears for shooting me in the back of the head with the bb gun ;)

08-24-2004, 05:58 PM
I wish my local shop would carry 'mags. Having said that, I wish my local shop carried used markers, because a combination of the two is about the only way I'm going to get an x-mag. :/

In any event, they stock the standard assortment of Model 98's, A5's, mech and electro spyders, and cockers. The owner keeps one upgraded tippmann product on the wall at all times and the rest are usually stock - he'll put a new barrel on a '98, along with a stock or drop, maybe a RT kit or flatline. Funny thing is the upgraded markers (besides being more expensive than the base marker + upgrades) almost always sell off the wall faster than any others. He's also got a intimidator and a viking sitting up there, but no other high end markers.

Anyways, he does carry some oddball stuff like the sportscomm radios, goggle flague and a splatmaster rapide, but nothing too whacky. I've convinced him to put a q-loader up on display just to spark some interest, he's already got one or two of every loader made for sale.

What *I* want to see:
Black or Red X-Mag
Fade anno'd and milled e-bladed cocker
Some Angel varient (I like the dark angels and angel fly's)
and as much as I hate to say it, a '03 shocker

08-24-2004, 07:37 PM
I wish my local shop would carry 'mags. Having said that, I wish my local shop carried used markers, because a combination of the two is about the only way I'm going to get an x-mag. :/

In any event, they stock the standard assortment of Model 98's, A5's, mech and electro spyders, and cockers. The owner keeps one upgraded tippmann product on the wall at all times and the rest are usually stock - he'll put a new barrel on a '98, along with a stock or drop, maybe a RT kit or flatline. Funny thing is the upgraded markers (besides being more expensive than the base marker + upgrades) almost always sell off the wall faster than any others. He's also got a intimidator and a viking sitting up there, but no other high end markers.

Anyways, he does carry some oddball stuff like the sportscomm radios, goggle flague and a splatmaster rapide, but nothing too whacky. I've convinced him to put a q-loader up on display just to spark some interest, he's already got one or two of every loader made for sale.

What *I* want to see:
Black or Red X-Mag
Fade anno'd and milled e-bladed cocker
Some Angel varient (I like the dark angels and angel fly's)
and as much as I hate to say it, a '03 shocker

we got it all ;) except the viking and the rapide and q loader... but we are expanding the store, so if business is better then what it is then im sure we could get the owner to pick up a qloader :)

08-24-2004, 08:10 PM
Stuff form Evil paintball well at least over here in PR for some strange reason PMI takes allot of time to send their stuff over here i think they ship it thru mules.

I was told the reason for PMI take so long to ship over here is that the ******* that take all the order from over here is the laziest mother :cuss: in the world and do everything at the last minute. :mad:

RT pRo AuToMaG
08-24-2004, 09:17 PM
More replacement parts. I blew my burst disk on my tank once and had to send it off to Crossfire to get a new one b/c the store didnt' have any and I had no clue what to do. Also more orings for different guns.

08-24-2004, 09:47 PM
how about some of the stuff from smaller companies? like vert frames from jakel (sp? who cares im tired) machine for cockers/imps/mags...aftermarket cocker body or two? Stuff like that.

Just a sugestion

08-24-2004, 10:18 PM
A way to compete with internet prices it to offer a warrenty for all the markers you buy. Just say if it breaks because of anything besides neglect (sp?) then we will fix it for life. Make sure to sell only quality markers and have at least one marerks wiz per each kind of marker you sell. Hope that made since :confused: Good luck with what ever you are planning.

08-24-2004, 10:24 PM
The problem is Buy in Prices for new shops. It just costs alot to get brand name stuff in a store. DYE i think is 2k alone. and you cant carry just DYE products.

I support my local shop 100% just spent $250 there today and ordered another 100 or so in stuff through the store

08-25-2004, 12:29 PM
I'd love to see more mag parts..

I've been to 2 of my local proshops, and all I've seen were LX's...

As a note to this..

Here in Edmonton (Canada) there are about 5 local shops.. I know 1 pro shop does carry SOME things but they are all used.. Another shop, which is a used sporting goods store does have a decent selection of stuff but nothing new and the prices are freaking CRAZY!...

The pro shop I go to, great owner, awesome guy, love his field all that sort of good stuff doesnt carry any AGD stuff at all.. On top of that, none of his staff even know how to work on it!!

At the last big game, of the 175 players, 1 other guy was playing with a mag, and another guy had one in his car as a back up.. other then that they are very hard to find up here..

So I would love to see a store carry more AGD stuff (including my local store LOL) but I would say it must depend on your local area.. If you have mag owners around, bring it in, if you dont, it can be a stock item that just sits taking up space and not making you any money..