View Full Version : So... what paint will work with a Halo/ReloaderB?

06-27-2004, 11:40 PM
Well, last time I went to play I spent way too much for paint (for rec play)... I've never had a problem with PMI Premium, but it's an ungodly amount to spend on a case of paint. So, my question is, what paint will work with a Halo/ReloaderB ? I tried Nelson Hotspot and the paint was crushed by the Halo... I couldn't rip off a hopper without at *least* 3 balls being crushed.

So, any ideas on what paint is Halo/ReloaderB compatible? Since I'm using a ReloaderB, shell color shouldn't be a problem. Probably the most important factor is price. As long as the ball flies relatively straight, leaves the barrel in one piece and hopefully breaks on impact, that's good enough. I'm shooting a Cyborg (open bolt) and my fiance is shooting an Angel (also open bolt), she has a Freak and I have a Scepter, so paint/barrel matching shouldn't be too much of an issue.

06-27-2004, 11:51 PM
well for extreme cheapness I recommend Zap Spank. I shoot it exclusively for practices, along with most of my teammates, and we have yet to have problems with any marker/loader. With the new green shell it works in Halos too. It will bounce occasionally due to a rubbery shell, but if you'reshooting fast enough to be using a halo, that probably isn't too big an issue. The fill is white and like elmer's glue too... No wiping going to happen once people get hit with it.

06-28-2004, 12:10 AM
Hmm... sounds like a possibility. I can get 4 cases for $132, that's $33 a case... much better than the $50 I payed for Premium.

06-28-2004, 01:02 AM
beware though, I have gotten green cases and BLACK cases, and from what i hear black + halo = no good.

06-28-2004, 01:23 AM
well, my fiance is using my ReloaderB and I'm supposed to be getting a UV ReloaderB soon... so color shouldn't be a problem.

06-28-2004, 02:32 AM
id hate to say it but gap hasnt given me any problems but im still going to start ordering rp paint cuz the gap does bounce quite often i might add...oh big ball from rp is pretty good if you dont mind a large seem they have quite a thick shell but they broke more often then the gap that my field is using now so yeah..

06-28-2004, 03:01 AM
woops i missed the reloader part :)

06-28-2004, 10:52 AM
ive been shooting draxxus rec sport, and ive had no problems at all. Its usually around 38-45 a case, and its pretty damn good for the price. A little more expensive is midnight or nightmare also by draxxus. All good paint.

06-28-2004, 11:57 AM
I tried Nelson Hotspot and the paint was crushed by the Halo... I couldn't rip off a hopper without at *least* 3 balls being crushed.

That's interesting. I have literly never had this sort of problem with two different Halos and all sorts of paint from top end to REALLY crappy.

Have you found any other types of paint that get broken by the Halo?

06-28-2004, 12:52 PM
actually, no I haven't found any other paint that won't work. I even tried the reloader on level 1 and it still crushed it. Not as much, but still pretty often.

06-28-2004, 12:58 PM
Do you think it could have been a bad batch of paint?

06-28-2004, 02:07 PM
Clean your halo's eyes. Or adjust the spring tension (I'm not sure how to do that)

I don't think my halo has ever squished any paint. Although it couldn't see that translucent yellow recsport crap, and I had to use my revvy that day.

Edit: whoops, my post refers to a normal Halo B that has eyes, not a reloader.

06-28-2004, 03:00 PM
well, the thing about thwe big seam on big ball, is actually better, the ball is more likely to break if it hits seam first. also, the rounder the paint is, the harder it is to break it:)

06-28-2004, 03:09 PM
Ever since I switched back to running a Z Halo from an Egg II (I stopped using TE Halo's because I killed 4 of 'em and went to an Egg) I haven't had any blenderizing problems what so ever...

Even after putting the Victory board in my Halo I could still shoot nastfied white box that doesnt even have a brand name w/o having it crush a ball, even with it setup on 35bps (which I don't use anymore because there's no practical use, just a waste of battery :)).

I've probably shot a total of a case of no name white box through the Halo, the rest of the time is ALWAYS Evil, I don't shoot anything but that stuff when I'm out playing, white box is for vid making :)

06-28-2004, 05:16 PM
Do you think it could have been a bad batch of paint?

Don't think so... pretty sure my friend had problems with it in his Halo as well.