View Full Version : The RT Experience

06-26-2004, 10:44 PM
I got my adjustable tank yesterday and played with the new toy a little at Pump Day this morning before we got down to business. Overnight my trusty nothing special RT has turned into a RAGING MONSTER! I think I love my gun more than anything else in the world right now. Thanks AGD! I didn't want to beat anyone up with it so I left reactivity off during the few semi games we played. They mostly had pumps and stuff and it wasn't going to be very fun for them.

I did empty a few hoppers on the field just for fun tho. I let Tim empty the first hopper since he said something about AGD RT systems being inferior on his website (eat them words, hehe). Before we got started for the day, I filled it up with air and paint, handed it to him and said, "go empty this hopper". It was all quiet while everyone was standing around BS'n and stuff while assembling equipment. Nobody is really noticing anything and it's just business as usual. It takes Tim a couple tries to find the sweet spot. All of a sudden total attention turns to that crazy machine flinging paint around like nobody's business! I only had a Reloader on it but it kept up fairly well at medium reactivity in 4-6 ball bursts (BTW, Reloader is faster than TSA). I'm too poor for a Halo-B so all I could do was chuff alot and think how cool it was that each one wasn't a chop. Well mostly anyway, I did chop a couple, but 1 or 2 out of the insane chuffing wasn't bad. I just gotta be careful until I can buy a Halo, or until someone donates one to me :)

I don't care what anyone says. Mag's just simply own all. When you feel the barrel pushing up and that trigger punching you back there is just no comparison. This ain't no little sissy toy to hang on the wall getting all that bling for free. It's a f'in paintball machine gun with "I'm pounding you to pulp" attitude all it's own and doesn't give a crap about frilly froo froo's and neon lights to show the girls that "AGG" is "da bomb". Thanks to Z-man for the inspirational web site! I might not have bought an RT without his great information.

I'm going to my first scenario game tommorow and I'll be dumping paint on those poor US forces with full intent to destroy. I can't wait to show them silly troops what a "paint blender" is.

This Madman is MAG FOR LIFE!


06-26-2004, 11:39 PM
One of the best times paintballing I have ever had was when I traded Mags with a friend for a game. He shot my E-mag and used his old school RT. That thing was light and sang like it was heaven sent.

We traded back and he eventually sold the RT because it was too rough on the expensive parts (sear and bolt).

Rock that RT!

06-27-2004, 12:31 AM
I love the original RT's. I've been trying to get one for ever, but they're getting harder and harder to find. Then when I do, they never want to trade for my cocker :( Guess I'll just have to
and sell the cocker then buy one.

06-27-2004, 12:46 AM
RT's do pwn.

I picked up my original RT as you see it minus the unimount.

I paid $230 for the gun shipped. :)

How it looked when I bought it.

I bought it stock and have since put the unimount and LV 10 in. Boomstick is on the way. It doesn't really need much to be a serious performer.

06-28-2004, 10:07 AM
what's Z-mans site? im gettin a RT Pro ULE, and i need sum more info on it

06-28-2004, 11:04 AM

The scenario game was a blast! Oh man, I'm so tired. All that hill climbing is not easy for this old man! I can't believe I shot a case and a half in one day :shooting:

I came down to a line behind some felled trees that someone was holding with a shiny new A4. He was shooting a respectable number of balls and I started shooting beside him (much faster) at the enemy movements around us. Keeping them pinned down is easy with the amount of paint this thing throws. He looks over at my gun and says, "what is that, full auto?" I replied, "Nope, RT Automag". The expression on his face told me that he bought the wrong gun.

I also met a guy that had a nice chrome Micro with a Classic Valve. We got to talking and he was trying to sell the Micro to get something else. I said that he should keep the Micro and upgrade to an X-Valve. He said that he was happy with it as it was and just wanted something faster. I pulled my hopper of my gun and handed it to him, "Here, try this out". The look on his face was priceless! I just sold another X-Valve for ya Tom.


50 cal
06-28-2004, 05:40 PM
Old School RT's are the cat's meow. I had one years ago and sold it to some kid that really wanted it. I finally found me another one for $200. It's as nice as my first one.
I'll never part with this one. Just need to round up a LvlX for it.

06-28-2004, 06:34 PM
Gal you are loveing the RT Zap. I have been doing some more testing on the speed race with the QLoader. The official video will be up hopefully next Monday but Ill let you see this little video preview I made. :) I did not think my SFL would do over 30bps but the Q is quite impressive.

Ill PM ya. sorry guys this one is a by invite only, it'll be up soon. Suffice to say that 30+ bps non stop no breaks is VER doable.