View Full Version : warp dwell jumper position

E r y k
06-26-2004, 08:30 PM
hello again :D

well since my warp didnt come w/ any dwell jumpers... i was wondering which direction they were supposed to be?

horizontally like this?

__ __
__ __

or vertically like this?

| | | |

right now i have 3 vertical and the last one empty i know i have to play around with it, but i need to know which direction they are supposed to be in :D


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06-26-2004, 11:26 PM
I was twidling with my warp dwell today

- - -
- - - horizontal is on, this will have the longest dwell, for me its like 3/4ths-1 full turn after activation

| | |
| | | vertical position is off this configuration gives be about 1/4th of a turn (which is excactly where i need it) :rofl: :dance:

try different positions with some on some off, press/tap and let go the white button to see how much it turns

06-27-2004, 12:10 AM
Sounds like you got it... but here is the Warp manual just in case you need it: