View Full Version : lvl 10 valve

06-26-2004, 08:05 PM
Today while paintballing my gun from time to time didnt recock all the way. I finaly figued my bolt didnt retract all the way. i tried to solve it by putting in the longest spring didnt work. Is there any way to fix this. thx.

06-26-2004, 09:02 PM
Sounds like bolt-stick, try oiling the gun before doing anything... just put 4-5 drops of oil inside the ASA (where you screw in the tank) then take off your barrel, shoot the gun 50-100 times, then try and see if you still get the stick.

If you do, I'm pretty sure you remove a shim in the lvl10 kit... not positive though ;)

06-26-2004, 10:59 PM
k ill try it im getin my tank refiled tomorrow. thx. iill probaly call agd and ask them if the problem keeps up

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06-26-2004, 11:18 PM
try to switch to a larger carrier with the same o ring, shims only effect where the 1, 2 action of the lvl 10 enitiates, they delay the actuation (*bah spelling is horrible tonight) 1. slow where the lvl 10 starts and can be stopped, point 2. where it pushes forward and fires

im not sure about the shims but they shouldnt effect the bolt stick, oil up and try it out

06-27-2004, 07:13 AM
i just read my lvl 10 manuel and it says to add a shim. so ill try that. thx guys