View Full Version : new forums?

10-14-2001, 06:25 PM
well i have been noticing all of the posts now about fellow AOers getting together and playing paintball. I think that we should have regional forums, like they do at pbnation, so we can have those type of things arranged there, as well as tournies and other things.

Load SM5
10-15-2001, 06:30 AM
Sounds like a pretty good idea. The way this forum moves, regional interest posts move too fast and are out of sight before some of the ones, who would find them intersting, see them.

10-15-2001, 02:39 PM
it would be nice to see but i don't think it would happen (i may be totally wrong). i remember when the origional 4 forums were here, the classifieds, tech, main, and news forums, everyone wanted a off topic forum but agd said that would be to much and it owuldn't happen, and then came fight club because of alot of interest, fight club was changed to deep blue, and only certain people could post there, because of that many people wanted a off topic forum everyone could post in, finally with tons of interest we got the off topic forum. It took alot of interest from the people to get them, so i dont know if it is practical but i can say it is a good idea, and i would support it all the way !


10-15-2001, 02:45 PM
well i have noticed a lot of people asking for stuff when fight club started up, but i think this is pretty practical. Its not like it is a new idea either, and you would only need 1 more forum, not divided like the old PBC one was, into regions. The posts on the main forum just move way too fast to read them all, and i think it is a major part of paintball to meet new people and make friends, so i think it would be a good idea and productive idea to have it be more recognized.

Webby and ideas on this or input??