View Full Version : The Future of the Sport?

10-14-2001, 07:01 PM
Hi All,

I have to get something of of my mind that really bothers me, and I hope that I don't sound like that I am flaming all tounrney player because I know that you are not all like this!

This Past Sat. I was at a local tourney that is part of a series and I saw some stuff that really brought back some old bad memories. Anyway As I was watching I saw a Whole lot of cheating, I expect it from some of the older groups (IN the amatuer and semi pro groups)but it was the novice groups that I saw cheating that really bother me. The one that really got me was when I was watching a group of NINE YEAR OLD that really bothered me.

What happened was there was about three or four minutes left in the game and I was watching one of the young guys play a group older guys (about 18 or 19) anyway the nine year old where down by two players when the one who was 35 to 40 feet in front of me was hit in the left outer elbow!

I saw the ball break as clear as day, he stopped shooting long enought to look at the hit, he then looked around and he wiped the mark on his inner left leg! How one of the refs didn't see this I don't Know, expecialy the one who was 25 to 30 feet from the player! All of this happened fairly quickly, that I thought that I missed it but two other people also saw what happened. Anyway the young guys did win that game and the other group argueed about the hit but the ref didn't see it, so he checked for paint on the kid who was hit and didnt see any paint on him.

The older guys asked if any of us saw it after the game and the three of us said that we saw it as clear as day.

Is this the furture of our great sport? I hope not because if it is as a former tourney player and now seroiur rec player if this is ther furtuer then I want out if it is!!!!

Thanks for your time.

10-14-2001, 07:08 PM
yea i hate it when people wipe.If someone on my team ever wipes in a game i shoot them myself to teach them a lesson(im so evil...)