View Full Version : Somethin flew out need help

06-26-2004, 10:57 PM
ok i was takin my x valve out to oil it and i didnt notice my tank was still on and there was a little air still in and then when i took the x valve something flew out and then i found this little goldish thing and i new were that went and its like on the bottom and it is gold and square on top well i put that back in and is that all that goes there and have i broke my x valve

06-26-2004, 11:03 PM
If theres a pin still in it, then you're fine.

That's the On/Off valve, if the pin is still in there (most important piece) then you're all set.


06-26-2004, 11:24 PM
i think it is , is it the little dot in the middle and it was stickin out a little i just pushed it back in