View Full Version : College: The good, the bad, and the ugly.

10-14-2001, 06:03 PM
So, I'm bored, and I should be doing my Bio homework right now so I think I'll procrastinate for a bit.....

I was thinking today, college has to be the best and the worst. Speaking from the viewpoint of a freshman, it takes a little getting used to (if you're going away to college anyway), but the whole "freedom" aspect is pretty amazing. Coming from a family of overprotective parents (believe me, they are! Even though I guess it's a good thing), this whole being-on-your-own is a nice break. Staying up until whenever and all that (yeah, so now you can call me whenever donggie, and my roommates won't care :D ). With certain responsibilities of course.

Anyway, the part that sucks (I think) is not seeing all my old friends anymore. Just when I'm all settled in good 'ol high school, life has to uproot me and stick me in the middle of the Bronx (I go to Fordham) with a bunch of people who I don't know at all! Then you have to go through the whole making-friends business (which I don't mind at all), but I'd rather have stayed back where I was with all my friends in the first place. (I don't really even mind the work here, it's not too tough).

But that's my rant on college, what are some of your guys perspectives on the whole college experience? Good? Bad? Funny stories? Lets hear 'em :)

(On time, at band camp......hehe)

10-14-2001, 08:27 PM
I think college is great. it was not a big adjustment for me. i had very non-over protective parents, and i did post secondary last year (part time high school, part time college) so it wasnt any big deal when i started only college classes. plus kent state is 20 minutes from my house, and i am renting a house just off campus with 5 of my friends, so no big adjustment there either.

in fact im kind of worried about how easy it is. i have all as and one b and im working full time. last year i was doing almost nothing and had a 3.2 avg in my college classes (done tooting horn)...

i guess im just waiting for it to get hard. then this will suck.

freedom does have its negatives. like paying for food, rent, insurance, phone, cable, computer, car...

and you asked about funny stuff. cops are funny. our street is funny. 100 drunk minors at our neighbors is definatly funny. getting those 22 roadsigns seized by the cops was funny. friday night 5 not-21 girls were arrested nextdoor, one could barely walk with the help of the cop. we sat on the porch and watched. its great.

10-15-2001, 04:53 PM
geez, havn't u watched "Undeclared" on Fox? College is great :).

10-16-2001, 07:08 AM
College? Is that where I am? :)

I voted for just plain ugly... but in a good and interesting way.

I pulled a year living in the dorms at NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology) as a mechanical engineering major, joined a fraternity, and basically had a blast. Only problem was, I hated engineering. I skipped a lot of classes because I hated them, etc.

Left there after a year, took a semester off, applied to Rutgers Newark.

The accepted me into Rutgers New Brunswick. There was no way I was driving that long every day, so I told them no, and signed up for 3 classes at county college just to get some schooling done.

Applied to Rutgers Newark again over that summer, and also applied to Montclair State U. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for Rutgers to let me know what was up, and meanwhile Montclair accepted me. Rutgers still didn't send me confirmation of admission. Eventually I said screw it and registered at Montclair. Rutgers admission came like 2 weeks later.

So now I'm a 4th year college student with enough credits that I'm floating somewhere between sophomore and junior.

And in case you are wondering, I'm an english major. Engineering sucks :)

10-16-2001, 08:21 AM
I couldn't get the classes I needed for my major, they kept getting cancelled. So it was taking forever to get any credits. Then I had an argument with my algebra instructor and once that was over, I cancelled all the rest of my classes and said forget it. Now I drive a semi-truck and make more $$ than most of my friends with degrees. I'm happy, so I'm not too worried.:cool:

10-16-2001, 11:26 AM
Three words for ya:

"Chicks and Beer" :D

10-16-2001, 01:17 PM
I'm only a freshman, and I love it. All the partying!!!!

10-16-2001, 08:07 PM
I'm enjoying myself... so much that I'm gonna stay there for 6 years. :)

I don't miss high school a bit. It's a lot easier to find people with interests similar to yours...

10-16-2001, 08:38 PM
Loved college! Got my degree in Physical therapy when I was 20.